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I. Read and translate the text using the vocabulary

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  1. A clutch centre holding tool can easily be made using two strips of steel bent over at the ends and bolted together in the middle
  2. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  3. A. Read and translate the text.
  4. A. Rewrite the sentences without using the underlined words. Keep the meaning the same.
  5. A. Vocabulary
  6. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  7. Act as Sally. Answer the questions using the conversational formulas trained.

Almost every day we learn about new computing devices (such as mobile telephones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), MP3 audio players) that are designed to be carried around by the user. Scientists at the Massachusetts institute of Technology are currently investigating the potential uses of computer processors that are the size of a grain of sand. Already garment manufacturers are seeing the need to accommodate this new technology in their products. Pockets designed to carry mobile 'phones are being designed into jackets and trousers - Levis/Philips have even included a control system for mobile 'phones and MP3 players in their latest range of outdoor clothing. We are used to our computers knowing who we are. In the future our computers will also know where we are, what we are doing and how we are feeling.

Biosensors, such as heart rate and skin conductivity monitors, are able to measure 'how' well we are.

We expect that computing devices and sensors will become integrated into the clothes associated with particular activities: running shorts monitoring and recording heart rate and location; a business suit with a phone interface in the lapel and PDA display on the sleeve; an anorak with location sensing and electronic compass.

Garments will need to support these devices in many different ways. We nave already seen the introduction of pockets for computerised technology, and experiments have been carried out with electrically conductive fibres, such as silk organza, and with fabrics incorporating metals for hygienic purposes as well as for interconnectivity. There are three other aspects which researchers are investigating which could transform the ways in which we use our clothing. These take advantage of the proximity of our clothes to our hands (to provide control input surfaces); the shape and movement of our clothes (to monitor our actions); the visibility of clothes (to provide display surfaces).

The conventional computer keyboard is obviously unsuitable for day-to-day wear. Using speech to control our wearable computer is an ideal solution. The solution to our immediate needs and for future discrete control could lie in touches sensitive fabrics. Fibres that can detect pressure and orientation could provide data to help derive facts about the user's activity. In practice the user would have to train the clothing to recognise various activities and thereafter the computer would be able to judge the appropriateness of alerting the user to potential valuable information. ElekTex™ is a smart fabric that provides pressure readings according to force and area.

Electro Textiles is a switching and sensing company that combines expertise in electronics, software, fabric structures and production engineering.

DuPont and Cambridge Display Technology are actively researching water-thin flexible displays made of light-emitting conductive polymers that could replace newsprint. The ability fabrics to act as displays not only have uses for the wearer, but also for others. Continued development of computer technology is leading to the feasibility of intelligent devices that can be embedded into garments. Research into the application of these devices has revealed a number of potential uses that will be of appeal to consumers.


Vocabulary –

garment manufacturers – виробники одягу

to accommodate – пристосовувати

pocket – карман

jacket –жакет, піджак

trousers – штани, брюки

control system – система управління

outdoor clothing – верхній одяг

heart rate – ритм серця

to monitor – відслідковувати

associated – пов'язаний

particular – відповідний

suit – костюм

lapel – лацкан

sleeve – рукав

anorak – куртка

compass – компас

garment – одяг

support – підтримка, опора

to conduct – проводити

fibre – волокно

silk – шовк

fabric – тканина

to incorporate – включати

hygienic – гігієнічний

interconnectivity - взаємозв'язок

researcher – дослідник

to investigate – досліджувати

advantage – перевага

proximity – близькість

surface – поверхня

shape – форма

clothes – одяг

visibility – видимість

conventional – звичайний, традиційний

to wear –носити

speech –мова

wearable – той що носиться

solution –рішення

immediate needs –нагальні потреби

discrete – дискретний

touches sensitive – чутливий на дотик

to detect – визначати

pressure – тиск

derive – отримувати, вилучати

to recognise – розпізнавати

thereafter – після того

to judge – оцінювати

appropriateness – відповідність

alerting – попередження

valuable – цінний

smart – розумний

reading – показники

according to –відповідно

force – сила

flexible display – гнучкий дисплей

light-emitting – світло випромінюючий

conductive polymers – полімери провідники

replace – замінювати

newsprint – газетний принт

ability – здатність

feasibility – здійсненність

intelligent - розумний

embedded – вмонтований

to reveal – виявляти

appeal – звернення (призив)


II Answer the following questions:


1) What do people learn about new computing devices?

2) What are the scientists investigating?

3) What need are the garment manufactures seeing now?

4) What will computers allow us to know?

5) What are biosensors able to do?

6) What are computing devices integrated into clothes expected to do?

7) What can you say about touches sensitive fabrics?

8) What can you say about Electro Textiles Company?

9) What are Du Don’t and Cambridge Display Technology actively researching?

10) What is continued development of computer technology leading to?


III Match the words:


potential user – верхній одяг

computer processor – телефонний інтерфейс

garment manufacturers – вмонтований у одяг

outdoor clothing – комп'ютеризована технологія

integrated into clothes - потенційні користувачі

phone interface – комп'ютерний процесор

computerised technology – виробники одягу

researcher – перевага

advantage – дослідник


IV Translate into Ukrainian:


investigate, manufacturer, accommodate, designed, clothing, recording, device, electrically conductive fibers, interconnectivity, visibility, wearable computer, solution, data, valuable information, software, production engineering.



V Translate into English:

користувач, пристосувати, потреба, визначити, очікувати, показники, діловий костюм, куртка, штани,. Кармани, тканини, волокна, тиск, чутливий, дослідження, розпізнавати, відповідність, розумна тканина, виявляти, вмонтований.


VI Translate the sentences into English:


1) Науковці досліджують потенційне використання комп'ютерних процесорів розміром з пісчинку.

2) Виробники одягу вбачають можливість застосування нових технологій для своєї продукції.

3) Піджаки та брюки моделюють з карманами для мобільних телефонів.

4) В майбутньому наші комп'ютери будуть знати наше місце знаходження, що ми робимо, та як себе почуваємо.

5) Очікується, що комп'ютерні пристрої будуть вмонтовані в одяг, призначений для певного роду діяльності.

6) Дослідники здійснили експерименти з волокнами, що проводять електричний струм.

7) Звичайний комп'ютер не є придатним до того щоб бути застосованим у повсякденному одязі.

8) У майбутньому розробки комп'ютерних технологій приведуть до застосування розумних пристроїв, вмонтованих в одяг.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 161 | Нарушение авторских прав

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