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Employment Trends

Читайте также:
  1. Amount of unemployment insurance benefit
  2. Budget of unemployment insurance fund
  3. Calling an Employment Agency
  4. Capital, good, labour, employment, business.
  5. Definition of employment and labour.
  6. Describing trends
  7. Employment - Jobs


Part I. Job Hunting

Essential Vocabulary

employer employee employment full employment unemployment benefit the unemployed наниматель, работодатель рабочий, служащий работа по найму, занятость, служба   пособие по безработице безработные
to interview for a job interviewer interviewee проводить собеседование проводящий собеседование проходящий собеседование
recruiting company recruitment officer агентство по найму    
to train for sth to train as a secretary/ to be a secretary trainee in-house training external training готовить кого-либо к чему-л учиться на секретаря стажёр, практикант обучение по месту работы
managing director HR manager managerial post/ position исполнительный директор заведующий отделом кадров руководящая должность
to promote sb to some position to promote goods a job with good promotion prospects повысить кого-л до какой-л должности рекламировать товары  
skill at / in sth skilled labour skilled work   квалифицированная рабочая сила квалифицированный труд
PA (= personal assistant) личный помощник
high profile перспективный (о работе), находящийся в центре внимания
to take minutes вести протокол
equal opportunities employer fair employment practices компания, предоставляющая всем равные возможности при найме на работу
position vacancy/ opening position должность вакансия
written application application form application for the position application to sb письменное заявление анкета при приёме на работу заявление о зачислении на должность заявление на чьё-л имя
references letter of Recommendation Testimonial рекомендации рекомендательное письмо
experimental period/ term of probation   испытательный срок
compensation charge salary wages fee fringe benefits bonus оплата проделанной работы оплата услуг зарплата служащих зарплата рабочих гонорар творческих работников льготы премия
red tape канцелярская работа
labour contract трудовой контракт
letter of inquiry covering letter письмо-запрос сопроводительное письмо
resume CV резюме жизнеописание

Ex. 1. Fill in the prepositions if necessary.

1. Manual worker who is skilled ___a recognized craft acquires this skill through education and training.

2. O'Henry is skilful ___ writing stories with surprise endings.

3. Nations which have confidence ____ their currency have confidence ___ themselves.

4. Adam and Sarah decided to come __ an interview. Others were sure that they lack good academic qualifications.

5. The whole village has been seeking ___ the missing boy.

6. He had an inclination to take Lady Arabella ____ his confidence ____ the matter, but he thought better of it and wisely refrained.

7. Both of the men had been trained___ this moment, their lives had been a preparation for it.

8. In November the king confided ___ Baldwin that he intended to marry Mrs. Simpson even if it meant his abdication.

9. Robin Smythe, aged 22, is a player with the London Broncos Rugby Foot­ball Club. As a successful professional player in a contact sport, he has been promoted ____ the rank of captain.

10. Statistically it is quite unlikely that 12 prejudiced peo­ple would be selected ____ different social layers. It is more of a danger that ____ complicated cases some of the jurors will not be intelligent enough to follow the arguments.

11. British universities are not open to everyone. To get a place, you normally apply ___ vacant position in your last year at school, before you have taken your A levels.

12. He decided ____ going home immediately after the conversation.

13. The information ___ the United States market can be easily obtained using the Internet. '

14 The themes of Romanticism are still relevant, thus giving, an idea ____ powerful warnings against tyranny and destruction of the environment,

15. Kate Beese has been working ___ the BBC since 1974. She was employed with a view to promoting ___ a managerial role.

Ex. 2. Translate into Russian.

1. A trade union represents its members in determining wages and working conditions through the process of collective bargaining with the em­ployer.

2. In the USA in 1933 about 20 percent of the labour force was unem­ployed.

3. For the whole day she'd been thinking about the interview, but only two people came.

4. The Peace Corps has its headquarters in Washington, D.C.; there are 16 re­gional recruiting offices.

5. The goal of the Peace Corps is to promote world peace and friendship by training American volunteers to perform social and humanitarian service overseas.

6. Doubleday was placed in command of the defences of Washington, D.C., in 1862, earning promotion to major general in the same year.

7. The manager of a chain store, unlike the independent retailer, does not make policy decisions. 8. Women are most likely to hold managerial positions in fields where lower-level employees have traditionally been women; for example, in 1995 women held about 80 percent of supervisory positions in medicine and health.

9. To maintain wartime levels of production the government sought to build up the basic industries, but the depression of 1929 cut deeply into the health of the Australian economy.

10. The British were confident that in a conventional battle they could defeat the American militia.

11. Espionage involves the recruitment of agents in foreign nations; as well as the use of a full range of modern photographic, sensing, and detection devices, and other techniques of eliciting secret information.

12. The lady is a true enthusiast, skilful and daring.

13. Mr. Kentish was promoted to the position of managing director.

14. Young Somerset always been told that he would be trained for the diplomatic service.

15. Pharmaceutical companies, such as SmithKline Beecham, employ only skilled workers from factories in Scotland and Sussex.

Ex. 3. Read the job advertisement. Some lines are missing a word which is given in the margin. Insert each word in its right place by using a tick in pencil. The first line is done for you.

PA to the Director of Business Management

employees With 30,000 V 73 million members and sales in excess of $ 4.5 billion, we are one of the

world's fastest-growing

ranked organizations the top 100 USA companies in terms of

seek market value. We now an ambitious, well-organised

PA professional for a key internal role.

secretarial You will provide a full range of administrative, general

director day-to-day support to a busy, This will involve dealing

management with correspondence, diary, travel arrangements. You

minutes will also be involved in arranging, taking for and contributing to internal meetings.

experienced A computer-literate PA, with good typing and

skills commu­nication! must be flexible and enjoy working under pressure.

benefits We offer a competitive salary and package as well as a

career superb opportunity to develop your personally and

salary pro­fessionally. Please send your CV and expectations to.

Ex 4. Fill in the missing words: pension, challenging, promotion, to appoint, head, salary, experience, appointee, skills, communication, excep­tional, company, competent.

Fashion Industry International

As one of the United Kingdom's largest producers of ladies'fashions, this 45m turnover ____ is seeking ___ a person of ___ calibre as _____ of Purchasing (Europe).

The principal function of the __ will be to take overall responsibility for the purchase of all types of ladies' fashion| | goods from European manufacturers.

This ___ position is for a candidate of good educational standard and ___in English and at least two European languages.

Successful ___ in trading in the fashion market is required. Only candidates with proven negotiating __, self motivation and excellent personal and ____ skills heed to apply.

The___ package includes a generous travel and expense allowance, ___ Scheme, free sickness insurance and ____ opportunities.

Ex. 5. Ski m the passages from job ads to find out which of them refer to

A job ad includes the following important information:

1. qualifications required

2. responsibilities

3. benefits

PA to the Head of Personnel

I. Salary £16,260-19,155

II. Working for the head of Personnel you will provide a vital supporting role, prioritising and planning office systems to help ensure effective management of the department.

III. You should have experience in servicing meetings and possess excellent audio processing skills at a speed of 60 wpm. It is necessary that you have a creative and accurate approach to document layout and that spelling and grammar are your strong points.

Galileo International

I. First and foremost you will be an exceptional organiser, dis­playing the necessary tact and diplomacy to deal with people of |all cultures at all levels. With specific responsibility for tackling the regional budgets, you'll arrange regional meetings in the UK and Europe for the VP and his direct reports as necessary.

II. You'll have to possess good secretarial and presentation skills including a working knowledge of Microsoft Office and; Excel. Naturally you'll demonstrate excellent accuracy and atten­tion to detail. Languages would be desirable.

III. Working at the Head Office for the Region you will have frequent telephone contact with the company personnel through­out the world and the role may involve some travel in Europe.

IV. In return, you can look forward to an attractive salary and benefits package which includes contributory pension scheme, private health insurance, sports and social facilities, subsidized restaurant and free parking.

Ex. 6. Scan the ads above and below to answer the questions: (more ads given in Appendix I, 5).

What jobs are being advertised? What are the most important aspects of the jobs? What kind of applicant is the employer looking for? What are the benefits offered?

Bilingual Secretary

A well-established American company requires a bilingual sec­retary for their new office in Milan. He / she must be bilingual in Italian and English; one or more other European languages would be welcome. Competitive salary and good benefits package, with a challenge to grow within this expanding international group, are of­fered to 19-24 year olds with excellent secretarial skills, the ability to communicate, an outgoing personality and high ethical standards The Company is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

Our agent is The European Communications Group, Ave. de Mont Noir, 6942 Basel, Switzerland. Applications with photograph addressed to the International Marketing Consultant, are welcom e

Vice President

Administrative Assistant Part-time Post

The Times Higher Education Supplement has a vacancy for a] part-time assistant to work with the deputy editor on THESIS (the THES's Internet site), syndication1 and on the paper's research sec­tion. Familiarity with the Internet, Word for Windows and an ability (to deal with E-mail is essential. Graduate (any discipline) preferred.

The job is expected to be 3 days a week but we would be par­ticularly interested in applicants willing to do more to cover busy periods and staff holidays on an ad hoc basis.

Ex. 7. Translate and comment on the following:

1)- Три года я учусь в университете, на факультете иностранных языков. Свободно говорю на двух. И вот уже год не могу найти ра­боту. Обращалась во многие фирмы, мне устраивали собеседования и... брали других. А все потому, что я очень некрасивая. Мне не раз намекали, что я не подхожу по внешним параметрам. Неужели на работу берут только за красивые глаза? /Татьяна Семина, Москва/

2)- Российский бизнес уже достаточно развит, сейчас за красивые глаза никого держать не будут. И если именно по этой причине вам отказывали в приеме на работу, не стоит огорчаться - вряд ли в этой фирме вы бы смогли достойно проявить свои профессиональ­ные качества и сделать карьеру. Так что продолжайте искать. Во­обще, эффектная внешность вовсе не залог успеха. Вспомните ге­роиню Татьяны Васильевой в известном фильме: «Я женщина с шармом, и никто не знает, что этот шарм я сама себе создала». Так что создавайте себе шарм. Будьте увереннее в себе. Разговаривая с потенциальным работодателем, дайте понять, что вы – человек, полезный для фирмы, заранее поинтересуйтесь, что могло бы входить в ваши обязанности, выскажите свои видения работы на этом месте. Поверьте, толковый специалист работу найдёт всегда. /М. Кожокин, Известия, 27 января 2001 г./

Do you share the opinion of Mr Kozhokin?


Part I. Job Hunting

Sample Application Form


NAME Ivan Ivanov

ADDRESS 12-4 Zelyonaya St.PHONE NO. (495) 513-26-11 (home)




Name of School Year graduated Course Taken or Degree

Bryansk University 2000 M. Sc. in Economics


Russian Excellent Good Fair

English Excellent Good Fair

EXPERIENCE (Give present or last position first)

COMPANY AlphaADDRESS 17 Krasnaya St.


Information Technologies From July 2000 To October 2008


Manager Alexander bach


Negotiations, purchase of equipment


The company has mover to St. Petersburg



From To





Name A. Bach Address 3 Tolstoy St. Phone No. 221-18-34 (home)


Covering Letter

Instructions to job applicants often go like this: “the completed from, together with a covering letter in the applicant’s own handwriting, should be returned to – (name of employer) by – (last date for accepting application).”

The covering letter is sometimes referred to as “a letter in support of your application” – and that is what you mist try to write. It gives you an opportu­nity to strengthen your chances, but only if you

REMEMBER these rules:

1. Don't simply repeat information already given on the application form. A candidate for a job who does that is wasting his own and the employer's time.

2. Don't ramble. The covering letter must be carefully planned - a tight piece of writing - everything to the point.

3. Do highlight the strongest point (s) in your favour. Draw attention to per­sonal qualifications and / or experience that specially fit you for this job, and say (briefly, clearly and firmly) why you believe that you are right for the job.

This covering letter shows you how it should be done. (Addresses have been left out here to save space.)

Junior receptionist: Foxbridge Health Centre

Dear Madam,

I am enclosing my application form for this post. I believe that my answers to the questions show that I am a suitable applicant.

My experience as a part-time volunteer at the St. John's Ambulance Bri­gade Headquarters in Foxbridge (see section 4 of the form) is my strongest qualification.

The training I had as a switchboard operator would be useful to me in a busy health center. I have also worked in the records office. Most important is the fact that I had experience (under supervision) as a receptionist, helping the members of the public who called at the headquarters office enquiries.

My St. John's Superintendent (the first of the referees named on the form) was pleased with my work.

I enjoyed the experience and it has made me keen to find full-time em­ployment in similar work. I am sure that, with the training you give, I could soon become a useful member of your staff. Yours faithfully, Ann Smith 4.

3. Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae = CV = resume (USA) = brief personal history

CVs are required for all except the most junior jobs, and are used as a basis for assessment and comparison of applicants for a job.

CVs provide information about an applicant, set out in a way that is easy to read. They should include:

• name, address and telephone number

• date and place of birth

• nationality

• married or single (give the ages of any children)

• dates and places of education

• examinations passed, especially if internationally recognised

• knowledge of English and of other languages

• previous employment and work experience

• outside interests, hobbies, etc.

• CVs should be typed on plain white paper

• CVs can vary slightly in the layout, but all give the same basic information

Richard Henry Mortimer

52 Heath Road, Belldale CR529TZ Tel: (5367) 529413

Date of birth 15.7.1945

Nationality British

Marital Status Married. 3 daughters aged 18, 15 and 13

Education Carfitt County School

1956-1963 9 O-levels 3 A-levels

Redbrick University

1964-1967 B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics

1967-1969 Research at Redbrick

Work experience 1969-1985 Pocton Electronics Had overall responsibility for training recruits and placing them in appropriate de­partments.

1985-1986 Seconded to German office (Stuttgart)

1986-1988 Chelton Research Studio Devised new tech­niques and carried out detailed research for projects still in the experimental stage. I was subject to the Official Se­crets Act for this work.

Job Advertisements

Southern Leisure Hotels GROUP MANAGER

required for six luxury hotels offering 4-5 star accommodation to visitors from home and abroad. At least five years' managerial experience in the hotel industry required, plus fluency in English, French and one other European language.

Excellent salary, pension scheme, holidays, company car and other benefits.

Write with full CV to Mr George Davits. Director, Southern Leisure Hotels Ltd, 24 Lakeland Road, Bedhampton, Mendleshire KR5 9UJ.


Accountant requires assistant, preferably with previous experience. He / she must have an aptitude for figures. As the firm has many clients with businesses in Europe, fluency in English, French and German is essential.

Generous salary and benefits are offered.

Write enclosing a CV to:

Mr John Anderson, Milne, Nation and Partners, Lynn House,

King's Road, Poynton В V6 8MN.



Assistant Manager

A privately owned group of hotels with extensive leisure fa­cilities catering for overseas visitors is looking for an enthusiastic person to assist in the expansion of the hotel.

The successful applicant, will have experience of all aspects of hotel work and at least one year's experience as an Assistant Manager.

Applicants need a good knowledge of English and possibly two other languages.

Generous salary, bonus, good holidays and excellent prospects for promotion within the group.

Apply in confidence with full curriculum vitae and a recent photograph to:

Mr G. Bateman, Castle Hotel, Green Street; Barton BR7 8QT


A) UK criticised by the UN for lagging behind on workers rights

The UN has called on governments around the world to provide better pro­tection for workers as job insecurity1 rises as a consequence of globalisation.

In its latest World Labour Report, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) says that a very large majority of the world's workers have no insurance a situation when one is afraid to lose one's job at any time against unemployment, ill health or old age. This problem is naturally at its worst in the developing world, however the ILO says it is also becoming tougher for workers in Europe and North America to claim social benefits.

The UK is highlighted as offering less protection than almost any other Western European countries for those out of work and seeking to claim bene­fits. Fewer people out of work in Britain receive unemployment benefits and those who do receive them get a lesser amount than elsewhere in Europe. The report's author says that this has led to a hire and fire culture in the UK.

While the unemployed in Spain get 77% of the country's average earnings, the jobless in Britain receive only around 30% of the average wage, which is available for twelve months. This position looks very poor compared to our Scandinavian counterparts such as Sweden and Denmark. There the out of work receive benefits worth more than 60% of the average wage that can be claimed for up to five years.

There are some mitigating circumstances in the UK, however. We do bene­fit from a wider level of social assistance benefits which support people with­out jobs, but the author of the ILO report, Mr Seattle, says that this actually contributes to the poverty trap, where people are better off staying on benefits than getting a low-paid job. This may be a significant factor in explaining why there are more jobless households in Britain than in any other EU country, as it does not pay for them to go out and get a job.

Tackling this issue was made a key priority by the UK Government at the start of their term of office. They have since introduced a series of reforms de­signed to make getting a job a better option by introducing tax benefits for low-paid workers.



По данным Госкомстата за последний год безработица в стране вы­росла, но в то же время зарегистрированных безработных стало меньше. Из почти 9 мл. россиян (12,4% экономически активного населения), ищущих любую работу, лишь около 2 млн захотели встать на учет в службе занятости. По мнению Федерации независимых профсоюзов Рос­сии, безработными на самом деле нужно считать не 9 млн, а 23,5 млн че­ловек. Профсоюзы в своих подсчетах считают безработными и, в частно­сти, те 5 млн. россиян, которым не платят зарплату более 4 месяцев.

Для официально зарегистрированных безработных существует про­грамма материальной поддержки в виде пособий по безработице, матери­альной помощи, дотаций (субсидий), компенсаций, досрочных пенсий и стипендий при профессиональном обучении.

Размер минимального пособия по безработице (для никогда не рабо­тавших) составляет 85 рублей, тогда как среднее значение приближается к 700 рублям. Максимальное пособие превышает 2000 рублей. Размер максимального пособия зависит от средней по региону заработной платы (в Москве пособие сейчас составляет 2500 рублей).

Предполагается изменить оплату, ограничив максимальное пособие размером прожиточного минимума (subsistence level), а нижний предел его 20% размером.

Это, с одной стороны позволит повысить минимальное пособие, а с другой - стимулировать тех, кто получает максимальное пособие, к более активному поиску работы.

Порядок выплат пособия таков: первые три месяца 75% от прежней зарплаты, следующие четыре месяца 60%, а до конца года - 45%.

Особое место в комплексе мер по борьбе с безработицей занимает соз­дание новых рабочих мест и профессиональное обучение безработных, в первую очередь, молодежи. Так, в Москве создана программа «Молодеж­ная практика», рассчитанная на желающих овладеть новой профессией прямо на рабочем месте, либо получивших образование, но не имеющих опыта работы. За каждого участника программы - неопытного специали­ста - городские власти доплачивают работодателю. Ежемесячные дота­ции составляют пять минимальных зарплат на каждого работника.

Однако самая настойчивая рекомендация Комитета труда и занятости - держаться за свою работу и постоянно повышать свою квалификацию.

СИДОРОВ ИВАН Москва, ул. Зеленая д. 12 Телефон: 999-9232 e-mail: isidorov@mailo.ru
ЦЕЛЬ получение работы менеджера по продажам
ОПЫТ РАБОТЫ ООО "Последняя компания"
октябрь 2002 - наст.вр. Менеджер по продажам
  • общение с имеющимися клиентами
  • поиск новых клиентов
  • сопровождение продаж
март 2001 - сентябрь 2002 Помощник менеджера по продажам
  • общение с клиентами по телефону
  • подготовка документов
  • встреча клиентов в офисе
октябрь 2000 - март 2001 Курьер
  • доставка документов клиентам компании
  • выполнение мелких поручений
ЗАО "Предпоследняя компания"
июль 1999 - октябрь 2000 Секретарь на телефоне
  • общение по телефону с клиентами компании
  • поиск новых клиентов
  • прием факсов и т.п.
сентябрь 1994 - июнь 1999 Московский Государственный Университет им. Ломоносова
  • факультет "почвоведения"
  • красный диплом
  • Windows, MS Office, Internet - опытный пользователь
  • большой опыт продаж, сопровождения сделок, подготовки документов
  • знание программ 1С, "Галактика", "Парус"
  • сертификат MSCE (выдан 02.02.2001)
  • ряд статей в журнале "Деньги"
  • участие в подготовке сборника
  • английский, свободно
  • победитель конкурса "Лучший менеджер по продажам 2002"
  • Не курю, женат, имеются водительские права, возможны командировки. Хобби - спорт, чтение

Афанасьева Ирина Петровна



Домашний телефон:

Сотовый телефон:



Соискание должности бухгалтера в компании



· Высшее профессиональное образование в области бухгалтерского учета

· Большой опыт работы бухгалтером по разным направлениям деятельности организации: производство, розничная торговля, оптовая торговля, сфера услуг

· Высокие аналитические способности

· Опытный пользователь бухгалтерских программ 1С Предприятие, 1С Кадры, 1С Производство, в том числе программ MS Office (Word, Excel).



Бухгалтер, с 2007 года по настоящее время

Название организации, город

Основные обязанности:

Учет дебиторской задолженности; расчет заработной платы; ведение расчетов с поставщиками; анализ затрат предприятия; подготовка ежегодных отчетов, для сдачи в налоговую инспекцию.


Бухгалтер-стажер, 2005-2007

Название организации, город

Основные обязанности:

Работа с кредиторской задолженностью; ведение бухгалтерского учета на отдельном участке производства; анализ квартальных продаж и составление бухгалтерских отчетов.



Бухгалтерский учет, 2005

Московская университет бизнеса и права

Достижения: окончание обучения с отличием.

Employment Trends

Exercise 1: Listen and decide which work pattern each person is talking about. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? There are two items that you don’t need

a) seasonal work; b) teleworking; c) casual labour; d) migrant worker; e) self-employment; f) shift work; g) fixed-term/ temporary contract h) part-time work

Exercise 2: You are going to listen to Sean McGuinness, Business Studies Lecturer at Hammersmith and West London College, talking about the future of work. Are the following statements true or false?

1. There are fewer permanent contracts in the UK than there were a decade ago.

2. The trend is away from self-employment and temporary jobs in the UK.

3. People are now staying in their jobs longer.

4. There is increasing flexibility in employment contracts.

Exercise 3: Listen to the next part of the interview with Sean McGuimmess. Put the topics in the order he mentions them.

a) occupations that are experiencing growth.

b) development of job enlargement

c) proportion of people using the Internet and e-mail at work

d) recommendations for government employment policy

e) description of the ‘hour-glass’ economy.

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with these words and phrases from the interview

bargaining power employment tenure job stability middle-management minimum-wage mobile workforce service sector skilled manual

1. Jobs in the ………………………., such as catering and cleaning, are traditionally very low paid.

2. The average length ………… has, surprisingly, increased in the last decade in the UK.

3. Some experts predict that the expansion of the European Union will produce a more …………., with people moving around more for work.

4. With the economic downturn and new flexible contracts, there is less ……. than there was a generation ago.

5. Will the phenomenon of job enlargement produce a reduction in …………………….. positions?

6. Employees with fewer skills have always had less ………………………… when it comes to negotiating pay and conditions.

7. Fewer ………………………… workers, like plumbers and electricians, are being trained these days.

8. The government has recently introduced new …………………. legislation in an attempt tp protect salaries.

Exercise 5: Match speakers A-F with statements 1-7.

1. Clear instructions at work are very important.

2. Personal discussions in th office can distract from work.

3. It is important to think about gender differences in office work.

4. Employees’ health must be the top priority for office managers.

5. Positive atmosphere is importat at work.

6. Effective communication is important for both employers and employees.

7. team spirit is a key to success both for the office and its employees.

Employment Trends

Exercise 1: Listen and decide which work pattern each person is talking about. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? There are two items that you don’t need

a) seasonal work; b) teleworking; c) casual labour; d) migrant worker; e) self-employment; f) shift work; g) fixed-term/ temporary contract h) part-time work

Exercise 2: You are going to listen to Sean McGuinness, Business Studies Lecturer at Hammersmith and West London College, talking about the future of work. Are the following statements true or false?

1. There are fewer permanent contracts in the UK than there were a decade ago.

2. The trend is away from self-employment and temporary jobs in the UK.

3. People are now staying in their jobs longer.

4. There is increasing flexibility in employment contracts.

Exercise 3: Listen to the next part of the interview with Sean McGuimmess. Put the topics in the order he mentions them.

a) occupations that are experiencing growth.

b) development of job enlargement

c) proportion of people using the Internet and e-mail at work

d) recommendations for government employment policy

e) description of the ‘hour-glass’ economy.

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with these words and phrases from the interview

bargaining power employment tenure job stability middle-management minimum-wage mobile workforce service sector skilled manual

1. Jobs in the ………………………., such as catering and cleaning, are traditionally very low paid.

2. The average length ………… has, surprisingly, increased in the last decade in the UK.

3. Some experts predict that the expansion of the European Union will produce a more …………., with people moving around more for work.

4. With the economic downturn and new flexible contracts, there is less ……. than there was a generation ago.

5. Will the phenomenon of job enlargement produce a reduction in …………………….. positions?

6. Employees with fewer skills have always had less ………………………… when it comes to negotiating pay and conditions.

7. Fewer ………………………… workers, like plumbers and electricians, are being trained these days.

8. The government has recently introduced new …………………. legislation in an attempt tp protect salaries.

Exercise 5: Match speakers A-F with statements 1-7.

1. Clear instructions at work are very important.

2. Personal discussions in th office can distract from work.

3. It is important to think about gender differences in office work.

4. Employees’ health must be the top priority for office managers.

5. Positive atmosphere is importat at work.

6. Effective communication is important for both employers and employees.

7. team spirit is a key to success both for the office and its employees.



Employment Trends

1. Look at these factors that affect job satisfaction. Number them in order of importance in your view (1 = very important, 2 = quite important, 3 = not important). What other factors might you consider?

• flexible working hours • job security

• friendly work atmosphere • good pay

• interesting work • promotion opportunities

• location • getting on well with the boss

• perks, e.g. company car • recognition for work

2. Read the whole article and choose the correct option to complete these sentences.

1. Despite significant growth in the sector, a high turnover of staff in India's call centres has led to...

a) loss of contracts. b) criticism of its work culture. c) closure of many call centres.

2. Young workers recruited by a call centre in India...

a) often leave the job to work in another centre that pays better. b) often leave, even if they don't have another job to go to. c) both (a) and (b).

3. As a result of some unfair tactics by competitive call centres, some multinationals are now...

a) increasing employee count at a faster rate. b) opening call centres in more remote places. c) retaining workers with attractive work facilities.

4 Allowing more mature employees to work from home or part-time is another way of...

a) telecommuting from home. b) attracting more experienced employees. c) dealing with the problem of staff turnover.

5 Despite high attrition rates, call centres in India are expected to

a) continue to grow. b) do worse than those in the West, c) both (a) and (b).

India: Call centres ring the changes

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