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Cardinally - решительно
Edict – указ
To promulgate - провозглашать
To be discontented – быть недовольным
Legislative – законодатель
To spread – распространять(ся)
Adornment - украшение
Handicraft – ручное ремесло
To be worth - стоит
Implement – (зд.)образец
To fulfill – выполнять, осуществлять
Estate – (зд.) сословие
Answer the following questions
1) What changed Russian men's appearance cardinally?
2) Who was discontented in Russia?
3) When was European dress accepted in Russia?
4) What firms were famous in the 19-20th centuries?
5) When did the sewing production become a big branch of economy?
6) Where was the first state sewing factory organized?
7) How many people worked there?
8) What had an influence on the appearance of Russian people?
4. Disagree with the following statements and give the right answer.
1) Костюм всех регионов России составляли одни и те же элементы. Для женского костюма были характерны рубаха, сарафан, передник, обувь, головной убор, верхняя одежда, навесные украшения.
2) Сарафан был до Петра I обычным костюмом русских боярынь, то есть дворянским сословным костюмом, который от крестьянского северного костюма отличался главным образом богатством и пышностью.
Make a plan to the text and retell the text according to the plan.
Test 1
Choose the right answer.
1) Ancient people wore ___.
a) capes;
b) loin-cloth;
c) robes.
2) In Ancient Rome the clothes of slaves were ___.
a) rough;
b) heavy;
c) dainty.
3) Costume has been always retained ___.
a) the indicator of the person’s status;
b) decoration;
c) a social sign.
4) In Ancient Rome ___ wore clothes made of flax and thin wool.
a) free citizens;
b) nobility;
c) slaves.
5) The leaders of tribes had special ___.
b) clothes;
c) paintings of the body;
d) loin-cloths.
6) Fashion is a person’s need to be ___.
a) modern;
b) famous;
c) outstanding.
Test 2
Choose the right answer.
1) In Europe in 1900 it was ___ for a woman to weigh 150 pounds.
a) unusual;
b) elegant;
c) common.
2) Most of us have no wish to scandalize our communities by dressing immodestly or shockingly ___ public.
a) in;
b) on;
c) with.
3) People have a desire to show ___ their wealth.
a) with;
b) off;
c) of.
4) ___ years is about the time-span of a major fashion “look” such as mini-skirts or padded shoulders.
a) ten;
b) five;
c) seven.
5) The purpose of “sumptuary laws” was to keep the powerful few visibly separated from the ___ citizen.
a) ordinary;
b) well-known;
c) smart.
6) In Victorian times ___ prevailed.
a) refinement;
b) modesty;
c) luxury.
Test 3
Choose the right answer.
1) Clothing was carefully graded according to the ___ of the wearer.
a) place of living;
b) wealth;
c) rank.
2) Gold, copper and gemstones come from ___.
a) Africa;
b) The desert;
c) Asia.
3) Men wore short, pleated, wrap-over pieces of cloth ___ the waist.
b) on;
c) in;
d) around.
4) A pleated, tube-like garment is ___.
b) a kalasiris;
c) a loin-cloth;
d) a sleeve.
5) The mass of laborers and slaves wore loincloths made of ___ fabric or leather.
b) fabulous;
c) light;
d) coarse.
6) Women decorated their wigs ___ flowers and feathers.
a) with;
b) by;
c) off.
Test 4
Choose the right answer.
1) In Persia long trousers were worn by ___.
a) men;
b) both men and women;
c) women.
2) In cold weather they wore ___ and boots or sandals.
a) cloaks;
b) loin-cloths
c) tunics.
3) In the hot climate of Greece, clothing was ___.
a) tight;
b) loose;
c) free.
4) The Doric style was worn ___ the knees and belted at the waist.
a) below;
b) to;
c) under.
5) Women wore a light tunics called ___.
b) a chlamys;
c) a himation;
d) a peplos.
6) The aim of Greek clothing was ___ its natural beauty.
a) to enhance;
b) to alter;
c) to distort.
Test 5
Choose the right answer.
1) Men were allowed to wear a toga ___ the age of 17.
b) over;
d) about.
2) Rank was shown by the ___ of the toga borders.
a) cut;
b) pleats;
c) color.
3) Riding trousers were slowly introduced into Europe from ___.
a) Asia;
b) Africa;
c) America.
4) The emperor and consuls wore ___ togas.
a) gold;
b) purple;
c) red.
5) Slaves wore only short tunics ___ poor fabric.
a) from;
b) of;
c) off.
6) Women’s hairstyles varied ___.
a) a little;
b) insignificantly;
c) enormously.
Test 6
Choose the right answer.
1) The general look of clothes followed the following lines of ___.
a) architecture;
b) art;
c) sculpture.
2) Men wore ___ covered by medium-length, belted tunics.
a) blouses;
b) vests;
c) shirts.
3) ___ was the first country in Europe to develop the skill of weaving luxury patterned silks.
a) France;
b) England;
c) Italy.
4) The 14th century saw a major change in the ___ of women’s clothes.
a) color;
b) cut;
c) fabrics.
5) Country women wore laced bodices and skirts covered with ___.
a) aprons;
b) cloaks;
c) shawls.
6) The most aristocratic men had the longest points ___ their shoes.
b) in;
c) above;
d) on.
Test 7
Choose the right answer.
1) In Italy, oval or square necklines were worn with tight bodices and ___ skirts.
a) full-length;
b) bell-shaped;
c) gently gathered.
2) In England pretty floral embroidery often replaced imported Italian ___ for court wear.
a) silk;
b) silk brocades;
c) velvet.
3) Elizabeth I created an almost ___ image of herself.
a) strange;
b) fairytale;
c) dainty.
4) ___ the age of about four girls wore adult styles.
a) from;
b) at;
c) with.
5) In Italy there was a fashion for ___ sleeves.
a) wide;
b) narrow;
c) richly embroidered.
6) Up till the age of ___, small boys wore dresses like those of their sisters.
a) four;
b) five;
c) six.
Test 8
Choose the right answer.
1) The style of ordinary people could be as much as 25 years ___ the times.
a) before;
b) behind;
c) during.
2) The Pilgrims wore tall, ___ brimmed felt hats.
a) narrow;
b) long;
c) wide.
3) Pilgrim women wore simple gowns in ___.
a) dark tones;
b) satin;
c) bright color.
4) White linen ___ and cuffs were a feature of the cloths of Pilgrims.
a) cravats;
b) collars;
c) stockings.
5) In Europe, from ___ onwards, French fashion became dominant.
a) the 1670s;
b) the 1680s;
c) the 1660s.
6) In the 1660s, wealthy men began to wear wide-legged breeches with.
a) short doublets;
b) frock-coats;
c) cloaks.
Test 9
Choose the right answer.
1) Men's clothes at the French court continued to be made ___ gorgeously colored silks.
a) at;
b) in;
c) from.
2) Rich silk and gold embroidery was the fashion ___ court, wedding, and evening wear.
a) in;
b) from;
c) for.
3) By the middle of the 18th century powdered wigs grew ___.
a) smaller;
b) bigger;
c) more splendid.
4) English gentlemen preferred their more comfortable ___.
a) leather jackets;
b) corduroy coats;
c) woolen frock coats.
5) The extreme width of the panniers had an interesting effect on the ___ of the period.
a) architecture;
b) culture;
c) art.
6) Pannier hoops had changed from a dome shape to flat at the front and back by ___.
a) 1740;
b) 1760;
c) 1780.
Test 10
Choose the right answer.
1) Women ___ all ages wore high-waisted tunics with long trains.
a) in;
b) by;
c) of.
2) In menswear tailored English frock coat caught ___.
a) on;
b) up;
c) up with.
3) Classical Greek draperies were revived in women's fashions from about ___.
a) 1770;
b) 1790;
c) 1750.
4) The French Revolution introduced ___ into menswear for the first time.
a) ties;
b) breeches;
c) full-length trousers.
5) Women wore tunics with ___.
a) square-toed shoes;
b) open-toed sandals;
c) shoes with high heels.
6) Along the ___ seaboard of America, wealthy men and women followed these styles, with the help of the new American fashion magazines.
a) eastern;
b) western;
c) northern.
Test 11
Choose the right answer.
1) Women’s sleeves were flared or ballooned ___ the wrist.
a) in;
b) with;
c) to.
2) “Aesthetic dress” was hand embroidered and often worn ___ corsets.
a) with;
b) without;
c) above.
3) For outdoor wear, there were cashmere imported from India.
a) shawls;
b) cravats;
c) coats.
4) Some poor women even took to trousers ___.
a) when going out;
b) when working at home;
c) in public.
5) In the mid-1890s interest switched from ___ to enormous "leg-of-mutton" sleeves.
a) the waist;
b) the corsets;
c) the bustle.
6) The bright styles of peasant dresses ___ from village to village.
a) varied enormously;
b) varied a little;
c) didn’t change.
Test 12
Choose the right answer.
1) The fashionable age dropped ___ in the 1920s.
a) from 40 to 25;
b) from 40 to 20;
c) from 30 to 16.
2) The new center of fashion was ___.
a) Hollywood;
b) Milan;
c) London.
3) Paul Poiret swept away all this delicacy and introduced his ___.
a) “garconne” look;
b) "oriental look";
c) the “New Look”.
4) The ___ introduced the shock of the "boy -girl" look.
a) 1930s;
b) 1940;
c) 1920s.
5) By 1940 the contrast between day and evening wear was ___.
a) minimum;
b) striking;
c) imperceptible.
6) The "twenties" shape was emphasized ___ a short, boyish haircut.
a) with;
b) on;
c) by.
Test 13
Choose the right answer.
1) Hard synthetic fabrics were decorated ___ geometric patterns.
a) by;
b) in;
c) with.
2) There was a growing interest ___ "unisex" dressing.
a) in;
b) at;
c) about.
3) The "New Look featured shoulders and bodices, three-quarter length skirts with a billowing hemline.
a) wide;
b) broad;
c) rounded.
4) Teenage girls took to short white ___, casual skirts, and cardigans.
a) stockings;
b) socks;
c) tights.
5) Paris was occupied by German forces from the summer of ___.
a) 1940;
b) 1941;
c) 1942.
6) Christian Dior put ___ yards of fabric into one skirt.
a) 35;
b) 30;
c) 50.
Test 14
Choose the right answer.
1) Men wore small embroidered or woven pillbox hats ___ various shapes.
a) from;
b) in;
c) with.
2) In ___ countries women have to wear all-enveloping robes over the head.
a) hot;
b) remote;
c) strict.
3) In China when the Communist regime was established everyone wore blue ___ jackets and trousers.
a) cotton;
b) linen;
c) woolen.
4) Men wear shirts and loose trousers ___ white wool.
a) at;
b) from;
c) in.
5) In Hindu India widows wear ___ clothes.
b) black;
c) white;
d) dark.
6) Nowadays the Japanese wear ___ at work.
a) kimonos;
b) wrappers;
c) Western suits.
Test 15
Choose the right answer.
1) Peter's edicts about the costume changing were promulgated in ___.
a) 1700;
b) 1600;
c) 1750.
2) European dress was accepted ___.
a) at the beginning of the 18th century;
b) at the end of the 18th century;
c) in the middle of the 18th century.
3) According to Peter’s instruction all the noblemen and employees had to wear ___ on holidays.
a) French dresses;
b) Russian dresses;
c) German dresses.
4) There were only ___ sewing machines the first state sewing factory.
a) 300;
b) 200;
c) 100.
5) Peter I used barbarous methods ___ barbarity.
a) against;
b) about;
c) for.
6) At that time fashion spread from Moscow and St. Petersburg ___ the Russian province very slowly.
a) in;
b) to;
c) into.
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