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Контроль знаний

Ex.4. Translate into English. | Education in Kazakhstan | Topical vocabulary | The Future Perfect denotes an action completed before a definite moment in the future. | Ex.2.Fill in the gaps with the words given in brackets. | Ex.10. Translate into English. | Topical vocabulary. |

Читайте также:
  1. I. Вводный контроль.
  2. II Актуализация знаний.
  3. II. Контрольный опрос
  6. II. Систематизация знаний вокруг основных понятий раздела.
  7. III. Актуализация знаний учащихся

Планируется проведение текущего контроля в ходе аудиторных занятий, контроль качества выполнения СРО; два рубежных контроля в форме тестирования; промежуточная аттестация в форме устного экзамена.

Текущий контроль – 20%

Контроль СРО - 20%

Рубежный контроль:

тестирование - 20%

Итоговый контроль не менее - 40%


Требования учебной дисциплины

Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» является обязательной. Объем учебной нагрузки составляет 6 кредитов, из них 90 часов - практических занятий, 180 часов – СРО.

Требования дисциплины: обязательное посещение аудиторных занятий, активное участие в обсуждении вопросов, предварительная подготовка к практическим занятиям по учебно-методическому пособию и основной литературе, качественное и своевременное выполнение заданий СРО, участие во всех видах контроля (текущий контроль, контроль СРО, рубежный контроль, итоговый контроль).



Рассмотрен на заседании методической секции кафедры,

от 10. 01. 2013 г., протокол № 7



Утвержден заведующей кафедрой ____________к.п.н., доцент Сагимбаева Д.Е.




Applicant – a person who makes a formal request for something, especially for a job, a place at a college, university.

Advertising - a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service

Activist – a person who intentionally acts to bring about civic, cultural, economic, political, or social change.

Achievement – something that you have done successfully, especially through hard work or skill.

Award – a prize that somebody gets for doing something well.

Allowance – an amount of money that you receive regularly to help you pay for something that you need.



Broadcasting - the distribution of audio and/or video signals which transmit programs to an audience. The audience may be the general public or a relatively large sub-audience, such as children or young adults.


Column - a recurring piece or article in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. Columns are written by columnists.

Curriculum – all the subjects that are taught in school, college and university.


Degree- an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study; "he earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude"


Enroll – to become or to make somebody a member of a club, school.

Exhibition - a public display of works of art or items of interest, held in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair.


Fee – the money you pay for professional advice or service from private doctors, lawyers, schools, universities.

Fresher – a student who is in his her first year at university or college.


Grant – money that is given by the government for a particular purpose.

Graduate – a person who has a first degree from a university, to get a first degree.


Handwriting – a person`s style of writing by hand.



Ice diving - is a type of diving where the dive takes place under ice.

Ignorance – the condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.


Journalist (also called a newspaperman) is a person who practices journalism, the gathering and dissemination of information about current events, trends, issues, and people while striving for non-bias viewpoint.


Lecture – a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject especially as apart of a university course.


Mounting board - something that serves as a support, setting, or backing.


Newspaper - a written publication containing news, information and advertising, usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint.

Nursery – a place where small children and babies are looked after so that their parents can go to work.


Parking area - a lot where cars are parked


Qualified – having passed an exam or having the knowledge, experience in order to be able to do something.



Responsibility – obligation, duty, and/or accountability.

Reputation – the opinion that people in general have about what somebody is like.


Sovereignty – the possession or exercise of full control by a government over a territorial or area or limit.

Shooting – to hunt and kill birds and animals with a gun as a sport.


Television (TV) - a widely used telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images, either monochromatic ("black and white") or color, usually accompanied by sound.

Track event – a sports event that consists of running round a track in a race rather than throwing something or jumping.

Term – a period of time which a school or university year is divided.

Toboggan – a type of flat pieces of metal underneath that people use for traveling down hills on snow for fun.

Tuition – teaching, especially to a small group of people.



Windsurfing - the sport of sailing while standing on a sailboard. Also called boardsailing, sailboarding, windsailing.

Workshop – a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject6 when people share their knowledge and experience.


План практических занятий

Unit 1

Theme: Education system in Britain

Grammar: Present Perfect

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing Education system in Britain.

Students should know the rule of Present Perfect.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during three lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Education system in Britain”. Discuss in groups “Education system in Britain”. Speak about the stages of education in Britain.

Grammar: Revise the Past Simple Tense, Regular and Irregular Verbs. Introduce and practice the Present Perfect Tense.

The Five Ages of Education.


British education has many different faces, but one goal. Its aim is to realize the potential of all, for good of the individual and society as a whole.

1. Around hall of 3-and 4-year-olds in Britain receive nursery education, and many other children attend pre-school playgroups, mostly organized by parents. Children of nursery age need care as well as education, however, and it is not just their mental requirements, but social, emotional and physical needs that must be met. In nursery schools, qualified teachers, usually primary teachers with a nursery teaching qualification, work alongside helpers and nursery nurses to achieve this.

2. Compulsory primary education begins at the age of 5 in England, Wales and Scotland, and 4 in Northern Ireland. Children usually start their school career in an infant school and move a junior school or department at age 7. In some parts of the country, though, children begin at a first school at age 5, and move on to a middle school at age 8,9 or 10. Primary schools vary in size and location, some having as few as two teachers and others as many as 30.

Subjects covered include English mathematics and science, along with technology, history, geography, music, art, and physical education.

At 7 and 11 years old (and a secondary school, at 14 and 16) teachers measure children’s progress in each subject against attainment targets. In English, for instance, there are five basic targets: speaking and listening: reading: writing: spelling and handwriting.

3. In Britain, most children of compulsory secondary school age (11 to 16) receive free education financed from public funds. This may be a comprehensive (mixed ability) or a grammar school. A small proportion attend private or independent schools, not financed by the state. The large majority of schools teach both boys and girls together. The school year in England and Wales normally begins in September and continues into the following July, in Scotland, it runs from August to June and in Northern Ireland from September to June.

4.All Britain’s universities enjoy complete academic freedom. They appoint their own staff and decide what and how to teach. First degree courses usually last three or four years.

The Open University is a little different, because it relies on distance learning.

England and Wales’s 34 polytechnics tend to be more vocationally –orientated than universities, providing degree and subdegree vocational courses as well as traditional academic degree courses. Many polytechnics have close links with business, and many students have jobs and attend part-time. For those without standard entry qualifications, access and foundation courses can provide a way in to higher education. The number of access courses in Britain is increasing rapidly.

5.Education doesn’t stop with leaving school. Further education in particular is learning which, with its strong ties with commerce and industry, is vital in the effort to keep Britain economically competitive.

Over 500 colleges of further education run courses on everything from catering to business studies. Most further education courses are vocational, but many colleges offer more academic courses, such as GCSEs and A levels. Students may attend college part- time, day by day or block release from their jobs or in the evening. The new National Vocational Qualifications, based on standards of competence set by industry, are designed to ensure the relevance of vocational qualifications to employers. They are based on defined levels of attainment, to which qualifications can be assigned.


Topical vocabulary

1. phasing-in поэтапное введение

2. curriculum учебный план

3. around приблизительно

4. nursery детский сад

5. alongside рядом с

6. primary начальное обучение

7. infant school дошкольное заведение

8. junior school младшие классы (средней школы)

9. to vary отличаться

10. as few as всего

11. to cover охватывать

12. science естественные науки

13. to measure оценивать, определять

14. attainment достижения

15. target цель

16.handwriting почерк, каллиграфия

17.to acquire приобретать

18. to broaden расширять

19. range диапазон

20. to demand требовать

21. content содержание

22. vocational профессиональный

23. artificial искусственный

24. non graduate студент последнего курса

25. bachelor бакалавр

26. to tend иметь тенденцию

27. to appoint назначать

28. vital насущный

29. full-time student студент очного отделения отделения

30. to ensure обеспечить

Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:

1.infant school

2. to vary

3. as few as

4. to measure

5. attainment

6. target

7. to cover

8. science

9. to acquire

10. handwriting

11. to tend

12. to demand

13. content

14. vocational

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