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The Children of Jhebbal Sag 1 страница

The Serpent Men | Whispering Shadows | The Hundred Heads | Flight from Nightmare | Conan Loses His Ax 1 страница | Conan Loses His Ax 2 страница | Conan Loses His Ax 3 страница | Conan Loses His Ax 4 страница | The Wizard of Gwawela | The Crawlers in the Dark |

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(Дети Джеббал Сага)


"Which way is the river?" Balthus was confused (в какой стороне: «какой путь»

река? — Балтус был сбит с толку/растерялся).

"We don't dare try for the river now," grunted Conan (мы не рискнем искать реку

сейчас, — проворчал Конан). "The woods between the village and the river are

swarming with warriors (лес между поселком и рекой кишит воинами). Come

on (давай)! We'll head in the last direction they'll expect us to go — west (мы

направимся в последнем направлении, в котором они ожидают, что мы

пойдем — /на/ запад)!"


confused [kqn'fju:zd], dare [dFq], swarm [swO:m]


"Which way is the river?" Balthus was confused.

"We don't dare try for the river now," grunted Conan. "The woods between the

village and the river are swarming with warriors. Come on! We'll head in the last

direction they'll expect us to go — west!"


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Looking back as they entered the thick growth, Balthus beheld the wall dotted with

black heads as the savages peered over (оглядываясь, когда они вошли в густые

заросли, Балтус заметил стену, усеянную черными головами, когда дикари

глядели через /нее/; to behold — видеть, замечать, узреть). The Picts were

bewildered (пикты были сбиты с толку). They had not gained the wall in time to

see the fugitives take cover (они не добрались до стены вовремя, чтобы

увидеть, /как/ беглецы укрылись). They had rushed to the wall expecting to repel

an attack in force (они бросились к стене, надеясь дать отпор осуществляемой

атаке; to put in force — осуществлять, вводить в действие; in forceв силе).

They had seen the body of the dead warrior (они увидели тело мертвого воина).

But no enemy was in sight (но никакого врага не было видно).


growth [grquT], bewilder [bI'wIldq], cover ['kAvq]


Looking back as they entered the thick growth, Balthus beheld the wall dotted with

black heads as the savages peered over. The Picts were bewildered. They had not

gained the wall in time to see the fugitives take cover. They had rushed to the wall

expecting to repel an attack in force. They had seen the body of the dead warrior.

But no enemy was in sight.


Balthus realized that they did not yet know their prisoner had escaped (Балтус

понял, что они еще не знают, что их пленник сбежал). From other sounds he

believed that the warriors, directed by the shrill voice of Zogar Sag, were

destroying the wounded serpent with arrows (по другим звукам он полагал, что

воины, руководимые пронзительным голосом Зогар Сага, уничтожают

раненую змею стрелами). The monster was out of the shaman's control (чудище

вышло: «было вне» из-под контроля шамана). A moment later the quality of the

yells was altered (секундой позже характер криков изменился). Screeches of

rage rose in the night (крики ярости поднялись = раздались в ночи).



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prisoner ['prIznq], control [kqn'trqul], screech [skri:C]


Balthus realized that they did not yet know their prisoner had escaped. From other

sounds he believed that the warriors, directed by the shrill voice of Zogar Sag,

were destroying the wounded serpent with arrows. The monster was out of the

shaman's control. A moment later the quality of the yells was altered. Screeches of

rage rose in the night.


Conan laughed grimly (Конан зловеще засмеялся). He was leading Balthus along

a narrow trail that ran west under the black branches (он вел Балтуса по узкой

тропке, которая бежала под черными ветвями), stepping as swiftly and surely as

if he trod a well-lighted thoroughfare (ступая так проворно и уверенно, как

будто он шел по хорошо освещенной оживленной улице). Balthus stumbled

after him, guiding himself by feeling the dense wall on either hand (Балтус

спотыкался за ним, руководствуясь ощущением плотной стены по обеим

сторонам: «на каждой руке»).


laugh [lRf], branch [brRnC], surely ['SuqlI]


Conan laughed grimly. He was leading Balthus along a narrow trail that ran west

under the black branches, stepping as swiftly and surely as if he trod a well-lighted

thoroughfare. Balthus stumbled after him, guiding himself by feeling the dense

wall on either hand.


"They'll be after us now (они сейчас будут гнаться за нами: «быть за нами»).

Zogar's discovered you're gone, and he knows my head wasn't in the pile before the

altar-hut (Зогар обнаружил, /что/ ты пропал, и он знает, /что/ моя голова не

была в куче перед хижиной с алтарем). The dog (собака)! If I'd had another

spear I'd have thrown it through him before I struck the snake (если бы я имел = у

меня было еще одно копье, я бы бросил его сквозь него = проткнул бы его до


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того, как поразил змею). Keep to the trail (держись тропинки = не сходи с

тропинки). They can't track us by torchlight, and there are a score of paths leading

from the village (они не могут проследить нас по огню факела, и /там/ есть

множество троп, ведущих от поселка). They'll follow those leading to the river

first — throw a cordon of warriors for miles along the bank, expecting us to try to

break through (они пойдут сначала /по/ тем, /которые/ ведут к реке — бросят

кордон воинов на мили вдоль берега, ожидая нас = ожидая, что мы

попытаемся прорваться). We won't take to the woods until we have to (мы не

пойдем в лес, пока /мы/ /не/ будем вынуждены; to take — идти, двигаться,

направляться; to have to V — приходиться, быть вынужденным делать что-

л.). We can make better time on this trail (мы можем пройти большее

расстояние по этой тропинке; to make good time — проходить большое

расстояние за короткое время; good — better — the best — хороший — лучше

— лучший). Now buckle down to it and run as you never ran before (теперь

соберись с силами и беги так, как ты никогда раньше не бегал; to buckle down

— собраться с силами, взяться энергично за что-л.; to buckle — застегивать

пряжку; buckle — пряжка)."


score [skO:], path [pRT], break [breIk]


"They'll be after us now. Zogar's discovered you're gone, and he knows my head

wasn't in the pile before the altar-hut. The dog! If I'd had another spear I'd have

thrown it through him before I struck the snake. Keep to the trail. They can't track

us by torchlight, and there are a score of paths leading from the village. They'll

follow those leading to the river first — throw a cordon of warriors for miles along

the bank, expecting us to try to break through. We won't take to the woods until we

have to. We can make better time on this trail. Now buckle down to it and run as

you never ran before."



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"They got over their panic cursed quick!" panted Balthus, complying with a fresh

burst of speed (они оправились от /своей/ паники чертовски быстро! —

пропыхтел Балтус, действуя в соответствии со свежим рывком скорости =

делая новый скоростной рывок).

"They're not afraid of anything, very long," grunted Conan (они не боятся ничего

очень долго, — проворчал Конан; to be afraid of — бояться чего-л.).


quick [kwIk], comply [kqm'plaI], afraid [q'freId]


"They got over their panic cursed quick!" panted Balthus, complying with a fresh

burst of speed.

"They're not afraid of anything, very long," grunted Conan.


For a space nothing was said between them (какое-то время ничего /не/ было

сказано между ними). The fugitives devoted all their attention to covering

distance (беглецы посвятили все свое внимание прохождению дистанции).

They were plunging deeper and deeper into the wilderness (они погружались

глубже и глубже в дикие места / в чащобу) and getting farther away from

civilization at every step (и удалялись /все/ дальше от цивилизации с каждым

шагом), but Balthus did not question Conan’s wisdom (но Балтус не сомневался

/в/ мудрости Конана). The Cimmerian presently took time to grunt (киммериец

некоторое время спустя урвал время, /чтобы/ пробурчать): "When we're far

enough away from the village we'll swing back to the river in a big circle (когда

мы будем достаточно далеко от поселка, мы повернем назад к реке по

большому кругу). No other village within miles of Gwawela (ни одного другого

поселка в пределах = на несколько миль от Гвавелы). All the Picts are gathered

in that vicinity (все пикты собрались в этой округе). We'll circle wide around

them (мы широким кругом обойдем их; to circle — обходить кругом). They

can't track us until daylight (они не могут выследить нас до рассвета). They'll

pick up our path then, but before dawn we'll leave the trail and take to the woods


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(тогда они нападут на наш след, но до рассвета мы сойдем с тропинки и

направимся в лес; to pick up the path / the trail — напасть на след, взять след;

to pick up — подобрать (с земли))."


devote [dI'vqut], every [evrI], wisdom ['wIzdqm]


For a space nothing was said between them. The fugitives devoted all their

attention to covering distance. They were plunging deeper and deeper into the

wilderness and getting farther away from civilization at every step, but Balthus did

not question Conan’s wisdom. The Cimmerian presently took time to grunt: "When

we're far enough away from the village we'll swing back to the river in a big circle.

No other village within miles of Gwawela. All the Picts are gathered in that

vicinity. We'll circle wide around them. They can't track us until daylight. They'll

pick up our path then, but before dawn we'll leave the trail and take to the woods."


They plunged on (они продолжали углубляться). The yells died out behind them

(крики замерли позади них). Balthus' breath was whistling through his teeth

(дыхание Балтуса свистело = вырывалось со свистом сквозь зубы). He felt a

pain in his side, and running became torture (он почувствовал боль в своем боку,

и бег стал пыткой). He blundered against the bushes on each side of the trail (он

наталкивался на кусты по обе стороны тропинки). Conan pulled up suddenly,

turned and stared back down the dim path (вдруг Конан остановился,

повернулся и пристально вгляделся назад в неясную тропку).

Somewhere the moon was rising, a dim white glow amidst a tangle of branches

(где-то поднималась луна, неясный белый отсвет среди сплетения ветвей).


whistling ['wIslIN], torture [tO:Cq], moon [mu:n]


They plunged on. The yells died out behind them. Balthus' breath was whistling

through his teeth. He felt a pain in his side, and running became torture. He


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blundered against the bushes on each side of the trail. Conan pulled up suddenly,

turned and stared back down the dim path.

Somewhere the moon was rising, a dim white glow amidst a tangle of branches.


"Shall we take to the woods?" panted Balthus (мы направимся в лес? —

пропыхтел Балтус; to pant — часто и тяжело дышать, задыхаться).

"Give me your ax," murmured Conan softly (дай мне твой топор, — прошептал

Конан тихо). "Something is close behind us (что-то близко позади нас)."

"Then we'd better leave the trail!" exclaimed Balthus (тогда нам лучше сойти с

тропы! — воскликнул Балтус; had better V — лучше сделать что-л.

(рекомендация, совет)). Conan shook his head and drew his companion into a

dense thicket (Конан покачал головой и затянул своего спутника в густой

кустарник; to draw — тащить, тянуть). The moon rose higher, making a dim

light in the path (луна поднялась выше, слабо осветив тропу: «делая слабый

свет на тропе»).

"We can't fight the whole tribe!" whispered Balthus (мы не можем сражаться /с/

целым племенем! — прошептал Балтус).

"No human being could have found our trail so quickly, or followed us so swiftly,"

muttered Conan (ни один человек /не/ мог бы найти наш след так скоро или

последовать за нами так быстро, — пробормотал Конан; human being

человеческое существо, человек). "Keep silent (молчи: «храни / соблюдай



drew [dru:], being [bi:IN], silent ['saIlqnt]


"Shall we take to the woods?" panted Balthus.

"Give me your ax," murmured Conan softly. "Something is close behind us."

"Then we'd better leave the trail!" exclaimed Balthus. Conan shook his head and

drew his companion into a dense thicket. The moon rose higher, making a dim

light in the path.


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"We can't fight the whole tribe!" whispered Balthus.

"No human being could have found our trail so quickly, or followed us so swiftly,"

muttered Conan. "Keep silent."


There followed a tense silence in which Balthus felt that his heart could be heard

pounding for miles away (/там/ последовала напряженная тишина, в которой

Балтус чувствовал, что стук его сердца мог быть услышан = можно

услышать за мили /прочь/). Then abruptly, without a sound to announce its

coming, a savage head appeared in the dim path (затем резко без звука,

возвещающего его появление, свирепая голова появилась на неясной

тропинке). Balthus' heart jumped into his throat; at first glance he feared to look

upon the awful head of the saber-tooth (сердце Балтуса подпрыгнуло к /его/

горлу, при первом взгляде он испугался, /что/ смотрит на = видит ужасную

голову саблезубого). But this head was smaller, more narrow; it was a leopard

which stood there, snarling silently and glaring down the trail (но эта голова была

меньше, более узкая, это был леопард, который стоял там = там стоял

леопард, безмолвно рыча и разглядывая тропу). What wind there was was

blowing toward the hiding men, concealing their scent (тот ветер, что /там/ был,

дул в сторону прячущихся людей, скрывая их запах). The beast lowered his

head and snuffed the trail, then moved forward uncertainly (зверь наклонил

/свою/ голову и обнюхал тропинку, затем двинулся вперед неуверенно). A

chill played down Balthus' spine (озноб пробежал по позвоночнику = спине

Балтуса). The brute was undoubtedly trailing them (животное, несомненно,

выслеживало их).


heart [hRt], heard [hq:d], scent [sent]


There followed a tense silence in which Balthus felt that his heart could be heard

pounding for miles away. Then abruptly, without a sound to announce its coming,

a savage head appeared in the dim path. Balthus' heart jumped into his throat; at


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first glance he feared to look upon the awful head of the saber-tooth. But this head

was smaller, more narrow; it was a leopard which stood there, snarling silently and

glaring down the trail. What wind there was was blowing toward the hiding men,

concealing their scent. The beast lowered his head and snuffed the trail, then

moved forward uncertainly. A chill played down Balthus' spine. The brute was

undoubtedly trailing them.


And it was suspicious (и оно было подозрительным = подозревало что-то). It

lifted its head, its eyes glowing like balls of fire (оно подняло /свою/ голову с

/его/ глазами, пылающими, как огненные шары), and growled low in its throat

(и зарычало низким горловым рычанием: «зарычало низко в его горле»). And

at that instant Conan hurled the ax (и в этот момент Конан метнул топор).

All the weight of arm and shoulder was behind the throw, and the ax was a streak

of silver in the dim moon (вся сила руки и плеча была за этим броском =

слилась в этом броске, и топор был вспышкой серебра = серебряной

вспышкой в неясной луне = в неясном свете луны). Almost before he realized

what had happened, Balthus saw the leopard rolling on the ground in its death-

throes, the handle of the ax standing up from its head (/почти/ прежде чем он

осознал, что произошло, Балтус увидел леопарда, катающемся по земле в

/его/ смертельных муках, рукоятка топора вставала = торчала из его головы).

The head of the weapon had split its narrow skull (острие оружия раскололо его

узкий череп; head — ударная или режущая часть инструмента, в отличие

от ручки, рукоятки).


suspicious [sqs'pISqs], weight [weIt], leopard ['lepqd]


And it was suspicious. It lifted its head, its eyes glowing like balls of fire, and

growled low in its throat. And at that instant Conan hurled the ax.

All the weight of arm and shoulder was behind the throw, and the ax was a streak

of silver in the dim moon. Almost before he realized what had happened, Balthus


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saw the leopard rolling on the ground in its death-throes, the handle of the ax

standing up from its head. The head of the weapon had split its narrow skull.


Conan bounded from the bushes, wrenched his ax free (Конан выскочил из

кустов, освободил рывком свой топор: «выдернул свой топор свободным»)

and dragged the limp body in among the trees, concealing it from the casual glance

(и оттащил безвольное тело в /среди/ кусты, пряча его от случайного


"Now let's go, and go fast!" he grunted, leading the way southward, away from the

trail (теперь идем, и идем быстро! — проворчал он, возглавляя путь на юг,

прочь от тропы). "There'll be warriors coming after that cat (за котом придут

воины: «там будут воины, приходящие за тем котом»). As soon as he got his

wits back Zogar sent him after us (как только он = Зогар снова пришел в себя,

Зогар = он послал его за нами; to get one’s wits back — снова придти в себя,

опомниться: «получить свой ум / сознание обратно»). The Picts would follow

him, but he'd leave them far behind (пикты пошли бы за ним, но он оставил бы

их далеко позади). He'd circle the village until he hit our trail and then come after

us like a streak (он кружил бы вокруг поселка, пока /он/ /не/ напал на наш след

и затем бы шел за нами, как полоска = хвост). They couldn't keep up with him

(они не могли бы поспеть за ним), but they'll have an idea as to our general

direction (но они будут иметь = у них будет представление о нашем общем

направлении). They'd follow, listening for his cry (они бы следовали,

прислушиваясь к его крику). Well, they won't hear that (ну, они не услышат

этого), but they'll find the blood on the trail, and look around and find the body in

the bush (но они найдут кровь на тропинке и осмотрятся, и найдут тело в

кустах). They'll pick up our spoor there, if they can (они обнаружат наш след

там). Walk with care (иди с осторожностью = осторожно)."


wrench [renC], fast [fRst], care [kFq]



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Conan bounded from the bushes, wrenched his ax free and dragged the limp body

in among the trees, concealing it from the casual glance.

"Now let's go, and go fast!" he grunted, leading the way southward, away from the

trail. "There'll be warriors coming after that cat. As soon as he got his wits back

Zogar sent him after us. The Picts would follow him, but he'd leave them far

behind. He'd circle the village until he hit our trail and then come after us like a

streak. They couldn't keep up with him, but they'll have an idea as to our general

direction. They'd follow, listening for his cry. Well, they won't hear that, but they'll

find the blood on the trail, and look around and find the body in the brush. They'll

pick up our spoor there, if they can. Walk with care."


He avoided clinging briars and low-hanging branches effortlessly (он избегал

цепляющегося шиповника и низко свисающих ветвей без усилий; effort —

усилие), gliding between trees without touching the stems (скользя между

деревьями без касания = не касаясь стволов) and always planting his feet in the

places calculated to show least evidence of his passing (и всегда ставя /свои/

ступни в места с расчетом показать = оставить как можно меньше

свидетельств его прохода); but with Balthus it was slower, more laborious work

(но с Балтусом = для Балтуса это был более медленный, более утомительный

труд; least — меньше всего, минимум).


briar ['braIq], least [li:st], evidence ['evIdqns]


He avoided clinging briars and low-hanging branches effortlessly, gliding between

trees without touching the stems and always planting his feet in the places

calculated to show least evidence of his passing; but with Balthus it was slower,

more laborious work.


No sound came from behind them (ни одного звука /не/ доносилось сзади).

They had covered more than a mile when Balthus said: "Does Zogar Sag catch


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leopard-cubs and train them for bloodhounds (они прошли более /чем/ мили,

когда Балтус сказал: Зогар Саг ловит детенышей леопардов и обучает их для

= как ищеек)?"

Conan shook his head (Конан покачал /своей/ головй). "That was a leopard he

called out of the woods (это был леопард, /которого/ он вызвал из леса)."

"But," Balthus persisted, "if he can order the beasts to do his bidding, why doesn't

he rouse them all and have them after us (но, — Балтус настаивал, — если он

может приказывать зверям выполнять его распоряжения, почему он не

поднимет их всех и /не/ пошлет их за нами)? The forest is full of leopards; why

send only one after us (лес полон леопардов, почему посылать лишь одного за



does [dAz], persist [pq'sIst], rouse [rauz]


No sound came from behind them. They had covered more than a mile when

Balthus said: "Does Zogar Sag catch leopard-cubs and train them for


Conan shook his head. "That was a leopard he called out of the woods."

"But," Balthus persisted, "if he can order the beasts to do his bidding, why doesn't

he rouse them all and have them after us? The forest is full of leopards; why send

only one after us?"


Conan did not reply for a space (Конан не отвечал некоторое время), and when

he did it was with a curious reticence (а когда он сделал = ответил, это было

/сделано/ с необычной немногословностью; space — пространство,

промежуток, срок, интервал).

"He can't command all the animals (он не может командовать всеми

животными). Only such as remember Jhebbal Sag (только такими = теми,

которые помнят Джеббала Сага)."



Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru





"Jhebbal Sag?" Balthus repeated the ancient name hesitantly (Джеббала Сага? —

повторил Балтус древнее имя, заикаясь). He had never heard it spoken more

than three or four times in his whole life (он никогда /не/ слышал, /чтобы/ его

произносили более трех-четырех раз = он слышал его не более трех-четырех

раз за всю свою жизнь).


reticence ['retIsqns], command [kq'mRnd], animal ['xnImql]


Conan did not reply for a space, and when he did it was with a curious reticence.

"He can't command all the animals. Only such as remember Jhebbal Sag."

"Jhebbal Sag?" Balthus repeated the ancient name hesitantly. He had never heard it

spoken more than three or four times in his whole life.


"Once all living things worshipped him (некогда все живые существа

поклонялись ему). That was long ago, when beasts and men spoke one language

(это было давно, когда звери и люди говорили /на/ одном языке). Men have

forgotten him; even the beasts forget (люди забыли его, даже звери забывают).

Only a few remember (лишь немногие помнят). The men who remember Jhebbal

Sag and the beasts who remember are brothers and speak the same tongue (люди,

которые помнят Джеббала Сага, и звери, которые помнят /его/, — братья и

говорят на одном и том же языке; same — один и тот же, тот же самый)."


once [wAns], worship ['wq:SIp], language ['lxNgwIG]


"Once all living things worshipped him. That was long ago, when beasts and men

spoke one language. Men have forgotten him; even the beasts forget. Only a few

remember. The men who remember Jhebbal Sag and the beasts who remember are

brothers and speak the same tongue."



Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru





Balthus did not reply; he had strained at a Pictish stake (Балтус не ответил, он

напрягался = пытался вырваться, вырывался у пиктского столба; to strain —

натягивать; растягивать; напрягать) and seen the nighted jungle give up its

fanged horrors at a shaman's call и видел, /как/ ночные джунгли отдавали своих

клыкастых чудищ по зову шамана).

"Civilized men laugh," said Conan (цивилизованные люди смеются, — сказал

Конан). "But not one can tell me how Zogar Sag can call pythons and tigers and

leopards out of the wilderness and make them do his bidding (но никто /не/

может сказать мне, как Зогар Саг может призывать питонов и тигров и

леопардов из диких мест и заставлять их исполнять его приказы). They would

say it is a lie, if they dared (они бы сказали, /что/ это ложь, если бы

осмелились). That's the way with civilized men (это /есть/ способ = вот так

обстоит дело с цивилизованными людьми). When they can't explain something

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