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The Crawlers in the Dark

The Circle of Death | The Black Citadel | The Serpent Men | Whispering Shadows | The Hundred Heads | Flight from Nightmare | Conan Loses His Ax 1 страница | Conan Loses His Ax 2 страница | Conan Loses His Ax 3 страница | Conan Loses His Ax 4 страница |

(Ползущие1во тьме)


The river was a vague trace between walls of ebony (река была нечеткой линией

между стенами черного цвета). The paddles that propelled the long boat (весла,

которые толкали длинную лодку) creeping along in the dense shadow of the

eastern bank (крадущуюся в густой тени восточного берега) dipped softly into

the water (опускались бесшумно в воду), making no more noise than the beak of

a heron (создавая не больше шума, чем клюв цапли). The broad shoulders of the

man in front of Balthus were a blue in the dense gloom (широкие плечи

мужчины перед Балтусом были синевой в густом мраке). He knew that not

even the keen eyes of the man who knelt in the prow would discern anything more

than a few feet ahead of them (он знал, что даже острые глаза человека,

который стоял на коленях на носу судна, не различили бы чего-либо = ничего

более, чем в нескольких футах впереди них = на расстоянии нескольких

футов перед ними; to kneel — стоять на коленях, становиться на колени).

Conan was feeling his way by instinct and an intensive familiarity with the river


1 По теме главы я бы предложил «крадущиеся».

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(Конан нащупывал /свой/ путь инстинктивно и /опираясь на/ глубокое знание



boat [bqut], creep [kri:p], gloom [glu:m]


The river was a vague trace between walls of ebony. The paddles that

propelled the long boat creeping along in the dense shadow of the eastern bank

dipped softly into the water, making no more noise than the beak of a heron. The

broad shoulders of the man in front of Balthus were a blue in the dense gloom. He

knew that not even the keen eyes of the man who knelt in the prow would discern

anything more than a few feet ahead of them. Conan was feeling his way by

instinct and an intensive familiarity with the river.


No one spoke (никто /не/ говорил). Balthus had had a good look at his

companions in the fort before they slipped out of the stockade and down the bank

into the waiting canoe (Балтус хорошо рассмотрел своих спутников в форте до

того, как они выскользнули из укрепления и вниз по берегу в ожидающее

каноэ; to have a look at — посмотреть на, бросить взгляд на; before — до

того как, прежде чем, перед тем как). They were of a new breed growing up in

the world on the raw edge of the frontier — men whom grim necessity had taught

woodcraft (они были из новой породы, растущей в мире на суровом краю

границы — люди, которых суровая необходимость обучила знанию леса;

craft — ремесло; ловкость, сноровка). Aquilonians of the western provinces to a

man, they had many points in common (аквилонцы из западных провинций до

одного /человека/, они имели много общих черт; in common — совместно,

сообща, вместе, одновременно). They dressed alike — in buckskin boots (они

одевались одинаково — в сапоги из оленьей кожи), leathern breeches and

deerskin shirts (кожаные штаны и рубашки из оленьей кожи), with broad

girdles that held axes and short swords (с широкими поясами, которые

удерживали секиры и палаши); and they were all gaunt and scarred and hard-


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eyed (и они все были сухопарыми, и в шрамах, и с жестким взглядом); sinewy

and taciturn (мускулистыми / жилистыми и молчаливыми).


canoe [kq'nu:], dress [dres], scar [skQ:]


No one spoke. Balthus had had a good look at his companions in the fort before

they slipped out of the stockade and down the bank into the waiting canoe. They

were of a new breed growing up in the world on the raw edge of the frontier —

men whom grim necessity had taught woodcraft. Aquilonians of the western

provinces to a man, they had many points in common. They dressed alike — in

buckskin boots, leathern breeches and deerskin shirts, with broad girdles that held

axes and short swords; and they were all gaunt and scarred and hard-eyed; sinewy

and taciturn.


They were wild men, of a sort, yet there was still a wide gulf between them and the

Cimmerian (они были дикари, в некотором роде, тем не менее была еще

широкая пропасть между ними и киммерийцем). They were sons of

civilization, reverted to a semi-barbarism (они были сынами цивилизации,

вернувшимися к полуварварству). He was a barbarian of a thousand generations

of barbarians (он был варваром из тысяч поколений варваров). They had

acquired stealth and craft, but he had been born to these things (они приобрели

хитрость и ловкость, но = а он родился к этим вещам = с ними). He excelled

them even in lithe economy of motion (он превосходил их даже в гибкой

экономности движения). They were wolves, but he was a tiger (они были волки,

а он был тигр).


gulf [gAlf], stealth [stelT], wolves [wVlvz]


They were wild men, of a sort, yet there was still a wide gulf between them and the

Cimmerian. They were sons of civilization, reverted to a semi-barbarism. He was a


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barbarian of a thousand generations of barbarians. They had acquired stealth and

craft, but he had been born to these things. He excelled them even in lithe economy

of motion. They were wolves, but he was a tiger.


Balthus admired them and their leader and felt a pulse of pride that he was

admitted into their company (Балтус восхищался ими и их вожаком, и

испытывал чувство гордости, что он был принят в их компанию). He was

proud that his paddle made no more noise than did theirs (он гордился, что его

весло производило не больше шума, чем /делали/ их /весла/). In that respect at

least he was their equal (в этом отношении по крайней мере он был им

ровней), though woodcraft learned in hunts on the Tauran could never equal that

ground into the souls of men on the savage border (хотя знание леса, изученное

= полученное на охоте в Тауране /не/ могло бы никогда сравняться с тем =

знанием, вдолбленным в души людей на дикой / жестокой границе).


admire [qd'maIq], ground [graund], equal ['i:kwql]


Balthus admired them and their leader and felt a pulse of pride that he was

admitted into their company. He was proud that his paddle made no more noise

than did theirs. In that respect at least he was their equal, though woodcraft learned

in hunts on the Tauran could never equal that ground into the souls of men on the

savage border.


Below the fort the river made a wide bend (ниже форта река образовывала

широкую излучину). The lights of the outpost were quickly lost (огни аванпоста

быстро пропали), but the canoe held on its way for nearly a mile (но каноэ

продолжало /свой/ путь почти милю), avoiding snags and floating logs with

almost uncanny precision (избегая коряг и плавающих бревен с почти

сверхъестественной точностью; to hold on — продолжать).



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bend [bend], snag [snxg], precision [prI'sIZn]


Below the fort the river made a wide bend. The lights of the outpost were quickly

lost, but the canoe held on its way for nearly a mile, avoiding snags and floating

logs with almost uncanny precision.


Then a low grunt from their leader (затем низкое ворчание от вожака), and they

swung its head about and glided toward the opposite shore (и они повернули /его/

носовую часть и заскользили к противоположному берегу; to swing —

повернуть, качнуть, колебать). Emerging from the black shadows of the bush

that fringed the bank (появление из черных теней кустарника, который

окаймлял берег) and coming into the open of the midstream created a peculiar

illusion of rash exposure (и выход в = на открытое место на середине реки

создавали странную иллюзию стремительного обнажения). But the stars gave

little light (но звезды давали мало света), and Balthus knew that unless one were

watching for it, it would be all but impossible for the keenest eye to make out the

shadowy shape of the canoe crossing the river (и Балтус знал, что если кто-то не

высматривал их, /это/ было бы почти невозможно для самого острого глаза

выделить призрачную форму каноэ, пересекающего реку).


opposite ['OpqzIt], create [krI'eIt], illusion [I'lu:Zn]


Then a low grunt from their leader, and they swung its head about and glided

toward the opposite shore. Emerging from the black shadows of the brush that

fringed the bank and coming into the open of the midstream created a peculiar

illusion of rash exposure. But the stars gave little light, and Balthus knew that

unless one were watching for it, it would be all but impossible for the keenest eye

to make out the shadowy shape of the canoe crossing the river.



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They swung in under the overhanging bushes of the western shore (они качнулись

под нависающие кусты западного берега) and Balthus groped for and found a

projecting root which he grasped (и Балтус нащупал и нашел = ощупью нашел

выступающий корень, /за который/ он схватился). No word was spoken (ни

слова /не/ было сказано). All instructions had been given before the scouting-

party left the fort (все указания были даны до того, как разведывательная

группа покинула форт). As silently as a great panther, Conan slid over the side

and vanished in the bushes (бесшумно, как огромная пантера, Конан скользнул

за борт и исчез в кустах). Equally noiseless, nine men followed him (так же

бесшумно девять человек последовали за ним). To Balthus, grasping the root

with his paddle across his knee, it seemed incredible that ten men should thus fade

into the tangled forest without a sound (Балтусу, державшемуся за корень с

веслом на коленях, казалось невероятным, чтобы десять человек так

растворились в запутанном = непроходимом лесу без звука).


root [ru:t], grasp [grQ:sp], vanish ['vxnIS]


They swung in under the overhanging bushes of the western shore and Balthus

groped for and found a projecting root which he grasped. No word was spoken. All

instructions had been given before the scouting-party left the fort. As silently as a

great panther, Conan slid over the side and vanished in the bushes. Equally

noiseless, nine men followed him. To Balthus, grasping the root with his paddle

across his knee, it seemed incredible that ten men should thus fade into the tangled

forest without a sound.


He settled himself to wait (он устроился ждать). No word passed between him

and the other man who had been left with him (ни одним словом /не/ обменялись

он и другой человек, который был оставлен с ним). Somewhere, a mile or so to

the northwest, Zogar Sag's village stood girdled with thick woods (где-то /в/ миле

или около того на северо-запад стояла деревня Зогара Сага, окруженная


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густым лесом). Balthus understood his orders; he and his companion were to wait

for the return of the raiding-party (Балтус понял свои приказы, он и его спутник

/должны/ были ждать возвращения диверсионной команды; to raid —

совершать налет, набег, облаву). If Conan and his men had not returned by the

first tinge of dawn (если бы Конан и его люди не вернулись к первому оттенку

рассвета), they were to race back up the river to the fort and report that the forest

had again taken its immemorial toll of the invading race (они /должны/ были

двигаться назад вверх по реке к форту и доложить, что лес опять собрал свою

извечную дань со вторгшейся расы). The silence was oppressive (тишина была

гнетущей). No sound came from the black woods, invisible beyond the ebony

masses that were the overhanging bushes (ни один звук /не/ доносился из

черного леса, невидимого за черными массами, которые были нависающими

кустами). Balthus no longer heard the drums (Балтус больше не слышал

барабанов; to hear — слышать). They had been silent for hours (они молчали:

«быил безмолвными» уже /несколько/ часов). He kept blinking, unconsciously

trying to see through the deep gloom (он продолжал моргать, бессознательно

пытаясь видеть сквозь глубокий мрак; to keep + V-ing — обозначает

продолжение действия, выраженного «инговой» формой). The dank night-

smells of the river and the damp forest oppressed him (сырые ночные запахи

реки и сырого леса угнетали его). Somewhere, near by, there was a sound as if a

big fish had flopped and splashed the water (где-то, поблизости был = раздался

звук, как будто большая рыба шлепнула и плеснула водой). Balthus thought it

must have leaped so close to the canoe that it had struck the side, for a slight quiver

vibrated the craft (Балтус подумал, что она, наверное, прыгнула так близко к

каноэ, что /она/ ударилась о борт, так как легкая дрожь колыхнула

суденышко). The boat's stern began to swing, slightly away from the shore (корма

лодки начала качаться, /уходя/ от берега; to begin — начинать, начинаться).

The man behind him must have let go of the projection he was gripping (человек

позади него, должно быть, выпустил выступающую часть /коряги/, /за

которую/ он держался; to let smth. go — выпустить что-л.). Balthus twisted his


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head to hiss a warning (Балтус повернул /свою/ голову, /чтобы/ прошипеть

предупреждение), and could just make out the figure of his companion, a slightly

blacker bulk in the blackness (и мог лишь разобрать фигуру своего спутника,

чуть более черное тело в черноте).


leap [li:p], report [rI'pO:t], dawn [dO:n]


He settled himself to wait. No word passed between him and the other man who

had been left with him. Somewhere, a mile or so to the northwest, Zogar Sag's

village stood girdled with thick woods. Balthus understood his orders; he and his

companion were to wait for the return of the raiding-party. If Conan and his men

had not returned by the first tinge of dawn, they were to race back up the river to

the fort and report that the forest had again taken its immemorial toll of the

invading race. The silence was oppressive. No sound came from the black woods,

invisible beyond the ebony masses that were the overhanging bushes. Balthus no

longer heard the drums. They had been silent for hours. He kept blinking,

unconsciously trying to see through the deep gloom. The dank night-smells of the

river and the damp forest oppressed him. Somewhere, near by, there was a sound

as if a big fish had flopped and splashed the water. Balthus thought it must have

leaped so close to the canoe that it had struck the side, for a slight quiver vibrated

the craft. The boat's stern began to swing, slightly away from the shore. The man

behind him must have let go of the projection he was gripping. Balthus twisted his

head to hiss a warning, and could just make out the figure of his companion, a

slightly blacker bulk in the blackness.


The man did not reply (мужчина не ответил). Wondering if he had fallen asleep,

Balthus reached out and grasped his shoulder (спрашивая себя, /не/ уснул ли он,

Балтус потянулся и схватил его плечо; to fall asleep — заснуть). To his

amazement, the man crumpled under his touch and slumped down in the canoe (к

его изумлению, мужчина рухнул под его прикосновением и осел внизу в


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каноэ = на дно каноэ). Twisting his body half about, Balthus groped for him, his

heart shooting into his throat (повернув его тело на пол-оборота, Балтус ощупал

его, у него душа ушла в пятки: «его сердце дернулось в его горло»; to have

one's heart in one's mouth/throat — быть очень напуганным; душа в пятки

ушла). His fumbling fingers slid over the man's throat (его нащупывающие

пальцы скользнули по горлу мужчины) — only the youth's convulsive clenching

of his jaws choked back the cry that rose to his lips (только конвульсивное

стискивание юноши = юношей /его/ челюстей сдержало крик = только

конвульсивно стиснутые челюсти сдержали крик, который поднялся к его

губам = готовый сорваться с его губ). His finger encountered a gaping, oozing

wound — his companion's throat had been cut from ear to ear (его палец

натолкнулся на зияющую, сочащуюся рану — горло его спутника было

перерезано от уха до уха; to cut — резать, рубить).


asleep [q'sli:p], youth [ju:T], wound [wVnd]


The man did not reply. Wondering if he had fallen asleep, Balthus reached out and

grasped his shoulder. To his amazement, the man crumpled under his touch and

slumped down in the canoe. Twisting his body half about, Balthus groped for him,

his heart shooting into his throat. His fumbling fingers slid over the man's throat —

only the youth's convulsive clenching of his jaws choked back the cry that rose to

his lips. His finger encountered a gaping, oozing wound — his companion's throat

had been cut from ear to ear.


In that instant of horror and panic Balthus started up — and then a muscular arm

out of the darkness locked fiercely about his throat, strangling his yell (в этот миг

ужаса и паники Балтус вскочил — а затем мускулистая рука из темноты

сомкнулась яростно на его горле, подавляя его вопль). The canoe rocked

wildly (каноэ дико затряслось). Balthus' knife was in his hand, though he did not

remember jerking it out of his boot, and he stabbed fiercely and blindly (нож


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Балтуса был в его руке, хотя он не помнил, /как/ выхватил его из сапога, и он

яростно и вслепую вонзил /его/). He felt the blade sink deep, and a fiendish yell

rang in his ear, a yell that was horribly answered (он почувствовал, /как/ лезвие

погрузилось глубоко, и злодейский вопль = вопль злодея раздался в его ухе,

вопль, который был ужасно отвечен = на который пришел ужасный ответ).

The darkness seemed to come to life about him (темнота, казалось, ожила вокруг

него; to come to life — оживать). A bestial clamor rose on all sides, and other

arms grappled him (звериный крик поднялся со всех сторон, и другие руки

обхватили его). Borne under a mass of hurtling bodies the canoe rolled sidewise

shone (/несомое/ под массой столкнувшихся тел каноэ качнулось вбок), but

before he went under with it но прежде чем он перевернулся с ним), something

cracked against Balthus' head (что-то ударилось о голову Балтуса) and the night

was briefly illuminated by a blinding burst of fire before it gave way to a blackness

where not even stars (и ночь на короткое время осветилась ослепляющей

вспышкой огня, прежде чем она уступила /место/ черноте, где не светили

даже звезды; to give way — уступать, отступать, поддаваться, сдаваться;

to shine — светить).


darkness ['dQ:knIs], yell [jel], shone [SOn]


In that instant of horror and panic Balthus started up — and then a muscular arm

out of the darkness locked fiercely about his throat, strangling his yell. The canoe

rocked wildly. Balthus' knife was in his hand, though he did not remember jerking

it out of his boot, and he stabbed fiercely and blindly. He felt the blade sink deep,

and a fiendish yell rang in his ear, a yell that was horribly answered. The darkness

seemed to come to life about him. A bestial clamor rose on all sides, and other

arms grappled him. Borne under a mass of hurtling bodies the canoe rolled

sidewise, but before he went under with it, something cracked against Balthus'

head and the night was briefly illuminated by a blinding burst of fire before it gave

way to a blackness where not even stars shone.


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Дата добавления: 2015-10-28; просмотров: 36 | Нарушение авторских прав

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