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Multi-function devices and Device Containers

Exercise 2. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative. Translate them into Ukrainian. | Exercise 4. Translate into English. | The Future Indefinite Tense (Active) | Exercise 3. Make the following sentences interrogative. Translate them into Ukrainian. | Exercise 2. Translate into Ukrainian. State the forms and functions of the infinitive. | Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English using the infinitive. | Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences into English using the Objective Infinitive Complex. | Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English using the Subjective Infinitive Complex. | Exercise 2. Transform the following sentences using participle phrases instead of the subordinate clauses. | Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English using the required form of the participle. |

Afore Windows 7, every device attached to the system was … (treat) as a single functional end-point, which has a set of capabilities and a “status”. This is quite appropriate for single-function devices (such as a keyboard or scanner). But it does not accurately represent multi-function devices such as a combination printer/fax machine/scanner, or web-cams with a built-in microphone. In Windows 7, the drivers and status information for multi-function devices can be … (group) together as a single “Device Container”. Then the user manipulates this container in the new “Devices and Printers” Control Panel as a single unit. This capability is … (provide) by a Container ID, which is a Globally Unique Identifier that is unique for every instance of a physical device. The Container ID can be … (embed) within the device itself by the manufacturer. Otherwise it may be … (create) by Windows and … (associate) with each functional end-point, when it is … (connect) to the computer for the first time. In order to ensure the uniqueness of the generated Container ID, Windows attempts to use information unique to the device, such as a Media Access Control address (MAC address) or Universal Serial Bus (USB) serial number.


Exercise 10. Complete the sentences using one of the verbs in the Passive Voice from the box below:

simplify implement make group intend handle

1. The kernel to manage communication between hardware and software components of a computer system.

2. The kernel merely corresponds to the lowest level of abstraction that in software.

3. Several improvements and additions to Windows 7 (and Server 2008 R2) kernel components.

4. The designing of all the software due to the concept of abstraction layers.

5. In Windows 7 the drivers and status information for multi-function devices together as a single “Device Container”.

6. In Microsoft Windows operating systems scheduling of threads inside a process by the kernel.



Пряма і непряма мова

(Direct and Indirect Speech)

Пряма мова Непряма мова
Прямою мовою (Direct Speech) називається передача чийогось висловлювання. Непрямою мовою (Indirect Speech) називається передача змісту прямої мови у вигляді переказу.
Якщо в словах автора дієслово-присудок виражає минулу дію, то при перетворенні прямої мови на непряму час дієслова змінюється відповідно до правил узгодження часів, а саме:
Present Indefinite He said, “I knowit.” Past Indefinite He said that he knewit.
Present Continuous “Iam working,”she said. Past Continuous She said that she was working.
Present Perfect He said, “I have translatedthe text.” Past Perfect He said that he had translatedthe text.
Present Perfect Continuous “I have been workingsince 8 o’clock,” she said. Past Perfect Continuous She said that she had been workingsince 8 o’clock.
Past Indefinite He said, “I sawher there.” Past Perfect He said that he had seenher there.
Past Continuous She said, “I was reading.” Past Perfect Continuous She said that she had been reading.
NB! 1. Якщо час дії точно зазначено, Past Indefinite і Past Continuous залишаються без змін.
He said, “I beganto study English in 2000.” She said, “I was working when you rang me up.” He said that he beganto study English in 2000. She saidthat she was working when I rang her up.
2. Past Perfect і Past Perfect Continuous залишаються без змін.
The students said, “We had finishedour work by 5 o’clock.” The students said that they had finishedtheir work by 5 o’clock.
3. Усі форми майбутнього часу замінюються відповідними формами Future-in-the-Past.
He said, “I’ll be workingthis summer.” He saidthat he would be workingthat summer.
При перетворенні прямої мови на непряму змінюються вказівні займенники та деякі обставини часу і місця.
this these now here today yesterday the day before yesterday tomorrow the day after tomorrow ago next that those then there that day the day before two days before the next day two days later before the next

Відмінювання дієслова to write у Future-in-the-Past

Future Simple-in-the-Past Future Continuous-in-the-Past Future Perfect-in-the Past
(He knew that) I, we should he, she, it, write you, they would (He said that) I, we should he, she, it, be you, they would writing (He knew that) I, we should he, she, it have you, they would written

Способи передачі непрямої мови

Types of Sentences Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Declarative Стверджувальне He has said to me, “The negotiations have begun.” He has told me that the negotiations have begun.
Imperative Наказове She said to him, “Come at five o’clock.” He said to me, “Don’t go there.” She told him to come at five o’clock. He told me not to go there.
General Question Загальне питання He asked me, “Will you be here tomorrow?” He asked me whether (if) I should be there the next day.
Special Question Спеціальне питання He asked me, “Who showed you my work?” He asked me, “Why have you come so late?” He asked me, “What is the price of this car?” He asked me who had shown me his work. He asked me why I had come so late. He asked me what was theprice of this car / He asked me what the price of this car was.

Узгодження часів

(Sequence of Tenses)

Структура узгодження часів

Головне речення   Підрядне додаткове речення Перекладається
Past Indefinite Tense that Past Indefinite Tense теперішнім Past Continuous Tense часом
Past Perfect Tense минулим часом
Future-in-the-Past майбутнім часом

Приклад побудови складнопідрядного речення

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 78 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Exercise 5. Translate into English.| Exercise 5. Translate into English.

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