Читайте также: |
drugs - | наркотики | |
for instance - | наприклад | |
prohibited - | заборонений | |
prescription - | рецепт | |
glues - | клей | |
solvents - | розчин | |
hemp - | конопля | |
joint - | сигарета з маріхуаною | |
consumption - | споживання | |
mental disorders - | психічний розлад | |
to impair fitness - | порушити здатість | |
poppy - | опійний мак | |
addictive - | що визиває звичку | |
addiction - | звикання | |
addicts - | наркомани | |
syringe - | шприц | |
abuse - | зловживання | |
to snort - | вдихати | |
to suffer - | страждати | |
persecution mania - | манія переслідування | |
clandestine - | підпільний, нелеганий | |
withdrawal - symptoms | абстинентний синдром |
Ех. 1. Guess the meaning of the international words:
Civilization, narcotic, alcohol, popular, substance, legal, opium, synthetic, to inject, effect, dose, to concentrate, apathy, physical, rehabilitation, depression, mania, risk, tolerance, intensity, euphoria, normal, function, total, character, action, panic, medical, tablet, hallucination, aggressiveness, symptom.
Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:
Junkie, pain killer, Muslim countries, misuse, to snort, hallucinations and mental disorders, drug addict, the coca bush, hemp, manufacturer, the raw material, the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), synthetic drugs, to consumer, contract AIDS.
Ex. 3. Match the following adjectives with the nouns and translate the word-combinations:
medical | material |
raw | drugs |
clandstine | tablets |
synthetic | manufacturers |
illegal |
Ex. 4. Write out the words and expressions with the word "drug" from the text.
Ex. 5. Match English and Ukrainian equivalents:
aggressiveness | індійські коноплі |
boredom | виробник |
caffeine | рецепт |
curiosity | спілкування |
manufacturer | мак |
mental disorder | агресивність |
рорру | психічний розлад |
prescription | кофеїн |
sociability | цікавість |
cannabis | нудьга |
Ex. 6. Group the following words and word- combinations into 4 logical groups:
Panic, caffeine, ecstasy, inject, heroin, smoke, persecution mania, opium, swallow, hashish, medical tablets, LSD, snort, aggressiveness, marihuana, hallucination, nicotine, mental disorder, alcohol.
legal drug | illegal drug | method of use | drugs effect |
Ex. 7. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:
Наркотик, мак, споживач, тютюн та індійські коноплі змішані в одній цигарці, наркоман, психічний розлад, зловживати, закон про наркотичні речовини, лікарські рослини, виробник, вдихати наркотик носом, залежність від наркотиків.
Ех. 8. Translate the words and word- combinations in the box and complete the following sentences:
1. … is natural product derived from the leaves of the coca plant.
2. The world's production of … is concentrated in Peru, Colombia and Bolivia.
3. The vast majority of the world's supply of... is processed from opium poppy.
4. The... were between 20 and 30 years old and a strikingly large number of them were women.
5. Cooperation between the authorities is necessary for the successful of drug abuse.
6. Many thefts, frauds and other kinds of crimes against property are committed with a view to obtaining... to buy drugs.
Ex. 9. Answer the following questions:
1. What kind of distinction should be made between legal and illegal drugs?
2. What drugs are legal in most Western countries?
3. What are four large groups of illegal drugs?
4. What is cannabis?
5. What is the base for opium and heroin?
6. Why do many heroin addicts contract AIDS?
7. What do many cocaine users suffer from?
8. What drug causes addiction right from the beginning?
9. What are the designer drugs?
10. Why are many rehabilitation schemes not successful?
11. Why do "junkies" often turn to crime?
Дата добавления: 2015-09-01; просмотров: 46 | Нарушение авторских прав
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