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Текст № 7. My working day / Мой рабочий день

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Читайте также:
  1. B, Выберите для выделенных в тексте А слов правильные значения.
  2. CASE Ian Edgar (Liverpool) Limited v. the United Kingdom, (Application no. 37683/97, judgment date 25 January 2000) в контексті тлумачення поняття «майно».
  3. CASE OF ILAŞCU AND OTHERS v. MOLDOVA AND RUSSIA» (Application no. 48787/99, judgment date 8 July 2004) в контексті правила прийнятності скарг «ratione loci».
  4. CASE OF KINGSLEY v. THE UNITED KINGDOM» (Application no. 35605/97, judgment date 28 May 2002) в контексті принципу «ефективного» тлумачення Судом Конвенції.
  5. CASE OF LASKEY AND OTHERS v. THE UNITED KINGDOM в контексті обов’язку Суду враховувати «дискреційні повноваження» Високих Договірних Сторін.
  6. CASE OF LOIZIDOU v. TURKEY» (Application no. 15318/89, judgment date 18 December 1996) в контексті правила прийнятності скарг «ratione temporis».
  7. I. Предтекстовые упражнения

My working day / Мой рабочий день

I am a student of the second year of study. My name is Vadim. I am a prospective teacher of mathematics. Every day I have my hands full. Usually I do not have a lot of tree time, so I have to plan everything beforehand. I get up at 6.30. I wash my face, clean mv teeth, dress my sportswear and go to a sports ground. Jogging in the morning wakes me up. brings me energy and fills me with a good mood. After my morning exercises, I go home, take a cold shower and have my breakfast. I do not eat much in the morning, a sandwich with butter and cheese or jam and a cup of tea. I am glad all the members of my family have their breakfast at the same time. We may wish each other a good day and discuss our plans for the evening.

After breakfast I take mv coat and a bag, and go to the university. It doesn't take me much time, so I am not usually late for classes. I have 3—4 classes a day After classes I have dinner with my friends in the university canteen. Then I have to go to the library and get ready for my classes or to write a report. After that I meet my friends and spend the rest of the evening with them. We go for a walk, discuss our student life, and make plans for the weekend Sometimes we visit a sports centre and play bowling or skate there.

I come home at about 8. We have our supper, which is usually light, watch TV, communicate with my parents, listen to my favourite music. Then I go to bed at 11 o'clock.


cheese — сыр
beforehand — заранее
jogging — пробежка
to wake up — пробуждать

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 34 | Нарушение авторских прав

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