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Текст № 15. My favourite writer / Мой любимый писатель

Текст № 3 | Текст № 5 | Текст № 6 | Текст № 7 | Текст № 8 | Текст № 9 | Текст № 10 | Текст № 11 | Текст № 12 | Текст № 13 |

Читайте также:
  1. B, Выберите для выделенных в тексте А слов правильные значения.
  2. CASE Ian Edgar (Liverpool) Limited v. the United Kingdom, (Application no. 37683/97, judgment date 25 January 2000) в контексті тлумачення поняття «майно».
  3. CASE OF ILAŞCU AND OTHERS v. MOLDOVA AND RUSSIA» (Application no. 48787/99, judgment date 8 July 2004) в контексті правила прийнятності скарг «ratione loci».
  4. CASE OF KINGSLEY v. THE UNITED KINGDOM» (Application no. 35605/97, judgment date 28 May 2002) в контексті принципу «ефективного» тлумачення Судом Конвенції.
  5. CASE OF LASKEY AND OTHERS v. THE UNITED KINGDOM в контексті обов’язку Суду враховувати «дискреційні повноваження» Високих Договірних Сторін.
  6. CASE OF LOIZIDOU v. TURKEY» (Application no. 15318/89, judgment date 18 December 1996) в контексті правила прийнятності скарг «ratione temporis».
  7. I. Предтекстовые упражнения

My favourite writer / Мой любимый писатель

I am a student, that's why I should read a lot of books. I like reading. Literature means a lot in my life. It helps me to understand other people better. I often analyze the characters of the books and it helps me to understand the world and myself. I read books by different authors: Russian, Ukrainian, German, and English.

My favourite Russian writer is Darya Dontsova. She is a popular Russian writer of modern prose. The works of this author are smart and really interesting. According to her own words, her novels are based on real facts. That arouses the reader's interest and provokes their own analysis of the events. When I got acquainted with her books, I was really impressed by her wit and humor. The main characters often find themselves in a difficult situation, but they do not give up and try to find the way out. Some of the characters of her books are mean and jealous. Some of them are deeply feeling, faithful and tender.

When I read books by my favourite author, Darya Dontsova, I have a feeling that I may meet her characters even in my native town. I always try to watch an interview on TV with Darya Dontsova. She has a happy family that supports her in her work and in difficult situations. She has a strong character, and she is optimistic. Her brain works as a good computer and she knows how to derive benefit from it. I always recommend my friends to read her books.


smart — остроумный
to arise — возникать
wit — остроумие
mean — подлый
jealous — завистливый

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 59 | Нарушение авторских прав

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