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The Forms of the Participle

Structure of the business letter | Letters of Reply to Inquiry | Letter of Accommodation | SKILLS OF NEGOTIATING | COMMUNICATION | Terms of contract | UNIT 6. ADVERTISING | COMMUNICATION | Direct and Reported (Indirect) Speech | TEXTS FOR READING AND DISCUSSION |

Читайте также:
  1. A Singular and plural forms of nouns
  2. Absolute constructions without a participle.
  3. Absolute Participle Construction
  4. Article 69 of the constitution determines that people’s will is carried out through elections, referenda and other forms of the direct democracy.
  5. Atypical forms of shigellosis;
  6. Author's Narrative. Dialogue. Interior Speech. Represented Speech. Compositional Forms
  7. C) Make correct passive forms. Mind the tenses in brackets.
Form Active Voice Passive Voice
Participle I studying being studied
Participle II - studied
Perfect Participle having studied having being studied

№8. Translate paying attention to different forms of the Participle.

1.The person writing the business plan is my friend.

2.Having prepared the draft project we submitted it to our legal advisor for consideration.

3.Theory connected with practice plays a valuable role in economic life.

4.Being very tired Paula asked no more questions.

5.The problems discussed at the congress were apparently important for today.

6.They discussed the obligation of the contract mentioned at the last meeting.

7.Being applied the method turned out to be effective.

8.Having been adopted the resolution was carried out.

The Forms of the Gerund

Form Active Voice Passive Voice
Indefinite Gerund obtaining being obtained
Perfect Gerund having obtained having been obtained

№9. Translate paying attention to the different functions of the Gerund.

1.Training and retraining of personnel was one of the primary objectives of GML company.

2.Don’t you know that only seeing means believing.

3.The book is great it’s worth reading.

4.The car wants washing and repairing.

5.Mr. Root took part in starting our business from the very beginning.

6.Would you like changing places with me?

7.Thank you for posting letter for me.

8.The difficulties of rebuilding one of the offices of the company were overcome.



Боровая Т.А. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Из-во «ББН». г. Харьков, 1999г. 348 с.

Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.В, Бизнес-курс английского языка. Словарь-справочник. Под общей ред. Богацкого И.С. – 4-е изд., испр. – Киев: «Логос», 1998. – 352 с.

Васильева Л. Деловая переписка на английском языке. – М.: Рольф, Айрис-пресс, 1998. – 352с.

Довгорук Л.Я. Англійська мова для студентів економічних спеціальностей. – Житомир: ПП “Рута”, 2001. – 384с.

Шевелева С.А., Скворцова М.В. Деловая переписка на английском языке. 1000 фраз. – М.: Издательство ИОСО РАО, 2000. – 144с.




UNIT 1. JOB HUNTING............................................ 3

UNIT 2. AT THE PROCESSING PLANT...............................14

UNIT 3. TELEPHONING........................................... 20

UNIT 4. LETTERS WRITING....................................... 32

UNIT 5. NEGOTIATION. CONTRACT................................46

UNIT 6. ADVERTISING............................................55

UNIT 7. EXPORT.................................................62

СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ...........................69

Байдак Людмила Іванівна














Суми, РВВ Сумський національний аграрний університет, вул. Кірова 160


Підписано до друку 2004 р. Формат А5. Умовн. друк. арк. Наклад 100 пр.



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