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Absolute Participle Construction

Three Kinds of Lawyers | SUPPLEMENTARY READING | В употреблении инфинитива или герундия | TOPIC ACTIVITIES | The Lawyer in Our Society | How to Become a Lawyer | Функции причастия в предложении | History of Common Law | Сложное дополнение с причастием | International Law |

Читайте также:
  1. Absolute (or indendent) subordinate clauses
  2. Absolute and relative truth
  4. Absolute constructions without a participle.
  5. Additional exercises for the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions
  6. An elliptical construction and its usage
Структура   (with)     Subject (подлежащее)     + Participle  
Функция указывает на различные обстоятельства (причины, времени, сопутствующие обстоятельства и т.п.) по отношению к действию главного предложения  
Позициявпредложении послеглавного предложения оборот передглавным предложением
Subject + Verb, 1. He went home, Subject + Participle, the lessons being over. 2.The lessons being over, Subject + Verb he went home.
Перевод 1. Он пошел домой, так как уроки закончились. 2. Так как уроки закончились, он пошел домой.
·3 причастие переводится сказуемым, которое вместе с подлежащим образует отдельное предложение, вводимое союзами так как, поскольку, после того, как, когда, а, и, но, причём.

Независимый причастный оборот – это конструкция, в кото­рой причастие имеет своё собственное подлежащее. Оборот ха­рактерен для письменной речи; всегда выделяется запятой; с глав­ным предложением связан по смыслу (без предлога) или предло­гом with; в русском языке аналогов не имеет.

1. Practise translating the Absolute Participle Construction:

1. People making promises, we expect them to keep them.

2. The sea being rough, I felt sick.

3. The day was splendid, with a fresh wind blowing from the sea.

4. He was slowly walking in the direction of the lake, with his dog following him.

5. The European Community increasing, several guidebooks have appeared giving advice on international etiquette.

6. The tin of instant coffee stolen, the shoplifter passed it to his partner.

7. The police officers standing at either end of the hallway, Jack had no chance to escape.

8. A driver breaking the speed limit, it makes no difference at all whether he intended to or not.

9. A specimen taken, the driver proved to have exceeded the permitted level of alcohol.

10. Your lack of care having caused physical or financial injury to another, the injured person may claim compensation from you in a civil court.

11. Actions being illegal, the whole society disapproves of them on moral or religious ground.

12. One of the parties having failed to perform what has been agreed on, the other can take action in the court.

13. A judge ruling unfairly, a litigant may appeal to a higher court.

14. A legal system applying fairly, we can protect ourselves in this way.

15. The authorities are dividing the grant according to need, the largest part being given to the homeless.

16. Everyone having the right of freedom of expression, the exercise of these freedoms may be subject to restrictions or penalties prescribed by the law.

17. Your will being home-made, circumstances may arise to make it ambiguous (допускающий двойственное толкование) or even unenforceable (не имеющий законной силы).

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 125 | Нарушение авторских прав

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