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The first and main question: Where does “the peaceful atom” come from?
In 30th years of the twentieth century, the research of scientists in the field of atomic and nuclear physics have led to the realisation of nuclear fission. It has been shown, that at fission, every nucleus of uranium releases from 2 up to 3 neutrons, which are capable to cause fission of the neighbouring nucleus of uranium. This may lead to a chain reaction with huge release of energy. Scientists have established that chain reaction can be controlled with the use of uranium - 235, plutonium or natural uranium or heavy water as slowing elements. When politician learned from scientists about the possibility of the creation of a nuclear bomb, they placed these work under “secret” and put an end to the serene, creative, peace, and international atmosphere existing at that time among the physicists in the different countries. Programs on manufacturing of nuclear bomb started to be realized.
The majority of our readers may not remember those far days, when the whole world been stunned by the first use of “military” atomic energy. It happened more than half-centuries ago, in summer of 1945. In May of that historical year, “The Great Patriotic War” Second World War had come to its end. “With tears in their eyes”, our grandfathers and grandmothers, their fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters had celebrated this great, but also very bloody victory. That somewhere away, in the East, there still continued a war with Japan seemed almost unreal: we trusted very much that the world, at last, has finally returned to its homes.
In his memoirs “Business of all life” [1] Marshal of Soviet Union A.M.Vasilevsky writes: “According to the American plans for the destruction of Japan, developed even before the convocation of the Potsdam Conference, and authorized by the President of the USA on June, 29 1945, the landing of the American armies no the island Kyushu was to take place on November, 1, 1945, and the landing on the island Honshu, not earlier than on March, 1, 1946.
The president of the USA Truman, declared on June, 18, 1945 during a meeting of military Chiefs of Staff, that “one of the purposes, which he put before himself” for the forthcoming Potsdam Conference (July, 17 - August, 2, 1945), would consist in obtaining from the Soviet Union the maximal help in the war against Japan.
However, before the Potsdam meeting, the USA exploded their first nuclear bomb on July 16, 1945, in Los Alamo’s in their nuclear test-side Alamogordo.
After the decisions taken at the Potsdam Conference, the Soviet Union actively prepared for the war with Japan. The invasion of the Soviet Army on the territory of China occupied by the Japanese army was to take place three months after the end of the war in Europe, namely on August 9, 1945. All this was well known to all leaders of the western countries. They also knew with certainty, that the entering into war of the Soviet Union would deprive Japan of its last opportunities for resistance.
However, despite of this unequivocal situation, completely clear from the military point of view, President G. Truman, not even waiting for the end of the Potsdam Conference, gave on July, 24, the order to the commander of the strategic military air forces, to drop a nuclear bomb on one of following Japanese cities: Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, Nagasaki, in the beginning of August, 1945. The first bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, without any appreciable changes of the military situation.
The Soviet troops crossed the border on the dawn on August 9, 1945. The suddenness and the force of the first impacts of the Soviet army, compelled the Prime minister of Japan, Suzuki Kantaro, to declare already on August, 9, 1945: “the entering in war of the Soviet Union this morning, drives us finally in the corner and renders impossible the further continuation of war”.
The military situation was clear, from the moment when the Soviet Union accepted the decision to support the allies in their war with Japan. The started military actions started by the Soviet Army in the morning on August 9, 1945, decided finally and unconditionally the outcome of war with Japan.
Nevertheless, on August 9, 1945, after the entering of the Soviet Union into war and after the specified categorical declaration of the Prime minister of Japan Suzuki, the United States dropped a second nuclear bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were very peaceful and blossoming cities, which were not expecting anything malicious from the blue sky above them. These cities were literally erased from the ground. A.M.Vasilevsky asserts: “Mass destruction of the population of the Japanese cities was not dictated by any military necessity”. But they ruthlessly killed many thousand peaceful inhabitants (in Hiroshima over 140 thousand person, and in Nagasaki over 75 thousand people), and transformed into cripples and invalids thousands of survives.
In the book “Atomic energy” [2] written for rising generation, German professor Siegfrid Aust asserts (page 48): “ Destruction of this city (Hiroshima) by a nuclear bomb has led to end of the second world war. Japan had to capitulate”. (Underlined by us). This statement represents a rough distortion of the historical truth. The declaration of the Prime minister of Japan Suzuki, on “impossibility of the further continuation of war”, issued immediately once after the entering of Soviet Union into war, confirms the full senselessness of these brutal actions. No military objects, but peaceful cities were subjected to bombardment. The author of the book [2] tries to cover with falsity the greatest crime of the USA leaders before Humankind.
The truth is that the bombardments of the two Japanese cities, not only did not lead to the demoralization of the Japanese army, but also, more likely, have made its resistance fiercer. Even after August 17, when commander-in-chief of Kvantun army general Otodzo Jamada ordered the armies to stop resistance, intense fights proceeded for some more days. Thus, on many sites, the Japanese armies tried even to mount counterattacks.
What was the objective of these brutal actions?
Long before the end of the Second World War, during Hitlerism, Germany worked actively on the creation of the so-called “ weapon of punishment”. This was also a weapon using the energy of the atomic nucleus for military purposes. The fascists were very close to their achievement. Nevertheless, fortunately, they were not in time! Literally, following on their heels, and frequently with using already achieved information, the United States and Soviet Union went forward. The United States managed to reach “the goal” earlier: the first nuclear bombs were completed there.
The fissile material of these bombs was uranium 235 for Hiroshima, and plutonium 239 for Nagasaki. This last material does not exist in the nature. It is possible to obtain plutonium during the nuclear reaction taking place in a nuclear reactor. It is exactly for this purpose that nuclear reactors were created! In addition, if somebody will convince you, that they were created for «peaceful purposes”, do not trust your ears.
Later, it was decided, that it would be possible to use, for “peaceful” purposes, the heat produced as a by-product in reactors. But at that time, the purposes were other. None of those who worked towards atomic bombs was thinking about peace: the owner of this extremely powerful and brutal in essence weapons, wanted the leadership over all nations of the world.
These atomic explosions were made to demonstrate to the whole world that they were stronger, than anybody was. In addition, the more terrible the consequences of these explosions were, the more those who had launched bombs on the heads of peaceful people exulted.
It is difficult to say, whether “peaceful” atomic reactors would have appeared if they had been necessary for military objectives. The Chief Soviet designer, the Director of Research and Development Designer Institute of Energy Technology, E.O.Adamov, later Minister of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation, stated during a discussion in the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1992: “Both for us, and for those countries, where the atomic energy began to develop right after the first games with weapons and with boats finished, NPP are based on the plans for the construction of atomic boats and industrial reactors (for producing plutonium – authors). The RPWR was born on the basis of industrial reactors, our WWER and foreign PWR, on the basis of boat reactors” (see [3]).
In 1976 the main designer of graphite reactors Dollezhal wrote (see [4], page 105-106): “the Siberian nuclear power plant is a classical example of the use, for the production of electric power, of the heat, produced during the production of plutonium. The principal costs spent on this NPP, were covered by the value of the obtained plutonium “ (underlined by authors).
The information on the production of the nuclear materials in the USSR, contained in the open literature, is limited mainly to data on the early development of the “know-how” on the production of plutonium, of highly enriched uranium and of heavy water, and also data on modern nuclear power reactors, uranium deposits and centres of reprocessing. According to US estimations, in the middle of the seventies, 17.500 tons of uranium were produced annually in the USSR, 1.800 tons or 10,3 % being used for not military needs (including export). According to some data, from 1946 to 1977, the Soviet Union has produced in total about 200.000 tons of uranium. This quantity permits to produce 600-700 tons of weapon grade plutonium.
It is very probable that without a clearly expressed interest of militaries, so-called “peaceful reactors» would never have appeared. Many facts testify to the fact that they are not so peaceful, and that their neighbourhood is not so pleasant and safe for us.
But for war everything was realised, with no consideration even that life on earth became more and more hostage to these military ambitions. Consequently, these “poisonous fruits” of the military hysteria, have not appeared by free will on Earth.
In the meantime the USA, the USSR, Great Britain, and later France, China, India, Pakistan and other countries, joined in the competition to create more, and more powerful nuclear weapon. New “peaceful” nuclear reactors were also constructed behind which, “suddenly”, new nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, neutron bombs and other increasingly terrible weapon appeared.
Behind nuclear reactors and plants as behind top of an iceberg, disappears tremendous on the branching, power and, certainly, cost so-called “nuclear industry”. Never and on anything so enormous means what are invested in creation of this “nuclear industry” were not spent. For an example, on fig. 1 (see [5], page 913) it is schematically submitted only one “fragment” of industrial “nuclear system”, called to ensure the functioning of typical, so-called pressurized water power reactors (WWER). The represented system is far from being presenting all that it is necessary to create both -maintenance of work of the NPP and for their deducing from operation. There will be a conversation more in detail about it below.
Having created a huge nuclear arsenal and wanting to distract people from the military purposes of their nuclear programs, the developers started to promote actively various sorts of projects, for the use of so-called «peaceful atom «.
Projects of creation of new lakes and channels, underground storehouses and dams, open mines and many other projects of “exploitation of the nature” by the means of the explosion of nuclear bombs, were designed. The designers completely neglected the major fact of the total contamination of those achievements by the products of nuclear fission, released by the very “peaceful” nuclear explosion, which had created them. As a result, the use of those achievements became problematic.
An active manipulation of the public consciousness also proceeded, in order to persuade people that the operation of NPP is extremely reliable, that the probability of accident with release of radioactive products out of the reactor is very small.
They even told people that the probability of the destruction of the person due to a NPP is lower, than from a thunderstorm and even from the fall of a meteorite. Nuclear scientists calculated the probability of the accident in a nuclear reactor with powerful release of radioactivity as representing one case in 10.000 reactor-years. But by 1986, all reactors of the world had operated only about 5.000 reactor-years, and the number of accidents was already estimated in hundreds. And three large among them:
Accident in Windscale (now Sellafield) NPP in England in 1957, accident in Three Mile Island NPP (USA) in 1979 and the largest, the accident in the Chernobyl NPP in 1986. This does not include the numerous accidents in military and civil ship reactors which were “restricted”, in spite of the destruction of thousand of people, and many hundred billions dollars as material damages.
Figs. 1.
Today the probabilities of accidents continue to be “estimated”. But who now believes these mathematical tricks? After the Chernobyl catastrophe, which has befallen Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, and transformed almost the fourth part of territory of Belarus in a “test-site” for the ability of a whole nation to survive under conditions of a heavy contamination by “peaceful atom”, the last belief in the peaceful character of atomic energy, have dissolved all over the world.
Academician P.L.Kapitsa in his statement concerning the NPP very precisely expressed this new understanding: “a nuclear bomb producing electricity” [6] (see Fig.2). This comparison is not only an image, but it is also very exact in essence. The top part of a bomb resembles the concrete hood, which covers today’s reactors. And the rest of the “bomb” is hidden in the core of a reactor.
Because of Chernobyl, the construction of the Minsk Nuclear Heat Power Plant has also stopped. But the group of Belarus atomic lobbyists has not learned the dire lessons from the Chernobyl accident. In 1992, the Vice-president of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, by submission of the Minister of Energy V.V.Gerasimov, signed the Report on the construction of a nuclear reactor with the corresponding allocation of rather important financial means.
In 1993, the project “ Program of development of atomic energy of Belarus” was completed (project leaders O.G.Martynenko and V.V.Gerasimov [7]). This program “was lead” through the Presidium of Council of Ministers on April 5, 1994. However, the members of the Presidium were not informed that many very serious and basic remarks had been issued in a number of responses from the organizations of Belarus and Russia (see shorthand legal record of the session of the Presidium of CM of Belarus from 05.04.94 [8]).
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Figs. 2. “The NPP – a nuclear bomb producing electricity”.
(Academician P.L.Kapitsa).
On March, 31, 1994, the so-called “Concept of development of atomic energy and the structure of the power complex in Byelorussia” [9] “has been so convincingly lead” through the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus”.
The eleven years, which have passed, since the acceptance of the above mentioned documents, permit to doubt the seriousness and the conscientiousness of the approaches of their authors, as well as the validity of their forecasts. However, the chiefs of the nuclear programs of Belarus persistently try to exempt these documents from analysis, not taking any notice of it. Thus, significant financial means are still spent for their development. And these projects are may lead Belarus in an economic and ecological impasse. It is an attempt to evade the responsibility for the poor work executed in 1993-1995, its primitive conclusions and the unreasonable forecast for billions of roubles spent senselessly.
Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 47 | Нарушение авторских прав
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