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Condition of construction of nuclear reactors in the world for 1998 on IAEA data ([16], tab. 11).

Clever ideas of clever people | Introduction. | This is very clear. | How much does the construction of a NPP COST? | So how much does the electric power, produced on NPP cost? | About safety of NPP. | The staff decide all … But what and how? | Chernobyl and other. | Economic damage - not less than 1 billion US dollars. | And what there in Japan? |

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  7. Absolute Participle Construction
N The country The beginning of construction, year It is planned to finish construction, year
1. Argentina    
2. Brazil    
3-4. Czech republic    
5-7. Slovakia   Not set up Not set up Not set up
8. France    
9-12. India (four reactors) 1989-1990 1999-2001
13-14. Japan, ONAGAWA-3 HIGASHI DORI 1   Not set up Not set up
15-16. Iran   Not set up
17-20. Russia   Not set up Not set up Not set up Not set up
21-24. Ukraine   Not set up Not set up Not set up Not set up
25-26. China   Not set up Not set up

Construction of NPP in Belarus will lead to freezing at least 4,5-6 billion US dollars not less than for 12-15 years, that money will be annually put in capital construction and will start to give feedback only in 12 years. It is fraught with long-term paralysis of the national economy, failure of all programs of energy efficient re-equipment of the industry, including the power, full stagnation in the field of renewed power, and energy saving.

Whether NPP could reach their designed service life

Why one of the major characteristics of the reactor is term of his operation? We already spoke that cost of construction of the NPP is extremely great, many times more, than for stations on gas or any other organic fuel. According to design calculation this cost should be returned to the owner of plant (to the state or firm) as the developed electric power during operation of the NPP. And what if the plant for any reason cannot fulfill the term put to it? In this case the NPP will not pay back itself, and its owner will suffer losses.

One of basic differences of nuclear plants from power plants on organic fuel is that at exhaustion of the NPP resource or at its deducing from operation for other reasons no ways of its regenerative repair or reconstruction exist that is if the NPP fails it is final and irrevocable.

With the thermal stations working on organic fuel (thermal power station, a state district power plant), everything is absolutely different. First, any unit of those plants can be repaired or even replaced. Second, in process of exhaustion of design term of operation these plants are usually modernized with partial or full replacement of the equipment. And it not only extends the general term of operation of plant, but also raises its technical and economic parameters. Now all over the world at modernization of thermal stations aspire to proceed to the steam-gas systems recognized most effective and economic. And in Belarus at modernization the Orsha thermal power plant went on steam-gas system. General capacity (electric and thermal) has increased by 43 %, and the specific charge of fuel has decreased on 40 %. And it at rather high ecological characteristics.

We hope, that now it became clear to you, why, in comparison with plants on organic fuel, for NPPs, term of operation is one of the most important and basic parameter. At the substantiation of expediency of construction of the NPP in Belarus developers of documents [9, 7], atomic lobbyists, started with term of operation of the NPP of 50 years. The standard normative term of service life of reactors makes 30 years. Moreover, on data of IAEA actual service life of reactors, which are already deduced from action, is much lower than 30 years (about 20 years). For January 1, 1997 80 reactors are out of service, thus average term of operation has made 19 years. Each reactor operated from one year to 25 years [14], [15]. In particular, in Canada average service life of 4 reactors deduced from operation has made 16 years, in France – 10 reactors - 20 years, in Germany – 17 reactors - 20 years, in Italy – 4 reactors - 19 years, in the Great Britain – 10 reactors - 21,5 years, in Russia – 4 reactors - 20,8 years, in the USA – 20 reactors - 10,6 years [14], [15].

From 437 reactors working in the world for the present moment about 100 operated from 20 till 25 years and about 40 – from 25 till 30 years [14], [15].

The special group is made with the reactors of the Great Britain working on CO2 heat-carrier. From 35 working reactors eighteen have worked from 30 till 40 years, thus 10 from them have small individual capacity: 8 capacity on 50 MW and two - on 123 MW. These reactors worked with extremely low factor of loading (from 0,18 up to 0,36) that reduces their real term of operation in comparison with calendar in 3-5 times. And in general, the NPP with CO2 heat-carrier are constructed only in the Great Britain, they are complex enough in operation and are the most expensive.

From the resulted data follows, that for existing reactors real term of their operation is essentially less than accepted by developers of the 50 years Program and even less than normative 30-years term. The maximal settlement term of operation should not be accepted over 30 years. By development of the FEASIBILITY REPORT or the business - plan it is necessary to take into account, that real average term of operation (from experience of already stopped reactors) can make only about 20 years.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 81 | Нарушение авторских прав

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