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About safety of NPP.

Clever ideas of clever people | Introduction. | This is very clear. | How much does the construction of a NPP COST? | Why terms of construction of the NPP are tightened | Condition of construction of nuclear reactors in the world for 1998 on IAEA data ([16], tab. 11). | Is it easy to decommission NPP? | Chernobyl and other. | Economic damage - not less than 1 billion US dollars. | And what there in Japan? |

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Atomic lobbyists constantly and obstinately repeated that the NPP are very safe. Developers of these plants, wishing to assure all in their uttermost safety, spoke, that such installations would be not terrible to build even on the Red Square of Moscow. Fortunately, have not built! But to the world and for us too, the Chernobyl NPP was enough. Today atomic lobbyists, not having had time even to recover their breath from Chernobyl accident, begin a new song that Chernobyl is very big contingency, and not that anything unpleasant from NPP happened in the past, and are not expected in the future.

Approve even, that the probability of death of the person from influence of NPP is lower, than from fall of a meteorite. In fact to what it is possible to come, aspiring at any cost to deceive trustful people! Well the grass - snake is not present, trustfulness at dialogue with atomic lobbyists is similar to nonsense.Already today, thousands of people were killed by the atomic energy (and not only by Chernobyl), and meteorites killed no one.

And now about some facts. In opinion of leading scientists and experts of the world, nuclear technologies for production of nuclear fuel and electrical power are the most hazardous, unpredictable and most expensive technologies which were ever known to humankind. Nuclear reactors are highly radioactive, as alongside with a power generation in them is constant and transuranic elements in plenty amounts and the highly radioactive fission fragments rendering damage effect on living organisms during hundreds and thousand years are formed. Physical principles and the designs embodied in NPP and in nuclear reactor, do not guarantee their safe operation. Despite of statements of atomic lobbyists about reliability and safety of NPP, in reality there is a flock of accidents of various weights. Here are only some of them.

Rather short history of atomic energy keeps huge number of unscheduled stops of reactors and thousand accidents, including such large, as Windscale (1957, the Great Britain) nowadays Sellafield, Three Mile Island (1978, the USA), Chernobyl (1986). As for year 2000 within the framework of information system on incidents of IAEA the data on more than 1.200 events that have taken place on NPP all over the world are saved.

So, already after Chernobyl accident from 1989 until 1996 on the Russian NPPs there were 14 accidents with a leak of radiation. Only officially, it is known, that on the Soviet nuclear submarines and icebreakers there were 34 accidents with blowouts and without blowouts of radioactive substances. Thus, human victims accompanied many accidents. On NPP accidents, which are common for thermal power plants were supervised also. So, already after accident on Chernobyl since 1986 to 1992 on the Russian NPPs there were 118 fires, 60 % from which have taken place in engine and reactor halls. From January 1992 until November 1994 on NPPs of Russia and Ignalina NPP (Lithuania) there were 380 emergencies, including five with blowouts of radioactive substances [6].

The overwhelming majority of these accidents are hided behind a screen of privacy. Community of interest in this issue on the part of all owners and producers of NPP is clear. Publicity is not necessary for them: all sane people could understand that these nuclear monsters are hazardous.

But all secret once becomes manifest. So, recently Ukrainian special services have removed a griffon “Top secret” from the information on the former problems of Chernobyl NPP. And there and then some information was published [61]. It appeared that KGB of Ukraine, carried out “secret” supervision of NPPs, and periodically reported top management of country on rather interesting details from life of “secret society” of atomic lobbyists. We shall be acquainted with some from them. It appears, that “at laying of high specific weight concrete - concreting pauses in-process were made, quality of laying was low, the warming was not conducted, that has given creation of shells and stratification of the bases”. Any collective-farm head foreman there and then would take the austerities to bar so evident defects. However, our “statesmen” have paid no attention to this information. Similar, for advance start-up of the next nuclear unit and they were waiting for awards. By the way, you know that the fourth reactor of Chernobyl NPP has been started up for three months before time? And in fact, speech was led about the base that is the basis of the future atomic reactor. And, may be about “base” of the future Chernobyl accident? Alas, for us all this was guarded day and night! In those days the griffon “Top secret” spoke about much, more truly, did not allow to speak about anything. And this terrible griffon accompanied the vilest events of those times.

One of reports of KGB officers began with the word “Confidentially”. In addition, in it was intercommunicated about deliveries of the off-standard equipment from Yugoslavia to Chernobyl NPP, and to Kursk and Smolensk NPP. By the way (is more true, at all not by the way!), Smiles NAP - our nearest neighbour: in 50 kilometres from Belarus border. And so, and this information “has decayed” somewhere in the higher authorities. To one of authors of this book after breakdown of the CPSU and consequently, CPB, the pack of forms of protocols of meetings of Central Committee of Communist Party of Belarus (CPB) on which the griffon “Confidentially” has already been marked has come into the hands. In fact as it is received: not important, about what there spoke (though about weather), but all this was very confidential.

And in three months prior to catastrophe besides with the griffon “confidentially” new report appeared. “In 1985, alongside with scheduled repairs in Chernobyl, emergency stops of generating sets and abandoning of the equipment on the various causes occurred, besides during year there were 26 drops of the plant capacity and consequently, the reactors, and for the first three weeks of January, 1986 - 9 times occurred. …On opinion of leading experts of the plant, each drop of power of reactors has an adverse effect on their reliability and durability. …Thus, the probability of backgrounds to emergency stops increases”. In exhibited reports it was emphasized that frequent shutdown of reactors of Chernobyl NPP will not give anything good. It appears, as “preparation” to Chernobyl accident looked! But all this was in the strict secret, and in reality, indifferently, on the fourth unit of Chernobyl NPP finished preparation that ill starred both completely confused and senseless experiment, which finished preparation to nuclear tragedy.

All conversations on scanty theoretical probability of accident on future very safe reactors cost nothing. Our experts will manage and with “very safety reactors”. To speak follows not about probabilities of accidents, but about scope of consequences, which in comparison with thermal plants, can give accidents on NPP. And here “advantage” of NPP appears indisputable. Even the major accidents on thermal power plants are not capable to give in essential ecological effects. Yes, also they happen or absolutely without human victims, or to small victims from the attendants, not affect environing population. Not casually, such plants build near to human settlements (including very large) or even in city boundaries. For disposition of NPPs, tight standards are established: for example, from conurbations they should be situated not less than on 100 kms. But for NPP and this distance - not a barrier. So, only zones with very high contamination by radionuclides of more than 40 Ci/km2 extend on territory of Belarus on distance up to 270 km from an epicentre of explosion. Rather essential “traces” of Chernobyl blowouts are found practically in all countries of Europe [67].

Not only Russian, but also western experts consider that the modern NPPs are unsafe. It is confirmed as enough plenty of accidents, and applications of experts. In the world there is no NPP on which regularly there would be no accident and incidents and there is no day in year when somewhere in the world there would be no incident even on one of NPP.

As the Chairman of Gosatomnadzor of Russia J.G.Vishnevsky has told in the Russian Academy of sciences “the Concept of safe atomic energy, naturally, can be realized only with the reactors having self-security. However, such reactors - business of the future …” (see [3], page 21). Thus, it is not necessary to forget, that tendency to create “safe” reactor conducts to its considerable rise in price. One of the basic paradoxes of atomic energy also consists in it. So, from above mentioned figs 3 (see [10] page 405) it is visible that only for the terms from 1980 till 1989 the incremental cost of construction of NPP has increased in 4,5 times. And the tendency of “complicating”, and, hence, rises in price of reactors will undoubtedly be saved in the subsequent years. And, besides, the data of Belarusian “very optimistically” atomic lobbyists (see [7] and [13]), introduced on the same figure, are not entered in any way in the indicated dependence. It is received, as in a known joke: «Everyone march not in step, only the first sergeant - in step”.

One more extremely important point. While in service of NPP the tremendous quantity of radioactive waste, which remain deposited at plants, is stored, that is NPPs gradually turn to cemeteries of radioactive waste. Already today, storehouses of solid radioactive waste of the first turns of NPP are filled in on 60-100 %, last - on 60-90%. If this problem will not be decided as soon as possible, it will demand a shutdown of NPP.

From the indicated facts the abundantly clear conclusion follows: Nuclear power plants are most hazardous of the systems used for an electricity production, both on frequency of descending accidents, and on scales of consequences of these accidents.

All field experience of operation of nuclear energy installations of various types has shown, that safe operation of NPP cannot be guaranteed. Accidents on Three Mile Island NPP, Chernobyl NPP and other accidents have dispelled a myth that NPP - the most non-polluting and safe object for production of the electric power.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 47 | Нарушение авторских прав

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