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Interview with Lord Deeds

Задание: Переведите интервью на слух. | Within 100,000 years the divide between rich and poor could lead to two human sub-species | Healthy Bacon Bits | Yusuf Islam wins damages for "veiled women" slur | Interview with a top NATO official | Прослушайте текст на английском языке. Сделайте письменный перевод с опорой на русский текст | Child autism linked to hours spent watching TV | Не меняя режима работы, выполните устный перевод. | Victor Ruga, PR consultant | Прослушайте текст. Сделайте письменный перевод с опорой на текст, потратив не более 20 минут. |

Читайте также:
  1. A Business Interview
  2. A) Read, translate and dramatise the interview about admission into the U.S.
  3. A: Are you watching TV tonight? – Yes, I ... watch the interview with the Queen.
  4. Act out the interviews in class.
  5. After the Interview
  7. An interview with Scott.

politician and journalist

Q: Чем отличается современная журналистика от журналис­тки периода 1950-х годов (начала эпохи электронных CMИ)?

A: When television arrived in the 1950s everyone assured me that our days were numbered, mainly because television advertising would be so attractive. In my view, 40 years on, newspapers have done terribly well. When I began you had wealthy proprietors with strong political views who ran newspapers as a vehicle for (зд. рупор) their opinions. We are now selling a commodity. That's very different journalism from the journalism I was born into, when the printers earned so much money that no one worried about the reporters expenses, I find it very hard to say whether it's better or worse Journalism is also attracting the sort of talent that used to be attracted to Parliament: it offers a platform if there's something that you want to tell the world.

Q: Жалеете ли вы, что ушли из политики?

A: No. Idid 25 years of it. It's an invaluable process if you are going to be a journalist. However cynical you become, you do learn what the problems are in what's been rightly called the endless adventure of governing men. Keeping everyone happy and telling the truth at the same time is an extraordinarily difficult art.

Q: Считаете ли вы, что годы правлении М. Тэтчер пошли на пользу Британии?

A: Emphatically I do. I always see it as a rebalancing which was overdue. In the Second World War we had to create an authoritarian state, which Labour inherited and its successor [governments] were very slow to dismantle. I am not saying she achieved the right balance, but it had gone too far the other way.

Q: Какие надежды вы возлагаете на консервативную пар­тию?

A: After 18 solid years in government, the Tories were crazy to expect any early return to power. There is one thing about politics which is the same as life itself: sooner or later we are all going to die — and sooner or later all governments lose public support, The great pendulum of politics is much more influential than anything that anyone says or does.

Q: Изменились ли ваши собственные политические воззрения за последние годы?

A: I'm a very typical Tory in that I'm very right-wing about some things, quite left-wing about others. I am very right-wing about hunting. To tell everyone that they are cruel because they follow fox hunting is very offensive. Legislators must never invoke the law to put down something which is harmless to other people.

Q: Вы играли видную роль в кампании по запрещению противопехотных мин. Как вы оцениваете шансы на ее успех?

A: Telling the world that there are “ x” million mines that it will take a century to remove is no incentive. If we put our backs into it and acertain amount of money, we could clear every mine in the world that matters within 10 years. You must never make people despair. You must make them feel that if they put another five pounds in the kitty (копилка) we can do the whole thing in 10 years.

Q: 'Изменились ли ваши собственные взгляды после последних посещений горячих точек (зон боевых действий)?

A: If you are going to do any good in this field, you have to maintain a sense of proportion. I remind myself that the British suffered 60, 000 casualties on the first day of the Battle of the Somme

(But) what really shocks me when I travel around is the basic fact that man has not improved in any way at all. Sierra Leone is the crudest war I have ever seen anywhere. When you see children who have had their hands chopped off, you are plumbing the depths (зд. беспредел). Children of 8 or 9, hotted up with drugs or alcohol, are sent in to massacre. I don't know how much lower humanity can crawl (зд. как могло человечество так низко пасть). The only hope is that beyond my lifetime we may see an improvement when women — who don't like wars for biological reasons — start to gain ascendancy in public life.

Q: Вы никогда не задумывались об уходе на покой?

A: Writers are luckier than some people. It's not like golf where you have use your legs a lot. At my age, [a journalist is] useless if you are simply going to retire. My column attracts a fair amount of correspondence, much of it from people who felt I have missed the point (wrong), that the situation is really much worse than it was 20, 30 or 40 years ago. I am not saying that I am right and they are not, but if you are going to be any good as a journalist you have to try to see the world through the eyes of people who are going to be living long, long after you are dead.





СМЕЯТЬСЯ, ПРАВО, HE ГРЕШНО     Члену-корреспонденту РАН Юрию Тимофеевичу Стручкову, известному уче­ному в области физической химии, рабо­тающему в Институте элементоорганических соединений им.А.Н.Несмеянова, присвоена Игнобелевская премия 1992 г. Он был удостоен ее за своеобразный ре­корд: в 1981—1990 гг. опубликовал 948 научных работ, т.е. в среднем—одну за неполных четыре дня.Эту премию придумали в Бостоне (США) для того, чтобы необычные, но ре­альные достижения в области экономики, физики, химии, медицины, архитектуры, биологии и в других отраслях знаний. На­звана она якобы в честь Игнатиуса Нобе­ля, изобретателя газировки.   Неизвестно, существовал ли такой человек на самом деле и был ли он, как утверждает легенда, родственником шведского химика и фи­лантропа Альфреда Нобеля (1833—1896), изобретателя динамита, учредителя все­мирно известной премии, которую при­суждает шведская Академия наук с 1901 г. Скорее всего название Игнобелевская премия получила в результате игры двух английских слов: noble—благородный, ig noble—неблагородный. Так во всяком случае утверждает Марк Абрахаме—спе­циалист по прикладной математике и ре­дактор сатирического «Журнала невосп­роизводимых результатов», выходящего в Бостоне. Это издание вот уже четверть века ведет список абсурдных достижений, доказывая тем самым, что и наука может дать повод для смеха. Игнобелевскую пре­мию присуждают теперь ежегодно и с ко­мической серьезностью отмечают это со­бытие на соответствующей церемонии. Переводческие решения ... он был удостоен (премии)... ... скорее всего название игнобелевская премия получили в результате двух английских слов... ... и наука может дать повод для смеха...     Шоу создали около ста добровольцев из Гарварда, Кембриджа, Массачусетского технологического института. Готовит­ся оно с тщательностью и серьезностью, пожалуй, мало уступающей нобелевской церемонии. Существует и секретный Игнобелевский комитет. Работа у членов комитета непростая. К примеру, в 1992 г. из трехсот кандида­тов на Игнобелевскую премию со всего мира им надо было отобрать лишь десять ученых и авторских коллективов, дейст­вительно достойных подобной награды.   IT CANT ВE SINFUL TO LAUGH AT WHAT IS FUNNY   Yuri Timofeevich Struchkov, corre­sponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences, a well-known scientist in physi­cal chemistry from the research Institute of Organo-Chemical Compounds in Mos­cow, was awarded an... Ig Nobel prize of 1992. He was honoured with this award for a supernatural record: between 1981 and 1990 he managed to publish 948 sci­entific papers averaging every three days more than one. This prize was invented in Boston (USA) to mark rare but real achievements in economics, physics, chemistry, medi- i cine, architecture, biology and other branches of knowledge. The prize was al­legedly named after the legendary lg No­bel, the inventor of soda pop.   Nobody knows whether such a man ever lived or, if he did, whether he was a relative of the Swedish chemist and philathropist Alfred Nobel (1833—1896), the inventor of dyna­mite and founder of the famous prize awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sci­ences since 1901. The name Ig Nobel prize is most likely to have been derived from a pun based on two English words: «noble» and its counterpart «ig noble». At any rate, this is a statement by Mark Abra­hams, an applied mathematician and edi­tor of the Boston-published satirical Journal of Irreproducible Results. For a quar­ter of a century now this publication has been registering preposterous achieve­ments proving thus that science, too, can be a good reason for laughter. Now the Ig Nobel prize is awarded annually, the event being celebrated in a mocking earnest at the appropriate ceremony. Translator's Decisions ... he was honoured... ... the name Ig Nobel prize is most likely to have been derived from a pun based on two English words... ... science, too, can be a good reason for laughter...     The show was established by about one hundred volunteers of Harward University, Cambridge University and Massuchusettes Institute of Technology. The event is usu­ally prepared most painstakingly and can be said to be but little inferior to the Nobel Prize awarding ceremony. There is even a secret Ig Nobel committee   The members of the committee do the job far from easy. For example, in 1992 there were three hundred candidates for I the Ig Nobel prize from the world over out of whom the committee had to select only ten scientists and teams of authors actu­ally worthy of such an award.  




AP Enterprise: Blackwater founder trains Somalis

NAIROBI, Kenya – Erik Prince, whose former company Blackwater Worldwide became synonymous with the use of private U.S. security forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, has quietly taken on a new role in helping to train troops in lawless Somalia.Prince is involved in a multimillion-dollar program financed by several Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates, to mobilize some 2,000 Somali recruits to fight pirates who are terrorizing the African coast, according to a person familiar with the project and an intelligence report seen by The Associated Press.Prince's name has surfaced in the Somalia conflict amid the debate over how private security forces should be used in some of the world's most dangerous spots. Blackwater, now known as Xe Services, became a symbol in Washington of contractors run amok after a series of incidents, including one in 2007 in which its guards were charged with killing 14 civilians in the Iraqi capital.

A U.S. federal judge later threw out the charges on the grounds that the defendants' constitutional rights were violated. Last year, Iraq's Interior Ministry gave all contractors who had worked with Blackwater at the time of the shooting one week to get out of the country or face arrest for visa violations. Though Somali pirates have seized ships flying under various flags, most governments are reluctant to send ground troops to wipe out pirate havens in a nation that has been in near-anarchy for two decades and whose weak U.N.-backed administration is confined to a few neighborhoods of the capital. The forces now being trained are intended to help fill that void. They will also go after a warlord linked to Islamist insurgents, one official said.In response to requests for an interview with Prince, his spokesman e-mailed a brief statement that the Blackwater founder is interested in "helping Somalia overcome the scourge of piracy " and has advised antipiracy efforts. Spokesman Mark Corallo said Prince has "no financial role" in the project and declined to answer any questions about Prince's involvement.

Prince's role revives questions about the use of military contractors. Critics say it could undercut the international community's effort to train and fund Somali forces to fight al-Qaida-linked Islamist insurgents.The European Union is training about 2,000 Somali soldiers with U.S. support, and an African Union force of 8,000 Ugandan and Burundian peacekeepers is propping up the government. By introducing contractors, "You could see the privatization of war, with very little accountability to the international community," said E.J. Hogendoorn, a Nairobi-based analyst with the International Crisis Group think tank. "Who are these private companies accountable to and what prevents them from changing clients when it's convenient for them?"

Although Hogendoorn's concerns are shared by some U.S. officials, the director of one private security company welcomed the effort and Prince's involvement."There are 34 nations with naval assets trying to stop piracy and it can only be stopped on land," said John Burnett, director of Maritime Underwater Security Consultants. "With Prince's background and rather illustrious reputation, I think it's quite possible that it might work."Prince, now based in the United Arab Emirates, is no longer with Blackwater. He has stoutly defended the company, telling Vanity Fair magazine that "when it became politically expedient to do so, someone threw me under the bus."Last month, the AP reported that the Somalia project encompassed training a 1,000-man antipiracy force in Somalia's northern semiautonomous region of Puntland and presidential guards in Mogadishu, the ruined seaside capital. The story identified Saracen International, a private security company, as being involved, along with a former U.S. ambassador, Pierre Prosper; a senior ex-CIA officer, Michael Shanklin; and an unidentified Muslim donor nation. Prosper and Shanklin confirmed they were working as advisers to the Somali government.

Since then, AP has learned from officials and documents that Prince is involved and that a second 1,000-man antipiracy force is planned for Mogadishu, where insurgents battle poorly equipped government forces.Lafras Luitingh, the chief operating officer of Beirut-registered Saracen International, said the company had sought to keep the project secret to surprise the pirates. He said his company signed a contract with the Somali government in March. He declined to say whether Prince was involved in the project and said he was not part of Saracen.Since the signing, a new Somali government has taken office and has appointed a panel to investigate the Saracen deal and others, said Minister of Information Abdulkareem Jama. He said he had not been aware of Prince's involvement. Separately, the U.N. is quietly investigating whether the Somalia projects have broken the blanket embargo on arms supplies to Somali factions.The money is moving through a web of international companies, the addresses of which didn't always check out when the AP sought to verify them.




Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 73 | Нарушение авторских прав

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