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Interview with a top NATO official

Погодные катаклизмы 2010 года: от Пакистана до России | Задание. Прослушайте текст. Переведите, обращая внимание на прецизионную информацию. | Задание: Переведите интервью на слух. | The Housing Market Effects on the Economy | Прослушайте текст на английском языке. Сделайте письменный перевод с опорой на русский оригинал текста, потратив не более 20 минут. | Задание. Прослушайте текст. Запомните и переведите ключевую информацию с цифрами | Famous Headline-Grabbing Predictions That Fizzled | Задание: Переведите интервью на слух. | Within 100,000 years the divide between rich and poor could lead to two human sub-species | Healthy Bacon Bits |

Читайте также:
  1. A Business Interview
  2. A) Read, translate and dramatise the interview about admission into the U.S.
  3. A: Are you watching TV tonight? – Yes, I ... watch the interview with the Queen.
  4. Act out the interviews in class.
  5. After the Interview
  7. An interview with Scott.

(name withheld by request)

Q: Решение о расширении НАТО на Восток вызывает ожесто­ченные споры. Насколько они оправданы, по вашему мнению?

A: Indeed, NATO's decision to invite the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland has intensified the debate on both sides of the Atlantic about the merits of the expansion and the overall purpose of NATO itself. Most often the claim is that the alliance, created primarily as a defense organization of Western democracies against the Soviet Union, has lost its meaning. The opponents of expansion argue that NATO needs to redefine its mission, and that the expansion will be too costly arid will cause a new division of Europe by alienating Russia.

Q: Разве мир и Европа станут более безопасными, когда НАТО подойдет к границам России?

A: The main problem with such arguments is that you tend to see. NATO as a military organization. In reality, NATO is and always has been a defense pact of nations sharing the same democratic values. It has never pursued offensive military objectives or tried to project the military might of the Western world beyond its borders, to deter possible military threats through collective defense. NATO's main mission has always been to maintain peace — not to cause war.

Q: Но ведь теперь не существует главного противника альянса — СССР?

A: Why should NATO be outdated just because the Soviet Union has collapsed? That NATO currently doesn't have one main, visible enemy does not mean that Western democracies are now free from an outside threat, or that they will not be threatened in the future. Maintaining a defense alliance that would become truly active only if a member-state were attacked is a basic right that need not be questioned.

Q: He считаете ли вы, что смысла и цели существования НАТО теперь просто нет?

A: Those NATO opponents who argue that the alliance has lost its purpose fail to see that although the Soviet threat played an important role in creating NATO, the alliance has never been merely a deterrent against that threat. It would protect its members against any aggressor. That is why there was no reason for NATO to cease to exist when the Soviet Union disintegrated.

Q: В России отрицательно воспринимают планы блока. Как относятся к этому в руководстве НАТО?

A: Russia, still a dormant superpower, needs to know that an expanding NATO poses it no threat. But Russia's problems with the process of expansion are more psychological than based on any real I threat; as, such, they are difficult to address. That the expansion process can be seen in Russia as being exclusive rather than inclusive — or even as a threat — has to do more with Russia's own domestic problems than with the character of the alliance. The alliance has never ruled out cooperating with Russia more closely or even integrating it, if it fulfills all the criteria. The main obstacle to closer cooperation is Russia's surviving imperial ambitions and the instability of the Russian democracy — the fate of which still depends, to a large degree, on who occupies the post of president.

Q: Каковы, на ваш взгляд, основные принципы членства стран Восточной Европы в альянсе?

A: That many Eastern European states still fear Russia, and that this fear is one of the driving forces behind their desire to join NATO, should not be confused with the rationale for NATO's continuing existence. A potential Russian threat is simply one of many problems that European democracies could face in the future. NATO membership is the best existing protection against any aggressor.


to deter— сдерживать;

deterrent — сдерживающий фактор, защита;

to rule out — исключать;

rationale - reason, cause for.

Question How can you comment on this interview after the bombings of Yugoslavia in 1999?




АРМИЯ И НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЕ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО НА ФИЛИППИНАХ (отрывок из диссертации)   Изучение роли и места армии в обще­стве выходит за рамки чисто академиче­ского интереса и имеет большое практи­ческое значение, ибо перед молодыми го­сударствами стоит непростая задача рас­пределения ограниченных ресурсов на цели развития, подъема жизненного уровня народа или обеспечение безопас­ности страны. Возникает острая необхо­димость установить нужный баланс рас­ходов на оборону и развитие, а также определить ту роль, которую призваны играть военные в общем процессе нацио­нального развития. Предметом данного исследования сле­довательно является рассмотрение специ­фической роли вооруженных сил Филип­пин на всех этапах исторического разви­тия филиппинского государства, их дея­тельности в невоенной, социально-полити­ческой сфере и их воздействия на процес­сы национально-государственного строи­тельства.   Переводческие решения ... выходит за рамки... ... перед молодыми государствами стоит непростая задача. ... ограниченные ресурсы на цели развития... ... острая необходимость установить нужный баланс... ... в общем процессе национального развития... ...Предметом данного исследования следовательно является рассмотрение специфической роли...   Цели исследования: —рассмотреть вопросы формирова­ния и развития филиппинских вооружен­ных сил в контексте их участия в строите­льстве национального государства; —исследовать роль филиппинской армии в борьбе за национальное освобож­дение и во время второй мировой войны; —исследовать вопросы филиппи-но-американского военного сотрудничест­ва и специфику взаимоотношений между вооруженными силами двух стран; —проанализировать участие воору­женных сил в реализации программ по подавлению антиправительственных воо­руженных движений; —проанализировать социальный со­став и социальный облик различных ка­тегорий военнослужащих и борьбу раз­личных группировок внутри вооружен­ных сил; —определить основные тенденции во­енно-гражданских отношений и участия армии в национальном строительстве. Хронологические рамки исследова­ния определяются необходимостью рас­смотрения исторического развития воору­женных сил с момента их зарождения до настоящего времени и охватывают период с конца XIX века по 1994 год.   Переводческие решения ...рассмотреть вопросы... ... исследовать роль вооруженных сил... ... определить основные тенденции военно-гражданских отношений... ...хронологические рамки... ... с момента их зарождения     Источники и литература. При напи­сании работы автор широко опиралась на труды российских и западных авторов по проблемам развития стран Азии и Афри­ки, конкретные исследования западных и российских ученых по Филиппинам, ра­боты по военногражданским отношениям в «третьем мире», книги и официальные документы по истории филиппинской ар­мии, публикации, связанные с конкрет­ными вопросами социально-политиче­ской деятельности филиппинских воен­ных кругов. Используемые источники и литература могут быть подразделены на несколько групп. Научная новизна работы заключается в том, что впервые в российском востоко­ведении проведено комплексное исследо­вание роли армии в национально-государ­ственном строительстве Филиппин и вли­яния военно-гражданских отношений на социально-политическую эволюцию фи­липпинского общества. Ценность и новизна исследования за­ключается также в том, что при его про­ведении использовано большое количест­во документальных источников, ранее не вводимых в научный оборот. К новизне исследования следует отне­сти и сочетание автором методов и прие­мов исследования, утвердившихся в рос­сийской (ранее советской) школе востоко­ведов, с методологией социологических и политологических исследований, приме­няемыми ведущими учеными стран Запа­да и Юго-Восточной Азии.   Переводческие решения ... автор широко опиралась на труды ... конкретные исследования... ... новизна заключается в... ... комплексное исследование .... ранее не вводившихся в научный оборот   AKMY AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES (an extract from a dissertation)     A study of the role of the army in so­ciety is more than of purely academic in­terest; it is also of great practical sugnifi-cance since young states face a hard task in distributing the limited resources avail­able for development, in raising living standards or ensuring the country's secu­rity. There is a sharp need to balance ex­penses on defence and development and to determine the role the military is to play within the overall process of national de­velopment. The subject of this research is thus to analyse the role of the armed forces of the Philippines at all stages of the historical development of the Filipino state, review their activity in non-military, social and political matters and assess their influence upon the development of the state.   Translator's Decisions ... is more than... ... young states face a hard task... ... the limited resources available for development... ... a sharp need to balance... ... within the overall process of national development ...the subject of this research is thus to analyse the role...     The aims of the study is —to analyse the formation and devel­opment of the Filipino armed fores in the context of their participation in the estab­lishment of a national state; —to study the role of the Filipino army in the struggle for national libera­tion and during World War II; —to study aspects of the Filipino-American military cooperation and the na­ture of relations between the armed forces of the two countries; —to analyse the part played by the armed forces in implementation of the programmes to suppress anti-government armed movements; —to analyse the social content of the various categories of servicemen and the struggle of different groups within the armed forces; —to determine the main trends of re­lations between the army and the civiian administration and to assess the role of the army in national development. The chronological limite of the research are determined by the need to consider the historical development of the armed forces since their conception in the late 19th cen­tury up to and including 1994.   Translator's Decisions ... to study aspects... ... to analyse the part played by the armed forces... ... to determine the main trends of relations between the army and the civilian administration... ... the chronological limits... since their conception   Sources and literature. The author has made extensive use of the works of Rus­sian and Western authors dealing with problems in the development of Asian and African countries, specific research inves­tigations by Western and Russian academ­ics, on the subject of the Philippines, and works dealing with military and civil rela­tions in the «third world», books and offi­cial sources on the history of the Philip­pine army, and publications on the social and political activity of Philippine military circles. The sources and literature used can be subdivided into several groups.   The novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the Department of Russian Oriental Studies has carried out a thorough investigation of the army's role in the national development of the Philip­pines and into the influence of military and civil relations upon the social and po­litical evolution of Philippine society.   The value and novelty of the study also lies in the fact that it was carried out using a great number of documentary sources previously not in circlation. Another novel feature is that the author has combined methods established in the Russian (previously Soviet) school of Oriental Studies with techniques of so­ciological and political studies used by leading academics in the West and in South-East Asia.     Translator's Decisions ... the author has made extensive use of... ... specific research investigations... ... the novelty of the work lies in... ... thorough investigation... ... previously not in circulation...  




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Europe's biotech food ban must end

Since May 2003, the United States, joined by Canada and Argentina, has pursued a World Trade Organization dispute settlement process against the European Union regarding its de facto moratorium against biogenetically altered food crops. The main opponents of such crops include the usual "environmental" organizations for whom any progress toward eliminating famine and disease is regarded as an increase in the Earth's human population. If you're a member of the Earth Liberation Front, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, the Center for Food Safety, and the Organic Consumers Association, among others, the scientific advances of biotechnology are bad news.

If you are a member of the human race, however, genetically modified foods means (1) an increase in agricultural productivity wherever such crops are grown; (2) crops that can resist the effects of drought, a common cause of crop failures; (3) the bioengineered increase of nutrients and a decrease of saturated fats in various food crops; and (4) the reduction of the use of insecticides and herbicides. Farmers will tell you GMOs, in addition to reducing the amount of water needed to grow certain crops, contribute to the reduction of soil erosion caused by agriculture.

So why is the European Union refusing to permit the importation and use of GMOs? Alex Avery of the Hudson Institute probably said it best when he described it as " technological apartheid." While the Europeans are well fed, the fate of people in Africa and other Third World nations are of little importance to them for purely economic reasons. Avery points out that, "More than half of the EU's collective budget is gobbled up by farm subsidy costs, so Europe has done all that it can to avoid productivity-enhancing technologies for cost savings. "

To date, the EU has not offered a scintilla of scientific evidence to justify the market bans imposed by some member states. The whole point of the World Trade Organization is to end frivolous bans in order to facilitate, well, world trade. The WTO even has an Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures that requires "sufficient scientific evidence" to support trade-restrictive regulations on crops and food products."Speaking in May 2003, President Bush said, "Our partners in Europe... have blocked all new bio-crops because of unfounded, unscientific fears. This has caused many African nations from investing in biotechnology for fear that their products will be shut out of European markets. European governments should join, not hinder, the great cause of ending hunger in Africa."

The opponents of GMOs will tell you this is about consumers versus agricultural corporations or they will continue to fear-monger about the safety of GMO foods. It's a government-to-government confrontation over food exports and more than a dozen nations, including South Africa, Argentina, Chile, Canada, Australia, Columbia, El Salvador, Honduras, New Zealand, Peru, Uruguay, Mexico and Egypt, have expressed support for the U.S. initiative currently waiting a still-delayed decision by the EU. The United Kingdom-based Institute for Food Science and Technology found that "Genetic modification has the potential to offer very significant improvements in the quantity, quality and acceptability of the world's food supply."

Not only is there no cause to fear GMO food products, since the WTO case was launched in 2003, the planting of biotech crops has increased around the world at unprecedented rates. They are even being planted in European nations where farmers in Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Romania are taking advantage of the benefits they represent. While a favorable decision by the WTO opening European markets to GMO food choices will be good for consumers, the real winners will be the world's farmers who have suffered the most under these de facto trade restrictions.





Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 83 | Нарушение авторских прав

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