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Active Vocabulary

Active Vocabulary | Translate in writing the following sentences making use of your active vocabulary. | Active Vocabulary | Active Vocabulary | Translate in writing. |

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  2. Academic Vocabulary
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  7. Active or passive.

1. a most (very) unsuitable time – крайне неподходящее (неудобное) время; suitable/ unsuitable for smb– подходящий/ (не-) пригодный для к-л/ ч-л; Is she suitable for the job? Is this a suitable moment to break (прерваться) for a cup of coffee?

2. to catch a train - успеть на поезд;

3. to omit smth (omitted) -опустить, пропустить ч-л; Writing this report I omitted all the unnecessary details;

4. to reproduce smth - воспроизвести ч-л; They were unable to reproduce the results of the first experiment when they repeated it;

5. spider - паук;

6. string (C,U) - верёвка; Puppets (куклы, марионетки) are worked by strings;

7. changeable weather - изменчивая погода;

8. businesslike - деловой, деловитый, практичный; a businesslike person, manner; the talks were brief and businesslike;

9. amount (of smth) (C) - количество ч-л (перед неисчисляемыми существительными); Large amounts of money are spent on the bridge. Her case has attracted an enormous amount of public sympathy; a number (of smth) – (перед исчисляемыми существительными); There were a number of people there;

10. logical/ illogical - логичный/ нелогичный; логический; a logical conclusion; a logical mind; It was a logical thing to do;

11. luxury (C,U) - роскошь, предмет роскоши; They led a life of luxury. Cakes are a luxury in our house;

12. legitimate - законный, правильный; a perfectly legitimate old family friend; a legitimate excuse for being late;

13. to tempt smb - уговаривать, соблазнять к-л; to tempt smb to do smth; temptation (C,U) - соблазн; It’s a very attractive offer and I’m tempted to accept. I tried to resist the temptation to laugh;

14. step by step - постепенно; He learnt the rules of the game step by step;

15. to be cross with smb - сердиться на к-л; cross- сердитый, злой, раздражённый;

16. to mislead (misled) smb -вводить к-л в заблуждение, обманывать к-л; to mislead smb into smth; doing smth; The car’s appearance misled me into thinking that it was new;

17. in all probability - по всей вероятности;

18. (to permit smth) to permit smb to do smth - разрешать ч-л; к-л делать ч-л; The rules of the club do not permit smoking. Will you permit us to leave now?; permission (U);Did he give you permission to take that?

19. to obey instructions - подчиняться инструкциям (указаниям);

20. to persist in smth/ doing smth - настойчиво продолжать ч-л/ делать ч-л (несмотря на сопротивление); to be persistent about smth- быть настойчивым в ч-л (in smth); I kept telling him that I wasn’t interested in his offer but he was most persistent;

21. to edit smth - редактировать ч-л; an editor- редактор;

22. sophisticated - искушённый, умудрённый опытом; a sophisticated person;

23. tender - нежный, мягкий, ласковый; a tender heart; tender loving care– нежная, любящая забота; tenderness- нежность; to have a feeling of tenderness for smb, smth;

24. to lay the action of a book in … (the action of the book is laid in...) - действие книги происходит в... (is set in);

25. to abandon smth/ smb - отказаться от ч-л; покинуть к-л, ч-л (как правило, навсегда); He abandoned his wife and children. The bad weather forced them to abandon their search. to abandon the attempts to do smth; to abandon all hope of doing smth;

26. it’s fun (U) to work - работать – это удовольствие (развлечение); children get a lot of fun out of dressing in older people’s clothes. to make fun of smb - насмехаться над к-л;

27. to be conducive to smth - быть способствующим, благоприятным для ч-л; early rising is conducive to good health.

2. Get ready to answer the following questions:

1. How did Judy feel after Master Jervie’s leaving Lock Willow? What was his opinion on Judy’s works?

2. What successful results did Judy obtain at the end of her vacation?

3. How did Judy’s third year begin?

4. How did she spend her time in New York? Did she like the Pendeltons? Account for her attitude to them.

5. What was so special about the second term of Judy’s third year?

6. Speak about Judy’s plans for the summer.

7. Did Judy enjoy her summer time?

8. Speak about the beginning of Judy’s fourth year.

9. Once Judy had a peculiar dream. Could you recollect it and her pondering on it? Did Judy believe in free will?

10. Speak about the family in desperate straits, Judy once wrote about.

11. Where did Judy go for her Easter holiday?

12. Dwell upon the commencement. Where did Judy go after it?

13. Speak about Master Jervie’s proposal, the reason, why Judy didn’t accept it and the way Master Jervie took it.

14. Did Judy finally manage to meet Mr. Smith? Describe their meeting.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 105 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Translate in writing the following sentences making use of your active vocabulary.| Translate in writing the following sentences making use of your active vocabulary.

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