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Active Vocabulary

Active Vocabulary | Translate in writing the following sentences making use of your active vocabulary. | Active Vocabulary | Translate in writing the following sentences making use of your active vocabulary. | Translate in writing. |

Читайте также:
  1. A. Active nete2009 ≈ 39897
  2. Academic Vocabulary
  3. Active and passive grammatical minima
  4. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key
  5. Active Directory Users and Computers
  6. Active Listening
  7. Active or passive.

1. to confuse smb - а) смущать, приводить в замешательство к-л (to confuse a student); б)путать, смешивать ч-л (to confuse two authors of the same name); confusion- смущение, замешательство, беспорядок, путаница, неразбериха; to leave one’s papers in confusion; the confusion of thoughts- путаница мыслей;

2. performance - представление, спектакль, исполнение (например, музыки); исполнение, выступление в к-л роли; (tickets for the evening performance; his performance as Othello was very good);

3. violet - фиалка;

4. professional - профессиональный; a professional painter; professional skill;

5. spirit - душа, дух; моральная сила, энергия; a man of spirit, they couldn’t break his spirit; I can’t come to your wedding but I’ll be there in spirit (= душой);

6. if I were you; if I were in your place - если бы я был на Вашем месте;

7. punishment (C,U) - наказание; a punishment for smth;

8. in childhood, in one’s childhood, to have a happy childhood - в детстве, иметь счастливое детство;

9. to accept smb’s invitation (C,U) - принять ч-л приглашение;

10. to do a lot of reading - много читать;

11. charming -очаровательный;

12. to deserve smth – заслуживать (-жить) ч-л; to deserve to do smth;

13. to be frank (with smb) - быть искренним, откровенным с к-л; If you want my frank opinion, I don’t think the plan will succeed;

14. guardian - опекун, попечитель;

15. hint - намёк; to make/ drop a hint about smth - намекнуть на ч-л; to hint at smth - намекнуть на ч-л; to hint to smb that...- намекнуть к-л, что...; I hinted to him that I was dissatisfied with his work.

16. to live up to smth - соответствовать (высоким) стандартам (которые были оговорены заранее); Daddy-Long-Leggs lived up to his side of the bargain; Did the film live up to your expectations?

17. to humiliate smb - унижать к-л; humiliating - унизительный; It was so humiliating to be corrected by the head teacher in front of the whole school;

18. to address smb - обращаться к к-то (с речью, к аудитории);

19. to assure smb of smth, to assure smb that... -уверить к-л в ч-л;

20. monotonous - монотонный, однообразный; My job is rather monotonous;

21. to mend smth - чинить ч-л, штопать, ремонтировать; (to mend smb’s trousers);

22. companionable - дружеский, общительный, приветливый; a companionable sort of man;

23. at first glance - на первый взгляд; at first glance he looks like a true Pendleton;

24. to be wet through - промокнуть насквозь;

25. to ruin smth - разрушить ч-л; (to ruin smb’s clothes, reputation, chances of a job- шансы получить работу);

26. to warn smb of/ against smth - предупредить к-л о ч-л; предостеречь к-л против ч-л;

27. to do smth without delay - сделать ч-л без задержки, безотлагательно;

28. a sketch - эскиз, набросок, зарисовка ч-л; to give a short sketch of smth; to give a character sketch of smb– дать (сделать) набросок ч-л характера;

29. to have/ get/ win/ apply for a scholarship - иметь/ получать/ обратиться за стипендией; She won a scholarship to Oxford;

30. on account of smth - из-за ч-л (because of smth); (on account of smb’s bad work);

31. out of - из-за; he did it out of a sense of duty;

32. to be a burden to smb - быть тяжёлой ношей, бременем для к-л;

33. to object to smth - возражать против ч-л; I object to being treated like a child; objection (to, against smth);The only objection to/ against hiring her is that she can’t drive;

34. to owe smth to smb; smb smth - быть должным к-л ч-л;I owe my education to you; I owe it to you that I am well again;

35. occasionally - from time to time -время от времени; If you patted Judy on the head occasionally...;

36. allowance - пособие (как правило, денежное); I won’t accept the monthly allowance either;

37. to deprive smb of smth - лишить к-л ч-л; to deprive smb of education;

38. vain - тщеславный;

39. atmosphere - атмосфера (во всех смыслах); the material atmosphere of the house;

40. well-bred, ill-bred - хорошо/ плохо воспитанный;

41. an unbalanced person - неуравновешенный, неустойчивый человек; an unbalanced mind - неустойчивая психика;

42. to equip smth with smth - оборудовать ч-л чем-л; (to be equipped with smth);

43. to enjoy good health - иметь хорошее здоровье; to be in good/ poor health - иметь хорошее/ плохое здоровье; to damage smb’s health - нанести вред ч-л здоровью; to drink smb’s health- пить за ч-л здоровье;

44. uneventful - однообразный, лишённый событий; an uneventful life;

45. to cultivate smth (in smb) - развивать, воспитывать ч-л у к-л; to cultivate knowledge of music in children.

2. Get ready to answer the following questions:

1. How did Judy feel as she came back to college?

2. Whom was Judy sharing the room with that year?

3. What were the subjects of that year?

4. Where did Judy want to spend her Christmas vacation that year? Why was she so excited about it?

5. Did Judy enjoy herself at the McBrides’ place?

6. What did Judy tell us about her attempt to escape from the asylum?

7. Compare the two approaches to study: “The test of true scholarship is a painstaking passion for detail” and “Be careful not to keep your eyes glued to detail”. Which approach did Judy like more?

8. Tell us about the so-called “paper chase”. How do you understand the rules of the game?

9. Speak about Judy’s exams in her second year. Did she pass all of them?

10. What did Judy mention concerning “Hamlet”?

11. Speak about Judy’s visit to New-York.

12. Speak about their Field Day and sports contests.

13. What were the similarities and differences between Jane Eyre’s and Judy’s life?

14. What invitation did Judy receive for her second summer vacation? Did she accept it? Where did she go?

15. In what way did Judy spend her second summer at Lock Willow?

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 87 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Active Vocabulary| Translate in writing the following sentences making use of your active vocabulary.

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