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Active Vocabulary

Active Vocabulary | Translate in writing the following sentences making use of your active vocabulary. | Active Vocabulary | Translate in writing the following sentences making use of your active vocabulary. | Translate in writing. |

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  1. A. Active nete2009 ≈ 39897
  2. Academic Vocabulary
  3. Active and passive grammatical minima
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  6. Active Listening
  7. Active or passive.

1. to have a gift for smth - быть способным к ч-л, иметь талант к ч-л; She has a gift for music;

2. the sun is rising/ setting - солнце восходит/ садится; sunrise (C,U); sunset (C,U) - восход; закат; They stopped work at sunset. We get up at sunrise;

3. to buy smth with/ for money - купить ч-л на деньги;

4. to enlarge smth - увеличивать, расширять ч-л; (to enlarge one’s vocabulary);

5. to confess smth, (to smb) to confess that - признаться в ч-л; to confess a fault, a crime etc. Jean confessed that she had eaten all the cakes;

6. to prompt smth - а)побуждать, толкать к-л на ч-л; What prompted you to do it? б)подсказывать, напоминать; The sight of the ships prompted thoughts of his distant home;

7. education as such (по существу, сам по себе) - образование как таковое;

8. to explore smth - исследовать, изучать ч-л; to explore outer space (открытый космос); We must explore all the possibilities of doing that;

9. to put up with smth - смириться (с к-л ситуацией);

10. to be through with smth - окончить ч-л (обычно успешно); Are you through with your work?

11. to intend to do smth - намереваться сделать ч-л;

12. to drop in on smb - заглянуть, посетить к-л;

13. to be/ feel sleepy - хотеть спать;

14. in case = if - в том случае, если; I will send you a copy in case you care to read it (no Future);

15. by oneself - один; без помощи с ч-л стороны; one can’t play tennis by oneself;

16. otherwise - а) иначе, иным способом, иным образом; She says it’s genuine (подлинный) - but we think otherwise; б)в других отношениях; The soup was cold, but otherwise the meal was excellent; в)или же, в противном случае (вводные слово); You’d better go now, otherwise you’ll miss your train;

17. to have a sense of duty (a sense of humour etc.) - иметь чувство долга (и т.д.);

18. miserable - жалкий, несчастный; to feel miserable;

19. to arouse smb’s interest, sympathy, suspicions - вызвать, возбудить к-л чувства (интерес, сочувствие, подозрения);

20. to be worth smth; doing smth - стоить ч-л/ заслуживать ч-л; (the letters are worth keeping in a safe);

21. to feel like doing smth - иметь желание, настроение сделать ч-л;

22. to turn one’s back on smth/ smb - повернуться спиной к ч-л, к-л;

23. to entertain smb - развлекать, забавлять к-л; entertaining - развлекательный, забавный;

24. I’d rather die than go back - я лучше умру, чем вернусь (туда); you’d better go there - лучше идите туда; It would be better to go there- будет лучше пойти туда;

25. joyous = joyful - радостный, приносящий радость;

26. carefree - беззаботный;

27. to abuse smb - оскорблять, ругать к-л;

28. to do smth by chance - сделать ч-л случайно, непроизвольно;

29. superior, inferior - превосходящий к-л в ч-л; уступающий к-л в ч-л; to feel superior/ inferior to smb - чувствовать себя превосходящим к-л в ч-л/ уступающим к-л в ч-л;

30. to beg smb to do smth - умолять к-л сделать ч-л; to beg for smth - умолять о ч-л; to beg smth from smb; He begged money from people in the street; a beggar - нищий; to live by begging;

31. to long for smth, to long to do smth - очень хотеть ч-л; сделать ч-л; I’m longing to see her again; to long for freedom; I’m longing for him to arrive;

32. to propose smth; doing smth; that smb (should) do smth; We propose delaying our meeting/ that we (should) delay our meeting;

33. kettle - чайник;

34. cushion - подушка (a pillow);

35. honey - мёд;

36. it keeps me too busy - я всё время занят из-за этого/ этим;

37. to feel at home somewhere - чувствовать себя, как дома (где-либо);

38. to be in command of a situation; to take command of a situation - контролировать ситуацию;

39. no matter who wins (no Future) - неважно, кто выиграет;

40. brick (C,U) - кирпич;

41. amiable - любезный, доброжелательный.

2. Get ready to answer the following questions:

1. What plans did Judy have for Christmas?

2. Did Daddy-Long-Legs present Judy with anything?

3. Who was the girl who stayed in the college during her Christmas vacation?

4. What was the one threatening cloud on the horizon?

5. What were the results of Judy’s exams?

6. What do you think about the necessity of overlooking mistakes in others and not discouraging people by harsh judgments?

7. Why did Judy once write an impertinent letter? What do you think the reasons were?

8. What was Judy’s favourite book?

9. Did Judy complain about difficulties or try to struggle with them?

10. Where was Judy going to spend her summer?

11. Did Judy agree, that adversity and sorrow and disappointment developed moral strength?

12. What man appeared in Judy’s letters? What character did he have? Describe him. Do you think Judy fell in love with him?

13. How did Judy like the farm?

14. What was the coincidence Judy got to know concerning the farm and Master Jervie?

15. What was the Semples’ opinion of religion? What was Judy’s opinion of it?

16. What book did Judy find in the attic?

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 110 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Translate in writing the following sentences making use of your active vocabulary.| Active Vocabulary

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