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Theory of transformations. Types of transformations

Lecture 4. Cultural Implications of Translation | Lecture 1. Course Introduction | Module Details | Lecture 5. The Idiom of the Language (Source and Target Language) | Cultural patterns of discourse. Source language influence | Context. Word Choice | Polysemy in translation | Background knowledge as a prerequisite for quality translation | Speech Personality. Precedent Texts | Academia in the process of globalization. Its intercultural nature |

Читайте также:
  2. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  3. A) two types of combinability with other words
  4. Ask different types of questions to the text and answer your groupmates’ questions.
  5. Aspects of Cognitive Load Theory
  6. B. Some types of printed material
  7. B1 Description of asset types

An integral part of maintaining the balance of deep and surface structures is making transformations in the process of translation.

Major or minor alterations in the structural form of language units performed with aim of achieving faithfulness in translation are referred to as translator’s transformations. They are carried out either because of the incompatibility of the TL means of expression or in order to retain the style of the SL passage. Most frequent structural, or outer, transformation include word addition, word omission, concretization, generalization, descriptive translation, antonymic translation.

Concretization is employed when a word of broad semantics in the SL is substituted by a word of more narrow semantic meaning. The words of broad semantics cover nouns (thing, idea, matter, piece, entity, init, subject, range, concern, failure etc), adjectives (good, bad, fine, thin, thick, free etc) and verbs (to be, to have, to do, to make, to get, to come, to run, to go etc). The context intensifies the appropriate functional feature of the word. E.g.:

Failure to properly register is a frequent cause for delays when leaving the country- Невідповідним чином оформлена реєстрація є частою причиною затримки при виїзді із країни.

Finally, it is always a good idea to have someone in your party take notes of the meeting – Завжди доцільно мати когось у своїй команді (зі свого боку) для того, щоб занотувати хід зустрічі

Always place your interpreter next to you - Ваш перекладач повинен знаходитися

поруч із Вами

Get a cell phone - Придбайте мобільний телефон

Generalization is employed when a word with a concrete meaning is rendered by a word with broader semantics. E.g.:

The first factories were driven by water – Перші фабрики працювали на воді

American society was an ideal vehicle for industrialization -Американське суспільство було ідеальним середовищем для проведення індустріалізації

The samples exhibit high resistivity - Ці зразки характеризуються значним опором.

Word addition is employed to achieve more accurate translation. It is critical that nothing is added or changed in the deep structure. The changes may occur in the surface structure only. E.g.

Non-members of the organization are invited to the conference as observers – Країни, що не є членами організації, запрошуються для участі у конференції в якості спостерігачів

RSVP – Будь-ласка, повідомте проВашу присутність (на міроприємстві)

Word omission is employed to maintain the idiomaticity of the target language, the meaning of the SL message being unchanged. E.g.:

The proposal was rejected and repudiated Цю проаозицію було відкинуто

The federal tariff was declared null and void – Федеральний тариф було оголошено нечинним

Antonymic translation

The changes (a negative form is substituted by a negative one and vice versa) occur on the surface level only, the meaning of the message being unchanged.

Thought disorders may be observed as a failure to make logical connections -Порушення мислення можуть виявлятися у нездатності встановлювати логічні зв’язки

We stayed at a small hotel – Ми зупинилися у невеликому готелі

As an integral part of the translation process transformations, as alterations in the surface structure only, are employed to retain the faithful, idiomatic translation.



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Lecture 3. The Nature of Translation.| Manifestations of cultural nuances and ways of their translation

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