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Context. Word Choice

Lecture 4. Cultural Implications of Translation | Lecture 1. Course Introduction | Module Details | Lecture 3. The Nature of Translation. | Theory of transformations. Types of transformations | Manifestations of cultural nuances and ways of their translation | Lecture 5. The Idiom of the Language (Source and Target Language) | Background knowledge as a prerequisite for quality translation | Speech Personality. Precedent Texts | Academia in the process of globalization. Its intercultural nature |

Читайте также:
  1. Chapter 10. Binary choice models, tobit model and ML estimation
  2. Chapter 3 Mr Elton's Choice
  3. Choice of methods
  4. Choice of the generator polynomial of the cyclic code
  5. Criteria and methods of a choice of suppliers
  6. Criteria of choice under uncertainty

Translation is claimed to develop three qualities: accuracy, clarity, and flexibility. It trains students to search (flexibility), for the most appropriate words (accuracy) to convey what is meant (clarity). All these aspects are realized in a certain context of communication. The term context is defined as the minimum stretch of speech necessary and sufficient to determine which of the possible meanings of the word to use. A general description of context is: “The interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs: environment, setting” (www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/context). Duff A. argues that in translation context matters because if we have no context in mind we cannot give proper shape to our thoughts. By context he means the what, where and to whom our communication is addressed. We don’t know which words to choose because we do not know who they are intended for. The context helps us to determine our choice.

Translators are to be flexible keeping in mind that one and the same meaning (deep structure) can be rendered by some, more than one, forms (surface structures). E.g.: Газон перед будинком недавно підстригли can be rendered as:

-The lawn in front of the house has been mowed recently

- The lawn in the front yard (front garden) has been mowed recently

-The grass in front of the house (in the front yard/in the front garden) has been cut recently.

The context is to be considered when translating words of broad semantics. E.g. місце / place, location …:

-місце відпочинку – a site for rest

-місце для паркування – a parking lot

- місце проведення конференції – conference venue

-місце (в автобусі, машині) – a seat

- місце (в сумці, портфелі) – room (no room in the bag/case)

- місце злочину – a scene of crime

The translator is to be sensitive to particular context when choosing a proper word:

Wet vs damp vs humid vs moisturizing vs soaked

We say: wet hands, face, clothes; damp room, wall, basement; humid climate; moisturizing cream; soaked clothes.

We distinguish between:

Intelligent child, student, dog VS intellectual student

Звільнити на поруки (release on probation) VS звільнити кімнату (vacate a room).

Дійсний президент / дійсні ціни / дійсний з квітня 2012 р.: an actual president/ current process / effective of April 2012.

Duff A. claims that distinctions in word choice do matter (1996:103-108). Much writing –particularly technical, scientific, medical, and legal literature- rests upon fine but vital distinctions. There is very fine distinction between tiredness and fatigue, nakedness and nudity, a tourist and a traveler. An agreement is not a contract and murder and manslaughter are both crimes of killing, they do not carry the same sentence. Safety and security are synonymous in most everyday speech – a dictionary defines security as something that ensures safety. Safety in a building means protecting users from accidents and disease; security means protecting users from violence, and protecting the contents from thieves and vandals. One of the sharpest areas of conflicts between the two aims arises from the confrontation of the safety requirement of making exit easy in case of fire with the security requirements of making entrance difficult to understand (Building Desigh).


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