Читайте также:
Tooth development or odontogenesis is the complex process by which teeth grow, and erupt into the mouth. Primary (baby) teeth must start to form between the sixth and eighth weeks, and permanent teeth begin to form in the twentieth week. If teeth do not start to develop at or near these times, they will not develop at all.
There are a number of tooth abnormalities relating to development that may be acquired and inherited ones that alter the size, shape and number of teeth.
The basic types of malocclusion are crowding, protruding upper incisors and prominent lower jaw. Though there can be a number of other teeth abnormalities that occur not very often such as anodontia - a complete lack of tooth development, and hypodontia - a lack of some tooth development, supernumerary teeth – an extra one tooth to the normal complement of 32 teeth, missing teeth - upper incisors are often missing.
Exercise 6. Make up 5 special questions to the text and answer them.
Exercise 7. Choose the proper continuation of the following sentences:
1. Odontogenesis is the complex process …
2. Those teeth which erupt at early childhood are called …
3. The teeth may not develop at all if …
4. The basic types of malocclusion are...
5. … is a complete lack of tooth development.
6. Hypodontia is...
7. An extra one tooth to the normal complement is called...
Exercise 8. Explain:
a) the difference between anodontia and supernumerary teeth;
b) types of teeth abnormalities;
c) causes of teeth abnormalities.
Exercise 9. Translate sentences into English:
1. Неправильний прикус - це порушення нормального взаємовідношення верхньощелепний і нижньощелеповий зубних дуг.
2. 90% людей мають викривлені зуби.
3. Метою ортопедичного лікування є поліпшення зовнішнього вигляду пацієнта та запобіганню пошкодження зубів.
4. Бувають випадки, коли кількість зубів, що виросли у людини, менша, ніж потрібно, при цьому утворюються області застою їжі.
5. Пацієнту з надмірною кількістю зубів треба видалити 1 зуб.
6. Вчора доктор не зміг поставив брекети цьому пацієнту тому вони ще не були готові.
Exercise 10. Give a brief survey of the text.
Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation and memorize the words:
Insufficient ['insə'fiʃənt], deciduous [di'siϳʊəs], contribute [kən'tribϳu:t], unduly [ʌn'dϳu:li], heredity [hi'rɛditi]
Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary. Read the words and word combinations:
Reposition переміщення
insufficient room недостатньо місця
accommodate розмістити
crooked кривий
deciduous молочні
contribute to сприяти
heredity спадковість
relationship відношення
unduly надмірно
Exercise 3. Express in one word:
caries | is the passing of traits to offspring (from its parent or ancestors). |
malocclusion | refers to a number of inflammatory diseases affecting the tissues that surround and support the teeth |
heredity | is incorrect relation between the teeth of the two dental arches. |
periodontitis | are the first set of teeth in the growth development of humans |
deciduous teeth | is a disease where bacterial processes damage tooth structure, producing dental cavities |
Exercise 4. Translate into English the parts of the sentences given in brackets using modal verbs:
1. Do you think we (можемо добратися) to the hospital within 10 minutes?
2. I don’t remember that I saw such symptoms so I (не можу) help you in making a diagnoses.
3. (Можу я зробити) as I like or (я повинна зробити) as you like?
4. Now, listen to me attentively. I’ll repeat the prescription that you (слід дотримуватися).
5. (Нема чого турбуватися) everything has turned out OK.
6. We were looking for the drug in every drugstore but (не змогли дістати) nowhere.
7. The doctor is making a round now you (зможете поговорити) with him in half an hour.
Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:
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