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Dental instruments


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  1. A) accidentalism
  2. A) transcendentalism
  3. American Literature 1820-1865. American Renaissance and Civil War. Emerson, Thoreau and transcendentalism.
  4. Article 22. Participation in Authorized Capital, and Operations with Securities and Derivative Financial Instruments
  5. C) transcendental idealism
  6. Characterization methods and instruments
  7. Currency and Monetary Instruments

While examining and treating a patient the dentist needs a set of instruments for fillings. For each patient the instruments required are:

1. Mirror, probe, tweezers, napkins

2. Aspirator, saliva ejector, cotton wool rolls and cotton wool for keeping the cavity dry.

3. Enamel chisels for removing undermined enamel and smoothing the cavity margins.

4. Excavators for removing caries.

5. Handpiece and burs for drilling away hard tissue.

6. Special instruments and drugs. Some fillings require the use of certain instruments or drugs that are not used for other fillings.

Rubber dam is essential to prevent ingress of bacteria from mouth into the root canal.

Barbed broach is used to remove dead pulp.

The root canal is enlarged with root reamers.

A drug to sterilize the root canal is applied on a paper point.

Cavities are cut with burs fitted in a handpiece. Speed of cutting depends on the type of handpiece used. Conventional handpieces run at slow speed, air turbine handpieces run at very high speeds. The advantages of air turbine handpieces are the ease and speed of cutting, disadvantages are the difficulties caused by water spray and loud noise.





Exercise 5. Translate the following word combinations into English and make up your own sentence with each of them:

розширювати римером, встановлювати бор у наконечник, видалити мертву пульпу, стерилізувати кореневий канал, не придатний для інших пломб, запобігати проникненню бактерій.

Exercise 6. Answer the following question and make up 5 special questions of your own:

1. When does a dentist need a set of instruments?

2. What kinds of instrument have you remembered from the text?

3. What is rubber dam used for?

4. What is dead pulp removed with?

5. What is used to keep a cavity dry during the examination?

Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to Modal Verbs:

1. Щоб оглянути хворого, стоматологу необхідний набір спеціальних инструментів.

2. При видаленні пульпи лікар може зробити хворому знеболювальний укол.

3. Екскаватор застосовується для видалення карієсу.

4. Лікар повинен використати бор та наконечник для свердління твердих тканин.

5. Для розширення кореневого каналу слід використовувати ример.

Exercise 8. Translate the modal verbs given in the gaps:

1. If you are suffering from gastric pains you (повинен) consult a doctor immediately.

2. This method of treatment (не можна) be used in all diseases.

3. If you have broken a leg, you (муситимеш) be kept in bed or use crutches (костилі).

4. People (слід) wash their hands before meals.

5. This bad tooth (слід) be treated as soon as possible not to lose it.

6. The doctor (потрібні) your blood and urine analyses to make a right diagnosis.

7. To relieve pain you (муситимеш) take these pills.

8. What serious complications (може) grippe cause?

9. What (потрібно) be done to eliminate the threat of recurrence of the disease?

10. Microorganisms (можуть) penetrate in your oral cavity and lead to various diseases.

Exercise 10. Fill the gaps with the necessary prepositions:

1. When will you be … work?

2. The doctor wasn’t going to discharge this patient … the hospital.

3. You must go … a dentist.

4. The patient ill … tuberculoses had a severe attack … cough.

5. The patient survived the operation … appendicitis well.

6. … examination the doctor listened … the lungs of the patient.

7. The patient was given pain-killer … pain in his operated arm.

8. The man complained … weakness and loss of appetite.

9. My mother works … the therapeutical department.

10. The X-ray examination revealed rupture … the spleen.



Exercise 9. Give the appropriate answers to the dentist’s questions. Translate the dialogues:


1. What do you complain of? It’s a big tooth at the back on the left.

2. Which tooth troubles you? I have a bad toothache.

3. Why didn’t you come earlier? The ache appeared last week.

4. When did the ache appear? I feel this ache from cold.

5. Do you feel this ache from cold or hot? It’s not a pleasure to go to a dentist’s.

6. Does this tooth hurt? I’m afraid it aches a little.


1. Добрий день, сідайте, будь ласка. Що Вас непокоїть?

В мене дуже болить зуб.

Відкрийте рота, будь ласка. Який зуб Вас непокоїть?

Знизу праворуч. Отут болить.

Так, зуб зруйнований. Ми сьогодні ж почнем його лікувати.


2. Відкрийте рота ширше, будь ласка. Отут боляче?

Так, дуже.

Коли з’явився біль?

Два дні тому.

Чому ж Ви не прийшли раніше?

Кожного разу, коли я збирався, мені ставало краще.




1. While examining and treating a patient the dentist needs … for fillings.

a) some tools

b) a set of instruments

c) a number of tools

d) several instruments

e) one instrument


2. Some fillings require the use of certain instruments or drugs that … for other fillings.

a) may not be used

b) not use

c) are not used

d) will not be used

e) don’t use


3. Rubber dam is essential to prevent ingress of bacteria from mouth into the ….

a) root canal

b) pulp

c) crown

d) enamel

e) dentine


4. … is used to remove dead pulp.

a) mirror

b) handpiece

c) bur

d) reamer

e) barbed broach


5. The root canal is … with root reamers.

a) enlarged

b) drilled

c) cut

d) removed

e) filled


6. The instrument for absorbing saliva is called …

a) saliva absorber

b) saliva suction

c) suction unit

d) saliva ejector

e) saliva remover


7. A drug to sterilize the root canal … on a paper point.

a) is applied

b) applies

c) are applied

d) be applied

e) was applied


8. Speed of cutting depends … the type of handpiece used.

a) of

b) from

c) with

d) on

e) after


9. Conventional … run at slow speed, air turbine handpieces run at very high speeds.

a) burs

b) barbed broaches

c) mirrors

d) reamers

e) burs


10. Rubber dam is essential to prevent ingress of bacteria … mouth … the root canal.

a) from … into

b) out of … to

c) in … to

d) from … in

e) of … in











Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:


Prescribe [priskraib], prescription [priskrip∫n], injection [inXek∫n], signature [signit∫ә], poisonous [poizәnәs], overdosage [ouvәdousiX],untoward [әntouwo:d], to sponge [spΛnX], to rinse [rinz].


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:


to have a prescription made up виготовляти по рецепту

to stick a label on smth приклеїти етикетку на щось

a drug for injections (internal, external use) ліки для ін’єкцій (внутрішнього, зовнішнього застосування)

something is wrong with smth/smb щось неладно з кимось/чимось

a tablet for headache таблетка від головного болю

a prescription for smth рецепт від чогось

a medicine ліки, медикамент

a drug ліки, лікувальний препарат

a remedy лікувальний засіб, ліки

drug administration призначання ліків

drug action дія ліків

dose доза, дозування

dosage дозування, доза, норма

overdosage передозування


Exercise 3. Read and translate the following words and wordcombinations:

1. a chemist: to work as a chemist, the chemist's, to work at criemist's, ata chemist's department;

2. a label: labels of three colours, a white label, a yellow label, a blue label, to stick a label on a bottle, the dose of the drug is indicated on a label;

3. powder: powders for cough, powders for headache, take these powders three times a day, these are the powders for internal use;

4. to sponge: to sponge the skin with alcohol, to sponge thee skin beforeinjection;

5. to rinse: to rinse the mouth, to rinse after meals, to rinse the hands

withalcohol before the operation.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:




When you are ill you consult a doctor. He prescribes you the treatment and writes out a prescription. Then you must go to the chemist's to have all the prescriptions made up.

There are usually two departments in any large chemist’s: the chemist's department and the prescription department. At the chemist's department one can have medicine right away, other drugs have to be ordered at the prescription department.

At the chemist's all drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Every small box has a label with the name of the medicine stuck on it. There are labels of three colours: white ones are stuck to indicate drugs for internal use, yellow ones indicate drugs for external use, and blue ones indicate drugs for injections. The dose to be taken is usually indicated on a signature or a label. As a rule, the directions for the administration of a drug are written on the signature. It is necessary for chemists, nurses, doctors, as well as patients themselves, so that they won't confuse different remedies because some of them are poisonous and their overdosage may cause untoward reactions and sometimes even death.

In the drug cabinets we can see small parcels of different powders: ampoules of glucose and camphor used for intravenous and intramuscular injections; tubes of healing ointments, which are rubbed in to relieve pain or skinirritation; different pills for internal use; sedatives and tonics, such as bromide, vitamins; laxatives administered orally in case something is wrong with the patient's stomach because of indigestion; sleeping pills; bottles of iodine and of brilliant green and so on.

At this chemist's shop one can also get drugs of all kinds as well as hot water bottles, medicine droppers and many other things which are quite necessary for medical care.

The other day I needed some medicines that's why I went to the nearest chemist's and bought some tablets for headache. I handed in the prescriptions for the cough mixture and the other drugs which the physician had written out. I also had a prescription for 50 mg of alcohol to sponge skin and rinse hands before the injections. The chemist gives me five bottles of bicillin 200.000 units each, three bottles of streptomycin 500. 000 units each and eight ampoules of 0,25% novocaine 2ml each right away and said that the mixture would be ready only in two and a half hours. When I was receiving the cough mixture the chemist advised me to keep it in a cool plaсе and shake it before using. I had to take a tablespoonful of this mixture three times a day to relieve my cough and to be well again soon.


Exercise 5. Read the passages and answer the questions. Put your 5 questions to one of the abstracts given below:


1. Yesterday my mother went to the chemist’s and bought a small box with a blue label on it.

2. Yesterday my friend was at the chemist’s and ordered the medicine at the prescription department.

3. In an hour he received a small bottle with a white label on it.

4. What of them was a medicine for injection?

5. Last month my sister was admitted to the in-patient department of our city hospital because she was ill with an acute form of pneumonia.

6. She was treated with antibiotics the labels of which had blue colour.

7. Last month my friend had allergy with skin rash.

8. His mother called in a doctor who prescribed to him home treatment.

9. My friend received medicines the labels of which had yellow colour.

10. What medicines were prescribed in the first and second cases?


Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:


1. Whom do you consult when you are ill?

2. What does the doctor do after examining the patient?

3. Where do you go with the physician's prescription?

4. How many departments are there in the chemist's shop?

5. At what department do some drugs have to be ordered?

6. Where are all drugs kept?

7. What labels are there on each small box of medicine, tube or a box?

8. What must be indicated on the label and why?

9. What can the overdosage of medicine cause?

10. When would the cough mixture, which I ordered, be ready?


Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary:


1. Here is … prescription for... vitamin B.

2. I'll put you on... sick-leave till … end of... week.

3.... other day we carried on... experiment on... animals during our

practical studies.

4. Not to confuse different remedies... label must be stuck on... bottleor... box containing drugs.

5.... last week my sister caught... cold. We called in... district doctor.

6. When … doctor examined my sister, he prescribed my sister... home treatment, … scalding foot bath and... medicine for... headache and cough.

7. Here are... ampoules of... glucose you need for... intravenous injections


Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary:


1. Have you any pain... the stomach? - Yes. I have sometimes. Something is wrong... it.

2. The district doctor wrote... a prescription... some tablets.

3. As my brother was running a very high temperature the doctor gave him several injections... bicillin to keep the fever …

4. The chemist wrote the name... the drug... the label and stuck it... the bottle.

5. I’ll prescribe you a tube... healing ointment.

6. Please, rub it... to relieve the irritation.

7. What is the matter... your friend? He is so pale and his face is damp … sweat. Shall I call... a doctor?

8. Please, have this prescription made... the chemist's... your way... the University.

9. The nurse …duty gave an injection... morphine... the patient, who was hospitalized... a poor condition and had a severe pain... his abdomen.

10. Be careful! This drug is only … external use. And besides, its overdosage may cause an irritation... the skin.


Exercise 9. Find substitutes for the following words and word combinations:


1. the department where we can have the medicine right away;

2. the department where we order some medicine;

3. a small slip of paper on which the name of the medicine is written;

4.drugs taken orally:

5.unfavourable reaction;

6. the drugs which may cause an untoward reaction or sometimes even death;

7. the method of introducing some medicine into the muscle;

8. the method of introducing some medicine into the muscle;

9. a substance made of oil or fat and applied on the skin to heal wounds;

10. the medicine which is prescribed in case of sleeplessness;

11. to mix the medicine in the bottle well;

12. a small instrument used for dropping medicine;

13. the drug which produces an extremely marked influence;

14. the treatment which causes good results;

15. to rub;

16. at once;

17. neither a cold nor a hot place;

18. something hurts my stomach.



Exercise 10. Open the brackets and put the Personal Pronouns in the necessary form:


1. Don't confuse different remedies because some of (they) are poisonous.

2. When the physician finished the physical examination of (I) sister, he prescribed (she) some pills, powders and an antiseptic mouth wash for quinsy.

3. The patient was in a very poor condition. The nurse gave (he) an injection of camphor and caffeine.

4. Please, take these tablets.

5. They will give (you) an instant relief.

6. Have you sleeping pills? - Yes, we have a lot of (they). Which of (they) do you want to have?

7. During (he) reception hours Dr. Brown saw five cases. He examined (they) thoroughly.


Exercise 11. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations and sentences. Make up your own sentences with them:


1. приймати столову ложку цієї мікстури;

2. щось у хворого не ладно зі шлунком;

3. передозування може викликати неприємні реакції;

4. мікстура від кашлю;

5. іноді передозування може викликати навіть смерть;

6. замовити ліки по рецепту;

7. тримати ліки в прохолодному місці;

8. необхідні для медичного догляду;

9. лікувальні мазі втираються, щоби зняти біль або подразнення шкіри;

10. приймати ліки три рази на добу.


Exercise 12. Make up your own situations or dialogues using the following words and word combinations:

1. at the chemist's department; to have the medicine atonce; pills; powders; to indicate; dose.

2. at the prescription department, to have a prescription made up; take a tablespoonful of; internal use; a cough mixtureto administer.;

3. to sponge the skin; alcohol, to rinse the hands; to give theinjections; a bottle of penicillin, novocaine.

4. a drug cabinet; a box; a bottle; to stick a label on; to indicate; a poisonousdrug; the directions for administration.


Exercise 13. Suggested topics for retelling:


1. Describe the chemist's where you usually have your prescriptionsmade up.

3. Give your directions for administration of a cough mixture to apatient.



1. Where does a patient usually go on receiving a prescription from a doctor?

a) to a hospital b) home c) to a pharmacy d) to a post-office e) to a clinic


2. What is stuck to the medicine?

a) a label b) a prescription c) findings d) analyses e) diagnosis


3. What colour has a label for the drugs of internal use?

a) yellow b) green c) pink d) white e) blue


4. Where are all drugs kept in the chemist’s?

a) on the shelf b) in the cupboard

c) on the table d) in the wardrobe

e) in the drug cabinets


5. Here is a prescription … antibiotics.

a) for b) on c) to d) from e) of


6. Something is wrong … my tooth.

a) to b) with c) in d) for e) of


7. The patient’s face was damp … sweat.

a) before b) of c) from d) with e) about


8. The nurse has just taken my blood … analyses.

a) to b) for c) into d) from e) at


9. The overdosage of some remedies may … skin irritation.

a) begin b) finish

c) make d) cause

e) follow


10. You may order the mixture at … department.

a) laboratory b) in-patient

c) out-patient d) chemist’s

e) prescription


11. He confused remedies because there … labels on them.

a) weren’t b) haven’t

c) wasn’t d) hadn’t

e) aren’t


12. The dentist … the patient’s oral cavity yesterday.

a) was examining b) examine

c) examines d) has examined

e) examined


13. He … in the hall now.

a) waits b) wait

c) is waiting d) was waiting

e) waited


14. The nurse … an injection of anesthetic just now.

a) is giving b) gave

c) was given d) has given

e) was giving


15. My sister always … a bad headache.

a) complained b) is complaining

c) complains d) will complain

e) is complained


16. I will follow the doctor’s treatment which he … me.

a) administered b) has administered

c) administers d) is administering

e) was administered


17. What department … some drugs … at?

a) is ordered b) ordered

c) are ordering d) do order

e) are ordered


18. What … on the label?

a) is indicated b) indicated

c) are indicated d) indicates

e) is indicating


19. What … the doctor … in prescription?

a) writes b) was writing

c) do write d) has written

e) does write


20. What … the patient … before taking the medicines?

a) must know b) may know

c) can know d) could know

e) would know

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