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ATHEROSCLEROSIS | REPORTING COMMANDS AND REQUSTS | MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION | ACUTE BRONCHITIS | ACUTE NEPHRITIS | PYELONEPHRITIS | Pyelonephritis | Exercise 9. Read the text and say whether the following statements are true to the text. | Causes in either sex | Fill in prepositions where necessary. |

Читайте также:
  1. Acute Cholecystitis


Exercise 16. Be ready to speak on the following items:

The main causes of obesity.

The cardinal symptoms of obesity.

Preventive measures of obesity.


1. Learn the new words and word combinations:

influenza (flu) [ˌɪnflʊˈɛnzə] - грип contagious [kənˈteɪdʒəs] - заразний chill [tʃɪl] - озноб prostration [prəsˈtreɪʃn] - знемога; занепад сил; прострація confuse [kənˈfjuːz] - сплутувати common cold – звичайна застуда suppress [səˈprɛs] - пригнічувати rejection [rɪˈdʒɛkʃn] - відторгнення detergent [dɪˈtɜːdʒənt] - миючий засіб antiviral [ˌæntɪˈvaɪrəl] - противірусний

2. Read the word combinations containing the new words and translate them into Ukrainian:

Influenza viruses, the incubation period of influenza, influenza-like illnesses, influenza's effects, the onset of influenza, a contagious disease, chills and fever, severe prostration, confuse with other flu-like illnesses, confuse with the common cold, suppressed immune system, prevent transplant organ rejection, inactivated by sunlight, disinfectants and detergents, antiviral drugs.

3. Match the terms with their explanations:

  1. Influenza
  2. Epidemic
  3. Pandemic
  4. Endemic
  5. Infectious disease
  6. Antiviral drug
  7. Common cold
  8. Chill
  9. Cough
  10. Sneezing
a)expelling air or solid matter from the lungs abruptly and explosively through the partially closed vocal chords b)a drug destroying or inhibiting the growth and reproduction of viruses c)an acute contagious viral infection characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, muscular pain, and prostration d)expelling air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the nasal mucous membrane e)prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people f)a disease capable of being transmitted by infections g)spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in the area at the same time h)a mild viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, characterized by sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, nasal congestion, etc. i)affecting persons over a wide geographical area; extensively epidemic j)a sensation of coldness, often accompanied by shivering and pallor of the skin.

4. There are different types of diseases, give examples of the following ones:

Congenital diseases  
Hereditary diseases  
Acute diseases  
Chronic diseases  
Infectious diseases  
Communicable diseases  
Non-communicable diseases  
  1. r the following questions:

a) What diseases of the cardio-vascular system do you know?

b) What diseases of the respiratory system do you know?

c) What diseases of the digestive system do you know?

d) What diseases of the endocrine system do you know?

e) What diseases requiring surgical intervention do you know?

6. Read and translate the text:


Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an acute infectious disease occurring in endemic, epidemic and pandemic forms. It is caused by the influenza viruses. The disease is contagious and spreads directly from person to person by talking, coughing and sneezing. Healthy carriers may spread the disease. The incubation period is from 1-3 days. The onset is sudden with chilly sensation, followed by fever. The most common symptoms are chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, headache (often severe), coughing, weakness/fatigue and general discomfort. The temperature ranges between 37.7 and 40 and persists from 2 to 5 days. The respiratory rate is moderately increased. The pulse in accelerated. Vomiting and diarrhea are frequent. The tongue is dry and coated, the pharynx usually reddened. In some cases catarrhal symptoms are replaced by nervous symptoms or prostration, insomnia, mental depression, intense headache, general pains.

The flu is often confused with other influenza-like illnesses, especially the common cold, but influenza's effects are much more severe and last longer than those of the common cold. Most people will recover completely in about one to two weeks, but others will develop life-threatening complications (such as pneumonia). Influenza, thus, can be deadly, especially for the weak, young and old, or chronically ill. People with a weak immune system, such as people with advanced HIV infection or transplant patients (whose immune systems are medically suppressed to prevent transplant organ rejection), suffer from particularly severe disease. Other high-risk groups include pregnant women and young children. The flu can also worsen chronic health problems. People with emphysema, chronic bronchitis or asthma may experience shortness of breath while they have the flu, and influenza may cause worsening of coronary heart disease or congestive heart failure.

Influenza viruses can be inactivated by sunlight, disinfectants and detergents. As the virus can be inactivated by soap, frequent hand washing reduces the risk of infection. Vaccinations against influenza are usually available to people in developed countries. Antiviral drugs are used for the treatment of the disease. People with the flu are advised to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of liquids, avoid using alcohol and tobacco and, if necessary, take medications such as acetaminophen (paracetamol) to relieve the fever and muscle aches associated with the flu. Since influenza is caused by a virus, antibiotics have no effect on the infection; unless prescribed for secondary infections such as bacterial pneumonia.

  1. Answer the questions:

a) What is another name for influenza?

b) What kind of disease is influenza?

c) What is influenza caused by?

d) How does influenza spread?

e) How long does the incubation period in influenza last?

f) What are the most common flu symptoms?

g) What is the difference between the flue and the common cold?

h) How can influenza viruses be inactivated?

i) Who usually suffers from a particularly severe form of influenza?

j) What drugs are used for the treatment of the flu?

8. Find the equivalents of the following word combinations in the text:

Гостре інфекційне захворювання; заразна хвороба; здорові носії; раптовий початок хвороби; відчуття ознобу; біль у горлі; біль у м’язах; температура триває; помірно підвищена швидкість дихання; прискорений пульс; обкладений язик; безсоння; схожі з грипом захворювання; звичайна застуда; повністю одужати; ускладнення, які загрожують життю; низька смертність; пригнічена імунна система; відторгнення трансплантованого органу; особливо важке захворювання; погіршувати хронічні проблеми зі здоров’ям, відчувати задишку; дезактивувати за допомогою сонячного світла, дезінфекційних та миючих засобів; зменшувати ризик інфекції; противірусні ліки; пити багато рідини.

9. a) Match two parts of the word combinations:

  1. pandemic
2. secondary onset
3. life-threatening infection
4. contagious by talking, sneezing or coughing
5. healthy rate
6. common form
7. sudden pharynx
8. spread groups
9. high-risk chronic health problems
10. reddened disease
11. respiratory cold
12. worsen carriers

b) Make your own sentences with the word combinations.

10. Put questions to the underlined words:

1) The flu can occasionally lead to pneumonia.

2) Influenza may produce nausea and vomiting.

3) Influenza is transmitted through the air.

4) Influenza viruses can be inactivated by sunlight, disinfectants and detergents.

5) Frequent hand washing reduces the risk of infection.

6) Influenza spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics.

7) In the 20th century three influenza pandemics occurred.

8) These pandemics killed millions of people.

9) These pandemics were caused by the appearance of a new strain of the virus in humans.

10) Antiviral drugs such as the neuraminidase inhibitor (Tamiflu) have been used to treat influenza.

11. Open the brackets using the verbs in the appropriate form, translate the sentences:

1) He (to be) ill with the flu since last week.

2) Antiviral drugs (to use) to treat influenza.

3) Influenza often (to confuse) with the common cold.

4) Antibiotics (to prescribe) for the treatment of bacterial pneumonia.

5) He (to hospitalize) with a severe form of the flu last week.

6) After two days of being ill with influenza he (to start) having trouble breathing.

7) Patients with the flu (to recommend) to have plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids.

8) Influenza in which no complications occur usually (to last) from 3 to 5 days.

9) The headache and general pains (to relieve) by the use of Aspirin.

10) Many patients (to have) respiratory symptoms such as laryngitis or tracheitis.

12. Explain the following terms in 5 sentences:


Common cold



Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 36 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Exercise 15. Match Mrs Davis’s symptoms (1-7) with the questions her doctor asked ( a-g).| D I P H T H E R I A

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