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Exercise 31. Translate the Ukrainian parts of the sentences.

Give a short summary of this text in English. | Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with these words and phrases and translate the sentences. | Exercise 12. Translate into English. | Family problems and their treatment | History of the family | A. Read the text and answer the questions below. | A. Translate the text and express your attitude toward the following assessment of homemaking. | A. Read the text and explain carefully whether you still share the common myths about the modern male. | Exercise 42. Translate into English. | Crime and punishment |

Читайте также:
  1. A contrastive analysis of English and Ukrainian morphological stylistic means
  2. A) Read and translate the text.
  3. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  4. A) Read, translate and dramatise the interview about admission into the U.S.
  5. A. Read and translate the text.
  6. A. Read and translate the text.
  7. A. Read and translate the text.

1) During the Middle Ages договірні заручини використовувалися для зміцнення royal dynasties, establish diplomatic alliances, and increase estates and fortunes. Until recent times, it remained common for parents to arrange marriages in much of the world, especially the Eastern and Muslim countries. In some societies, цей звичай існує до теперішнього часу.

2)Although today чоловіки та жінки зазвичай обирають шлюбних партнерів самі, certain betrothal customs persist. The most popular is дарування обручки нареченій як символ обіцянки одружитися.

3) Хоча шлюбні звичаї значно різняться from one culture to another, the importance of the institution is universally acknowledged.

4) Моногамія, союз одного чоловіка і однієї жінки, є прототипом шлюбу в західних країнах and its most widely accepted form, predominating also in societies in which other forms of marriage are accepted.

5) All other forms of marriage are generally classed under полігамія, що включає полігінію (чоловік має декілька дружин) і поліандрію (жінка має декілька чоловіків).

6) Згідно із законами ісламу один чоловік може мати до чотирьох дружин, all of whom are entitled to equal treatment. Polygyny was practiced briefly in the United States during the 19th century by the Mormons in Utah. The incidence of polyandry is limited to Central Asia, Southern India, and Sri Lanka.

7) У країнах, де все ще переважають договірні шлюби, families must negotiate придане, future living arrangements, and other important matters before marriage can be arranged.

8) Страх кровозмішення is а universal restriction to the freedom of marriage. In most cases, the prohibition extends to mother and son, father and daughter, and all offspring of the same parents. In many societies, taboos are broadened to include marriages between дядьками і племінницями, тітками і племінниками, двоюрідними, а іноді і троюрідними братами і сестрами.

9) The required age for marriage без згоди батьків varies from 16 to 21 for women and from 18 to 21 for men. Аналіз крові is now required by most states, and many states require а випробувальний термін of one to five days between the issuing of офіційного дозволу на брак і церемонією вінчання (одруження).

10) Двошлюбність і багатошлюбність заборонені in all states. In most states it is required that the marriage be formalized before представник духовенства, or before а qualified public official in а ceremony usually referred to as а цивільний шлюб, and in all states а свідоцтво про шлюб must be registered with the civil authorities.


Exercise 32. Fill in the blanks with these words and phrases:


civil marriage take care of home marriage wife
veil single raise children get married
husband wedding rings become engaged civil ceremony
share responsibilities   marriage certificate   marriage vows   bride and groom
date religious ceremony to earn a living arranged marriages


Almost every society has certain traditional ideas about (1) ______. For example, most societies expect men and women to marry. Most cultures also have traditions about the role duties of a (2) ______ and a (3) ______. Traditionally, the husband is expected (4) ______, and the wife is expected to (5) ______ and (6) ______.

Many Americans disregard traditional marriage patterns. For example, a large number of married couples (7) ______ that have been traditionally handled by either the husband or the wife.

On the average, men and women stay (8) ______ longer than they once did. They (9) ______ for a long period of time to know each other better. And only at the age of 25 they (10) ______ and (11) ______. Some couples prefer the traditional (12) ______ others the (13) ______. But still a lot of wedding customs are preserved, such as wearing a (14) ______, exchanging (15) ______, and giving (16) ______.

An increasing number of people choose not to marry. If a man and woman wish to avoid marriage, they may decide to live in a (17) ______, which cannot be confirmed by a (18) ______.

Most people have never witnessed (19) ______ when a (20) ______ often met for the first time on their wedding day.


Exercise 33. Are these statements true, false or not stated? Correct the false ones. If the statement is true, enrich it with details. If it is not stated, say whether you share the same view.

1. An engagement ring is used as a token of the agreement to marry.

2. Some couples decide to live in a civil marriage because they cannot get marriage licenses.

3. Any person irrespective of his age can get married without parental consent.

4. A divorced person who marries a second time commits the crime of bigamy.

5. In nearly all states it is impossible to get married without a marriage license.

6. The waiting period gives a couple an opportunity to break their engagement.

7. A religious ceremony can be conducted by a judge or some other authorized official.

8. The fashion of wearing veils is rather new.

9. At the wedding rice symbolizes fertility, happiness and long life.

10. The bride tosses her bouquet to the unmarried male guests.

11. A marriage is considered to be illegal if a couple cannot produce marriage certificate.

12. Some people prefer to stay single because they are afraid to take the responsibility.

13. A judge can do nothing if a person is forced into marrying.

14. It is possible to conduct a wedding ceremony if the bride or groom cannot be present.

15. There must be two witnesses: a bridesmaid and a best-man at the wedding ceremony.


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Exercise 27. Translate into English.| A. Read the text and answer the questions below.

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