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ЗАНЯТТЯ № 1 III YEAR, V TERM | ЗАНЯТТЯ № 2 III YEAR, V TERM | Names of newspapers, journals, magazines and the like are transcribed or transliterated and shortly explicated. | Names of publishing houses are also translated like the names of newspaper etc. | ЗАНЯТТЯ № 5 III YEAR, V TERM | ЗАНЯТТЯ № 6 III YEAR, V TERM | УКРАЇНСЬКІ ЧОЛОВІЧІ ІМЕНА |

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  1. Ever / generally / nowadays / on Mondays, on Tuesdays / twice a year / every week , day, year, summer…..
  3. One year, six months ago
  4. VII. Методика проведення заняття та організаційна структура заняття
  5. VІІ. Методика проведення заняття і його організаційна структура
  6. VІІ. Методика проведення заняття і організаційна структура заняття
  7. VІІ. Методика проведення заняття та організаційна структура заняття

Ways of Translating Idiomatic (Phraseological) Expressions


Each language apart from words and free-word combinations (phrases) has many stable expressions which constitute a specific layer of every language lexicon. Stable expressions or phrases split into some subclasses.

Phraseological /idiomatic expressions are structurally, lexically and semantically stable language units having the meaning which is not made up by sum of meanings of their componental parts.

1. e.g. idiomatic expressions which are sometimes called in English lexicology – idioms. These are absolutely cast-iron (неподільне) expressions:

– to cut off with a shilling, means "залишити без спадщини";

– to accept the children hundreds, means "вийти у відставку", "позбавити(сь) повноважень";

– to dine with Duke Humphrey –залишитись без обіду (нічого не ївши).

2. Apart from cast-iron idioms there are many proverbs and saying whose content is clear from the componental parts.

e.g. Make hay while the sun shines – коси коса поки роса;

East or West – home is best – всюди добре, а дома краще;

There's no use crying over spilt milk – що з воза впало те пропало.

3. Apart from these subdivisions there are some simple proper names which are used metaphorically.

e.g. Tommy Atkins – англійський солдат;

What will Mrs. Grundy say? – Що скажуть люди?

Jack Ketch – кат;

Макар Кас’ян – ненажера, (Robin Bobbin).

Depending on the structure, meaning and origin of idiomatic expression, they may be translated respectively: a) word for word; b) means of analogies; c) even in a descriptive way.

e.g. Дурне сало без хліба – When something cannot be used without a very important second component or instrument.

Therefore depending on the status of idioms (international or national) on their origin and structure and first and foremost on their lexical meaning, the idiomatic expressions may be translated in one of the following ways:


1. By means of absolute equivalents.


e.g. the Ten Commandments – Десять заповідей;

Wise Solomon – Мудрий Соломон;

The game is worth the candles – гра варта свічок;

Time is money – гроші час (амер.)


2. By way of near equivalents i.e. idioms in which one or more images are common but not all of them as in the original.


e.g. baker's/printer's dozen – чортова дюжина;

Measure twice, cut once – сім раз одмір, один раз відріж;

To know smth like one's ten fingers – знати щось як свої п’ять пальців;

grass widow (er) – солом’яна вдова;

as pale as a paper – блідий як стіна;

as cool as a cucumber – холодний як крига (жаба).

Some stable expressions may also be translated in this way:

as busy as a bee – працює як бджола;

to throw light – пролити світло;

to make steps – піти на зустріч;

Much water had flown under the bridge– багато води стекло відтоді;

Promises are like piecrusts made to be broken – обіцянка цяцянка, а дурному радість.


3. By way of choosing genuine analogies i.g. idiomatic expressions which are similar by sense (in the source language and in the target language).


e.g. Many men, many minds – скільки людей, стільки думок (сім баб, сім (по)рад).

Like father like son (like mother like daughter) – Який Мартин, такий і тин. Який батько, такий і син. Яка хата, такий тин. Яблуко від яблуні недалеко падає.

As can be seen some idiomatic expression may have two, three and more analogies in the target language.

e.g. There is no use crying over spilt milk – Що з воза впало, те пропало. Слізьми горю не зарадиш.


4. By choosing approximate analogies:


e.g. Kind words butter no parsnips – годувати байками солов’я;

A joint in one's armour – Ахіллесова п’ята (уразливе місце) – weak point

To make a cat's paw of something – чужими руками вигрібати жар;

The sow loves bran better than roses – кому що, а курці просо.

These analogies are sometimes very difficult to choose (find in the target language). The translator/interpreter must be a well prepared person in both: the source language and the target language, in order not "to bark on the Moon" – щоб не марнувати час.


5. Descriptive translating of Idiomatic expressions.

In many a case idiomatic expression have neither analogies nor equivalents because they are national idioms or the translator does not want to use idiomatic expression closely in the text, then they refer to descriptive translation, e.g. explication of the sense of the idioms. Explication may be performed in one word in a word-group or even a sentence.

e.g. poor fish – йолоп, бевзь, нікчема;

red blood – мужність;

to run amuck – збожеволіти, нападати на першу ліпшу людину;

wise behind – млявий, що погано міркує;

white elephant – подарунок, якого важко позбутися;

to treat one like a lord – щедро частувати когось;

to sit above the salt – сидіти на почесному місці.

The phraseological expressions may originate:

1) from Greek mythology: Augean stables – авгієві стайні;

Cassandra warnings – застереження Каcсандри;

A labour of Sisyphus – Сізіфова праця;

Pandora's box – скринька Пандори

2) from ancient history or literature:

to pass (cross) the Rubicon – перейти Рубікон (прийняти важливе рішення);

the golden age – золотий вік (золотий час).

3) from the Bible or based on biblical plot:

to cast the first stone at one – першим кинути у когось камінь;

a lost sheep – заблудла вівця;

to cast pearls before swines – розсипати перли перед свиньми;

the thirty pieces of silver – тридцять срібняків.

A great many absolute equivalents originate from contemporary literary or historical source relating to different languages (mainly to French, Spanish, Danish, German, Italian, Arabic):

French: after us the deluge – після нас – хоч потоп;

the fair sex – прекрасна стать;

the game is worth candles – гра варта свічок;

one's place in the sun – місце під сонцем.

Spanish: blue blood – блакитна кров;

the fifth column – п’ята колона;

to tilt at the windmills – воювати з вітряками.

Italian: Dante's inferno – Дантове пекло.

Arabic: Alladin's lamp – лампа Аладіна.

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