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COMPREHENSION. A1. In what connection are Denmark and the United Kingdom

Читайте также:

A 1. In what connection are Denmark and the United Kingdom


2. In what connection are France, Italy and Ireland mentioned?

B Arrange these sentences in the correct order according to

The information in the text.

1. In some countries the alternative term ‘social protection’is used.

2. The size of contributions to pay the cost of social security

differs in different countries.

3. Social security may be provided by central or localgovernment departments, by employers, by court order.

4. Nearly 140 countries have some type of social security


5. Three criteria are used by the International LabourOrganization to define a social security system.


A Read the words and guess their meaning. Mind the stress.

'social rehabil'tation

'medical pre'vent

'compensate indi'viduals

'specified contr'bution

'central pro'portional

B Match the English and Russian equivalents.

1. a family income a) основнаяцель

2. accident victims b) потерязаработка

3. to grant medical care c) производственнаятравма

4. a loss of earnings d) колебатьсявпределах


5. a social insurance system e) пособияпоболезни

6. anultimateaim f) система социального


7. tobefacedwith g) предоставлять

медицинский уход

8. a work-related injury h) доходсемьи

9. provisions for sickness i) потерпевшиеот

несчастного случая

10. tovaryfrom … to … сталкиваться с чем-либо

C Find the sentences containing the words from Exercise B

In the text, read and translate these sentences into Russian.

D You are all journalists. Choose someone to act as a

Representative of the International LabourOrganizartion

And answer your questions.

What is social security to define a social security system?

Who can social security the main purpose of social security?

What does the ILOreport usepay 50 percent above overageearnings?

What is social security schemes cover?

How many countries established for?

I wonder what what sources the cost of socialsecurity is paid for?

Which countries provided by?

Could you tell me have social security schemes?

E Learn the active vocabulary

a retirement from work to maintain individual incomea security benefit to provide cash benefitsa loss of earnings to be faced witha level of living to grant medical carea work-related injury to pay contributions


The social security system of the Republic of Belarus.

A Scan Text 13.2. Formulate the key idea of each paragraph.

B Read the text and match the questions below (1-5) with the

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 112 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: COMPREHENSION | The Legislative Branch | The Judicial Branch | Types of Electoral Systems | VOCABULARY PRACTICE | Characteristics of Elections | Political Systems of States | COMPREHENSION | Stable and Unstable Political Systems | The Role of Parties in Modern Democracies |
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