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COMPREHENSION. For sentences 1-9 choose the right variant (a, b), which fits

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For sentences 1-9 choose the right variant (a, b), which fits

Best according to the text.

1. The largest administrative divisions in England are called …..

a) communities.

b) counties.

2. In Scotland, the largest divisions are …………………………

a) regions.

b) districts.

3. A system of local government was first established in ………

a) the 15th century.

b) the 19th century.

4. Councilors are elected by local people for a period of ……….

a) four years.

b) six years.

5. Councils make policies for …………………………………..

a) the whole country.

b) their area.

6. Now councils often give contracts to ………………………...

a) private firms.

b) individuals.

7. Central government provides a lot of money spent by councils

in the form of …………………………………………………

a) taxes.

b) grants.

8. Money is shared between the local authorities according to ….

a) the size of the territory.

b) their population.

9. The council tax is based on ……………………………………

a) the value of a person’s house.

b) the value of the income.


A Read the words and guess their meaning. Mind the stress.

'region po'litical


'unitary geog'raphical


'central co'llection

B Match the verbs and the nouns as they occur together inthe text.

1. take a) services

2. establish b) a political party

3. elect c) decisions

4. belong to d) political power

5. make e) a system of local councils

6. collect f) taxes

7. provide g) representatives

8. carry out h) the money

9. share i) policy

C Give the Russian equivalents for the following words andword combinations.

to divide into; to elect representatives; to be run by; to belongto; to provide services; to take the power; counties; a two-tierstructure; unitary authorities; a chair person; to establish; toattend meetings; to make policies; to carry out policy; to beresponsible for; to employ the staff; according to; to charge a


D Open the brackets. Use the correct word forms and wordcombinations from Exercise C.

1. For administrative purposes Britain (делитьсяна) smallgeographical areas.

2. The largest divisions in England and Wales are called(округа).

3. Councils and districts (управляться) by councils.

4. A system of local councils first (создавать) in the 19thcentury.

5. Councils have (двухуровневаяструктура).

6. Councils consist of (избираемыепредставители), calledcouncilors.

7. Most councilors (принадлежать) a political party.

8. Local authorities (отвечатьза) education, socialservices, town planning, transport.

9. Central government shares the money between localauthorities (взависимостиот) their population.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 122 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Local Government in Britain| Forms of Government

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