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City Government

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  1. Contemporary Forms of Government
  2. Families who do not send their children to government-financed schools should not be required to pay taxes that support universal education.
  3. Forms of Government
  4. Local Government
  5. Local Government in Britain
  6. State and Local Government in the USA

City government is a system of governmental institutions thatserve an urban area. Modern cities are almost always containedwithin the boundaries of modern states, and their governmentsform parts of a larger constitutional regime that usually includesstate or provincial governments and a national government.

A city government’s most important functions are to providelaw enforcement and fire prevention; elementary and secondaryeducation; water supply, sewage and refuse collection and disposal;construction, maintenance, and lighting of the streets; regulation ofbuilding safety and housing standards; the provision of publichousing; various welfare services for the needy; health protection;and environmental services. Cities also provide museums, parks,

play grounds and other cultural and recreation facilities. Publicutilityservices that supply water, electricity, gas, and publictransport may be provided by a city government or by commercialcompanies that are closely regulated by the government.

City planning, which involves the coordination of allgovernmental activities, is another important function. Citygovernments typically achieve their land-planning goals byenacting zoning laws that govern the use of land and buildings, thedensity of population, the height and spacing of structures.

There are three principal types of city or municipal systems ofgovernment: (1) the decentralized system found in federalconstitutions; (2) the decentralized system found in unitaryconstitutions; (3) the supervisory system found under the Frenchtypeadministration.

In federal constitutions, city government tends to fall withinthe jurisdiction of the state or provincial government rather than ofthe national government. This is a position of the United States,and it accounts for the great diversity of municipal organizationexisting in that country.

In Britain Local Government Act of 1972 created a two-tiersystem of counties and districts. Both counties and districts haveindependent, locally elected councils that perform separatefunctions: county authorities are generally responsible for largescaleservices, while district authorities are generally responsiblefor more local ones.

In Japan the municipalities consist of cities, towns, andvillages. All have the same structure and legal status but differ inpowers. A city must have a population of not less than 50,000, ofwhich at least 60 percent must engage in commerce and industry;and it must possess civic halls, a sewage system, libraries, andother public amenities.

In Latin American countries the tendency is to adopt the basicprinciples of the supervisory system. This involves appointingcentral government officers who exercise control over localauthorities.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 132 | Нарушение авторских прав

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