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The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus

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The Constitution is the Fundamental Law of the Republic ofKazakhstan. The present-day Constitution of Kazakhstan is theConstitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 1994 with amendments(поправки) and addenda (приложение) adopted at the republican referenda on November 24,1996 and October 17, 2004.

According to the Constitution, Kazakhstan is a presidential

republic. The head of the state and the executive power is the

President who is elected for a five-year term. The Constitution

consists of a preamble and nine sections:

I. Principles of the Constitutional system

II. The Individual, Society and the State

III. Electoral System. Referendum

IV. The President, Parliament, the Government, the Court

V. Local government and self-government

VI. The Procurator’s office. The State Supervisory Committee

VII. Financial and credit system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

VIII. The application of the Constitution of the Republic ofKazakhstan and the procedure for amending the Constitution

IX. Final and transitional clauses.

The Constitution defines the Republic of Kazakhstan as a unitary

democratic social state with the rule of law which possessessupremacy and absolute authority in its territory. The Republic ofKazakhstan independently carries out domestic and foreign policy.

The Constitution establishes the principle of the supremacy oflaw. The State and all its bodies and officials act within the limitsof the Constitution and the laws adopted in accordance with it.

The Constitution states that securing the rights and freedomsof citizens is the supreme goal of the State.

The Constitution of Kazakhstan proclaims that all are equal beforethe law and have the right to equal protection of their rights andlegitimate interests.

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees thecitizens of Kazakhstan the right to health care and social security inold age as well as free general education and professionaltechnical training. Secondary special and higher education isaccessible to all, depending on the abilities of each person. Eachperson has the right to receive education at state educational

institutions on the basis of contest and free of charge.

The Constitution establishes the principle of separation ofpowers into legislative, executive and judiciary. State bodies actindependently and cooperate with one another, and restrain andcounterbalance one another.

The Constitution establishes that no one may be pronouncedguilty of a crime unless his guilt has been proven by law. TheConstitution reproduces the provisions of the Declaration ofHuman Rights with regard to presumption of innocence.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a part of the world community. Itrecognizes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UNCharter, the International Convents on Civil and Political Rightsand on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The principlesestablished by the major international legal instruments havefound their reflection in the provisions of the Kazakhstani Constitution.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 162 | Нарушение авторских прав

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