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Calendar-thematic plan of lectures

Thelecturebysection Hours number Week Literature
  PART 1 Unit 1 What is Public Administration. Theories of Government.     1-2  
  Unit 2 Constitution.Civil Service      
  Unit 3Levels of Government      
  Unit 4 Democracy as a Form of Government      
  Unit 5Levels of Government   5-6  
  Unit 6LocalGovernment      
  Unit 7Forms and Principles of Government      
  Unit 8Contemporary Division of Government   8-9  
  Unit 9State Structure ofKazakhstan      
  Unit 10Electoral System      
  Unit 11Political System of States      
  Unit 12Party System      
  Unit 13Social Security   14-15  


Theme 1 What is Public Administration

To the 1st theme.

Public administration is "centrally concerned with the organization of government policies and programmes as well as the behavior of officials (usually non-elected) formally responsible for their conduct". Many unelected public servants can be considered to be public administrators, including heads of city, county, regional, state and federal departments such as municipal budget directors, human resources (H.R.) administrators, city managers, census managers, state mental health directors, and cabinet secretaries. Public administrators are public servants working in public departments and agencies, at all levels of government.

In the US, civil servants and academics such as Woodrow Wilson promoted American civil service reform in the 1880s, moving public administration into academia. However, "until the mid-20th century and the dissemination of the German sociologist Max Weber's theory of bureaucracy" there was not "much interest in a theory of public administration." The field is multidisciplinary in character; one of the various proposals for public administration's sub-fields sets out six pillars, including human resources, organizational theory, policy analysis and statistics, budgeting, and ethics.

Modern American public administration is an extension of democratic governance, justified by classic and liberal philosophers of the western world ranging from Aristotle to John Locke to Thomas Jefferson.


By the 1920s, scholars of public administration had responded to Wilson's solicitation and thus textbooks in this field were introduced. A few distinguished scholars of that period were, Luther Gulick, LyndallUrwick, Henri Fayol, Frederick Taylor, and others. Frederick Taylor (1856-1915), another prominent scholar in the field of administration and management also published a book entitled 'The Principles of Scientific Management' (1911). He believed that scientific analysis would lead to the discovery of the 'one best way' to do things and /or carrying out an operation. This, according to him could help save cost and time. Taylor's technique was later introduced to private industrialists, and later into the various government organizations (Jeong, 2007)

1. Public Administration can be broadly described as the development, implementation and study of government policy.

Today public administration is often regarded as including also some responsibility for determining the policies and programs of governments. Specifically, it is the planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling of government operations.

2. Public administration is a feature of all nations, whatever their system of government. Within nations public administration is practiced at the central, intermediate, and local levels. Though public administration has historically referred to government management, it increasingly encompasses non-governmental organizations that are not acting out of self-interest.

3. From the 16th century, the national state was the reigning model of the administrative organization in Western Europe.

These states needed an organization for the implementation of law and order and for setting up a defensive structure. The need for expert civil servants, with knowledge about taxes, statistics, administration and the military organization, grew.

4. Lorenz von Stein, since 1855 professor in Vienna, is considered the founder of the science of public administration. According to him, the science of public administration was an interaction between theory and practice and combined several disciplines, such as sociology, political sciences, administrative lawand public finance.

5. In the United States Woodrow Wilson was the first to consider the science of public administration. In an 1887 article entitled “The Study of Administration” Wilson wrote “it is the object of administrative study to discover, first, what government can properly and successfully do, and secondly, how it can dothese proper things with the utmost possible efficiency and at least possible cost either of money or of energy”.

6. In most of the world the establishment of highly trained administrative, executive classes has made public administration a distinct profession. The body of public administrators is usually called the civil service. Traditionally the civil service is contrasted with other bodies serving full time, such as the military, thejudiciary, and the police. In most countries a distinction is also made between the home civil service and those persons engaged abroad on diplomatic duties. A civil servant, therefore, is one of a body of persons who are directly employed in the administration of the internal affairs of the state and whose role and status are notиpolitical, ministerial, military, or constabulary.

7. Certain characteristics are common to all civil services. Senior civil servants are regarded as the professional advisers to those who formulate state policy. Civil servants in every country are expected to advise, warn, and assist those responsible for state policy and, when this has been decided, to provide the organization for implementing it. The responsibility for policy decisions lies with the political members of the executive (those members who have been elected or appointed to give political direction to government). By custom, civil servants are protected from public blame for their advice.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 168 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Educational-Methodical Complex | Explanatory MEMORANDUM | Introduction | Basic Part | Additional Literature | COMPREHENSION (Понимание) | Principles of Public Administration | The History of Civil Service | Civil Service in Great Britain | COMPREHENSION |
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