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Types of Electoral Systems

Читайте также:
  1. Basic Rheology of Pulp-Liquor Systems
  2. Chip Steaming and Chip Feeding Systems
  4. Exercise 20. Speak briefly about the body systems and their functions.
  5. Exercise 9. Translate into Ukrainian, paying attention to various types of conditional sentences.
  6. Other Basis Systems.
  7. Political Systems of States

The choice of the electoral system is a question of greatimportance in our democracy. To a significant degree electoralsystems define how the body politic operates. As Farell points out:‘they are the cogs which keep the wheels of democracy properlyfunctioning’. The choice of system raises issues about the natureof representative government and the purpose of elections.

In making that selection, much depends on what the electoralsystem is supposed to achieve. Obviously, it is desirable that itproduces an outcome which is acceptable to as many people aspossible. Fundamental to the issue is the question ‘What is the pointof voting?’ Is it primarily choose a government, or is it to choosemembership of the legislature? Is the emphasis placed upon electinga strong administration which has broad support in the community,or is it to elect an assembly which accurately reflects prevailing

opinion? On the continent the emphasis is upon choosing arepresentative assembly, and then from its midst finding agovernment which commands sufficient support-usually, a coalitiongovernment. In Britain, which has tended to pride itself upon itstradition of strong, single-party government, importance is attachedto ensuring that there is an effective administration in place.

There are two broad categories of electoral system. It is,however, possible to combine elements of the two categories. Thetwo categories are:

1. Majoritarian systems, which are designed to leave one partywith a parliamentary majority. In this category, we mayinclude:

First Past the Post (FPTP);

The alternative vote (AV);

The double ballot.

2. Proportional systems. There are many different forms ofproportional representation, all of which are designed toensure that the number of seats allocated in the legislature isbroadly in the line with the number of votes won by eachparty in the election.

3. Mixed systems. These represent a compromise betweenmajoritarian and proportional systems.

There is no perfect electoral system, appropriate to everycountry at every time. Indeed, it is quite possible to have differenttypes of election within a particular country.


The text states different types of electoral systems. Matchthese types with the characteristics according to the text.

1. majoritarian a) the number of seats in the legislature equalsto the number of votes won by each party

2. proportional b) represents a compromise betweenmajoritarian and proportional systems

3. mixed c) one party wins with the majority of votes

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 173 | Нарушение авторских прав

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