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The Judicial Branch

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  1. The judicial branch
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The judicial power in the Republic of Belarus belongs tocourts.

The court structure in Belarus is determined by the law. Theformation of emergency courts is prohibited in the Republic. Inadministering justice judges are independent and obey the lawonly. The independence of the judiciary is a fundamental principleof constitutional law.

Justice in the Republic is exercised by courts on the basis ofthe Constitution and other standard laws adopted in conformitywith it. Cases are tried in court collegially, and in some cases,determined by law, by judges individually.

The Constitution establishes the right of courts to raise theissue of considering certain standard laws as unconstitutional if thecourt comes to the conclusion on non-conformity of the law to theConstitution.

Interference into the activity of judges engaged in judicature isprohibited and punishable by the law. Judges may not be engagedin entrepreneurial activity or perform any other paid jobs, exceptteaching and research.

The court judgments are obligatory for all citizens andofficials. If a person doesn’t agree with the sentence, he has theright to appeal to a higher court.


The supervision over correspondence of laws in the State tothe Constitution is exercised by the Constitutional Court of theRepublic of Belarus. The Constitutional Court is formed of 12judges from among highly qualified specialists in the field of law,who as a rule have a scientific degree. Six judges of theConstitutional Court are appointed by the President with the

consent of the Council of the Republic and six judges are electedby the Council of the Republic. The Chairman of theConstitutional Court is appointed by the President with the consentof the Council of the Republic. The term of office of the membersof the Constitutional Court is 11 years and they may hold officetill the age of 70. The Constitutional Court gives evaluation oncorrespondence of standard laws to the Constitution upon the

request of the President, the House of Representatives, the Councilof the Republic, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Economic Courtand the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The Procurator’s Office of the Republic of Belarus is a unifiedcentralized system of bodies headed by Procurator-General. Itexercises supervision over the exact and uniform execution of thelaws, decrees, resolutions and other standard enactments byministries and other bodies subordinated to the Council ofMinisters, by local representative and executive bodies,

enterprises, organizations and institutions, public associations,officials and citizens. The competence, organization and procedureof activity of the Procurator’s Office bodies are determined by thelegislation.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 120 | Нарушение авторских прав

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