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Sulfite pulp 1009

Читайте также:
  1. Advanced a hypothesis that, for a given degree of delignification, sulfite pulps
  2. Alkaline Sulfite Pulping
  3. Alternative Sulfite Pulping Concepts
  4. Beech Sulfite Beech Kraft Eucalyptus Kraft
  5. Bleaching to the activation with Mg(OH)2 is compensated by a final hydrosulfite
  6. Chemistry of (Acid) Sulfite Cooking
  7. Commercial hardwood and softwood kraft and sulfite pulps

– beating resistance 1011

– carbohydrate composition 470

– fibers, global production 9

– purification efficiency 942

– reflectance and absorption coefficient

Spectra 611

– resin reduction 960

– R-values 1015

Sulfite pulping

– alkaline 475–482

– alternative concepts 465–482

– pH ranges 393

Sulfitolysis, lignin 407


– b-O-4 arylether structures 410

– lignin 407–408

– phenylpropane a-carbonyl-b-arylether

Structures 412

– a-position of coniferylaldehyde-type

Structures 412

– reactions in neutral sulfite pulping 412

Sulfonic acid

– formation from xylose under neutral sulfite

Conditions 422

– reactions with glucose 422

Sulfur-containing carbohydrates, formation


Sulfur dioxide 998

– amount as function of H-factor 435

– balance 434–449

– bound–free equilibrium 405

– concentration in sulfite cooking liquor


– diffusion coefficient at 20 °C 404

– partial pressure–temperature relation in

Sulfite cooking liquor 402

– temperature dependence of dissociation

Constant Ka,1 397

sulfur species, balance 436–437

Sulfuric acid, pulp acidification 811

Sulzer Ahlmix 621

Sulzer flow discharger 627

Sulzer Salomix agitator 628

Super pressure grinders 1096

Superbatch® process

– cooking cycle 136–137, 374

– results 280–282

Index 1345

– simplified flowsheet 374

– technology and equipment 373–374

Superheaters, kraft recovery boiler 981

Supermolecular structures, characterization


Superoxide anion, ozone decomposition,

Initiator 788

Superoxide anion radical 646

– converter 788

– hydrogen peroxide intermediates 852

Superoxide formation, ozone reactions 794

supramolecular structure 1041–1047

Surface, accessible 1267

Surface area, specific see specific surface

Surface condenser 978

Surface tension

– black liquor 971

– black liquor and water 136

Surfactants, application 687

Surge bin, chip storage 102

Suspended single fibers, characteristic

Parameters 1272

Sweetgum, average moisture content 125

Swelling 937

– concept of Bouchard 799

– pulp 1052

– pulp fibers 1268

– unbleached kraft pulp 733

Synthesis gas, cleaning 994


– monolignol structural units 31

– structures 830


– lignin 165

– molecular structure 32


TA see total alkali

Tall oil

– crude 967

– kraft pulping 112

– softwoods 36

Tampella-grinder 1095

Tandem infeed rings, debarkers 79

Tangential velocity profile, hydrocyclone 581

Tangential walls, cell components 44

Tannins, hardwoods 38

Tasmanian emission levels, marine

Environment 1005

Taxifolin 449

– formation of quercetin under acid sulfite

Conditions 426

TCF-bleached acid sulfite 1048

TCF-bleached dissolving pulp,

Characterization 1049, 1051

TCF bleaching 10, 816, 1040

– bleachability 267

– hydrogen peroxide application 868

– sulfite 877–880

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 70 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Index 1333 | Pteridophytes, lignin 30 | Pulp mill wood yard, schematic material | QC see quality control | Reactors 827 | Residual lignin-carbohydrate complex see | Schiff bases, formation 1235 | Self-decomposition, ozone 811 | SO2 see sulfur dioxide | Sorted recovered paper, handling 1189 |
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Steam economy, multiple-effect evaporation| TCF bleaching sequence 843

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