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Modified kraft cooking

Читайте также:
  1. Batch Cooking
  2. Beech Sulfite Beech Kraft Eucalyptus Kraft
  3. Calorimeter, whereas with kraft black liquor it always appears as sodium sulfide
  4. Chemistry of (Acid) Sulfite Cooking
  5. Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching of Oxygen-Delignified Kraft Pulps
  6. Commercial hardwood and softwood kraft and sulfite pulps
  7. Composition of Lignin, Residual Lignin after Cooking and after Bleaching

– cold blow technology 274–275

– comparison of results 274–306

– continuous batch cooking 282–287

– continuous cooking 295–306

– effect on carbohydrate composition


– EMCC® 297–298

– influence on bleachability 264–274

– interdependence of temperature, cooking

Time and effective alkali 251

– Lo-Solids™ process 298–306

– MCC 295–297

– principles 237–274

– process chemistry 235–306

– pulp strength delivery 256–257

– rapid displacement heating 275–280

– residual lignin structures 257–264

– structural changes of softwood xylan


– superbatch process 280–282


Moisture 1205, 1219

– green wood 125

– grinding process parameters 1084

– wood 124, 1085

Molar fraction, ozone 779

molar mass 1034–1037

– average values 1241–1243

– determination 1243–1246

– distribution 951, 1018, 1049

– polymerization 1239

Molecular weight 1058

– dependence on bleaching stage 844

molecular weight distribution 951–952, 1251

– bleached commercial paper pulp 1019

– b-cellulose 443

– dissolving pulp 1034

– wood dissolving pulp 1035

Molybdovanadophosphate heteropolyanions,

Alternative bleaching methods 887


– lignin 31

– structural units 31

Monomeric sugars, concentration

Development in beechwood prehydrolysis

Monomodal distribution, molecular 933


– after hydrolysis 1231–1232

– in water prehydrolyzate from beechwood

Monosulfite-acid sulfite Stora process


Monoterpenes, softwoods 35

Monterey pine, chemical composition of

Wood 23

Morphological characterization, pulp fibers

morphology, wood 41–48

MOW see mixed office waste

MOXYprocess 307, 313

– white liquor oxidation 311

MSW see municipal solid waste

Multiconical refiner 1107

multiple-effect evaporation 977–979

– principles 977

multistage kraft pulping 325–365

multistage washing 526–527

municipal solid waste 1181–1182

Munk see Kubelka-Munk theory


Na-cellulose 1045

– lattice transition 941, 1043, 1045

(Na2S4), polysulfide liquor 306

Na(trium) see sodium

nano-structure, fibers 59–61


– charge 730, 953–957

– concentration profile 154–155, 942–944

– dosage in cold caustic extraction 945

– efficiency of chlorine dioxide 768

– initial charge 480

– titrator base 399

Native diaryl ether structures 749

Native fibers 1047

NCG see noncondensable gases

Negative sorting, recovered paper 1188

Nernst equation 309

Net heating value 968

Neutral magnefite process, two-stage


Neutral sugars, b-cellulose fraction 939

neutral sulfite-acid sulfite process 468–469

neutral sulfite pulping 412–414

– pH range 393

Neutral sulfite semi-chemical process see


Neutralization 872

– black liquor 121

– prehydrolysis-kraft process 348–350

– white liquor 119

Newtonian liquid, laminar flow 1248

Newton’s law, terminal settling velocity 582

Nicholson A2/A8 Debarker 78–79

Nitric acid, ozone generation 783

Nitrocellulose, dissolving pulp applications

Nitrogen adsorption method, specific surface

Of dry fibers 1267

NMNO, cellulose molecular weight

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 96 | Нарушение авторских прав

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