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Translate word-combinations into Ukrainian.

Читайте также:
  1. Exercise 1. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required (conditional sentences).
  2. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Infinitives.
  3. Exercise 10. Translate words given in italics.
  4. Exercise 13. Translate into English
  5. Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into English, paying attention to Grammar.
  6. Exercise 14. Open the brackets using the verbs in the appropriate form. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
  7. Exercise 15. Translate to English.

Abbreviated from, official name, geographical name, in everyday speech, red cross, anthem "God save the King", currency, many invasions, descendant of the invaders, legal system, most obviously, north-west coast, to be washed by, to be separated from the continent, chief rivers, can roughly e divided, highest point, due to the influence of, favourite topic for conversation, four out of every five people, royal family, to be headed by, duties, among them, at last, to be naturally polite, to be never tired of saying, to be generally disciplined, a loud talk, to show emotions, caged birds, to be famous for customs and traditions, custom is almost a second nature.


5. Form as many names of the towns as you can using the following part of the words.
chester pool fast Brad New
Brigh ford field Liver diff
Bel tol Birming Strat Glas
Ro bridge Edin Man ford
Castle Lon ton Ox Shef
Car Bris Cam ham gow
burgh don ford chester  


Choose the correct meaning for the word using the hint.

1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of Е..., S..., W... and N... I...

2. The most d...populated a...of Britain are G... London, the South... and the S...

3. The island of Great Britain can be r... divided into two main regions - L... Britain and H... Britain.

4. The currency is the p...

5. The a... is "God Save The Queen".

6. The flag has the red c..., the white c... all on the blue b...

7. The Severn, the Thames, the Clyde, the Trent, the Mersy are c... rivers in the country.

8. Britain has a t... climate due to the i... of Gulf-Stream.

9. The Queen r... but doesnot r...

(pound, anthem, England, cross, chief, temperate, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, reigns, areas, densely, Greater, East, influence, rule, South, roughly, Lowland, Highland, background).


Translate sentences into English.

1. Британські острови – це географічна назва всіх островів північно-західного узбережжя Європейського континенту.

2. Гімн Великобританії – «Боже, бережи Королеву / Короля».

3. Вікінги прийшли з Данії та Норвегії.

4. На півночі Великобританія омивається Атлантичним океаном.

5. Англійці дуже ввічливі та дисципліновані і ніколи не показують свої емоції.

6. Жителі Великобританії дуже люблять домашніх тварин.


Lesson 2


New words and word-combinations to be remembered

suburbs uneven sparsely populated to constitute Iberian   succession in search of cockney Gaelic revival передмістя, околиці нерівномірне рідко заселений складати іберійський, (іберійці – стародавнє населення Британських островів) послідовність в пошуках чогось кокні, лондонський говір галльська мова відродження


Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 69 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: New words and word-combinations to be remembered. | Read and dramatize dialogues. | Read and translate the text. | Read more about the USA. | Read and translate the text. | Read and translate the text. | Read and translate the text. | Choose the right answer. |
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