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Read more about the USA.

Читайте также:
  1. A Note About England in the Nineteenth Century
  2. About My Family and Myself
  3. About Myself
  4. About myself
  6. About Respiratory Disorders
  7. About the Author

If you want to go from San Francisco to New York in a car, you must ride more than three thousand miles. It takes over three days and nights.

In California, where you begin your trip, the climate is usually mild all year. “California” is a Spanish word meaning “heat of the ovens”. Slightly south of the route that your car follows is the famous fruitful area. Californian oranges, grapefruit and lemons, as well as many other fruits and vegetables are shipped all over the USA and to the other parts of the world.

Soon, however, you leave these fertile plains and go up into the Sierra Nevada mountains, with their snow­capped peaks and clear mountain lakes.

As your car goes further east, you cross the Salt Lake desert. For miles and miles you will see nothing but salt and salt. Your car crosses the flat plains of Wyoming, which stretch out for miles and miles, covered with short grass and sagebrush. This is mainly sheep and cattle country, the land of the cowboys. As you cross it, you may wonder where the people of America are. From time to time you may see a few cattle scattered over the plain, or the wagon of a sheep herder, but most of the country is empty.

As your car crosses Nebraska, you gradually leave this empty country and enter the rich farming region of America. The land becomes fertile and well watered, and more trees appear. Nebraska has many golden wheat fields. In Iowa and Illinois, wheat and com are important products, and much livestock is raised.

After two days, your streamlined, air-conditioned car arrives in Chicago. Chicago, with population of more than three and a half million, is the second largest city in the USA. It is a centre of industry for the middle part of the country.

In Pennsylvania and New Jersey you can find factories of nearly every type - textile and pottery, steel and chemical. This is the richest industrial region of the country, with more city dwellers and a larger foreign-born population than anywhere else in the United States. Finally you arrive in the City of New York, which is one of the largest in the world.


7. Translate into English.

1. На території Америки можна побачити рівнини, гори, пустелі, ліса та озера.

2. Площа Сполучених Штатів дорівнює 9,4 млн. квадратних кілометрів.

3. Символи Каліфорнії – золотий мак та перепела.

4. Хмарочоси Америки настільки високі, що здається вони шкребуть небо.

5. На державному прапорі Америки 13 білих та червоних смуг.

6. Одним з найпопулярніших див світу серед туристів є Ніагарський водоспад.

7. На честь великого урожаю перші іммігранти заснували свято День подяки.


8. Write down a small paragraph about states of America (names, capitals, important products and industries, places of interest).


Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 80 | Нарушение авторских прав

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