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Exercise 8. Translate word-combinations into English.

Читайте также:
  1. Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.
  2. Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.
  3. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words and phrases given in exercise 9. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.
  4. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words given in exercise 12. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.
  5. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words given in exercise 15. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.
  6. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words given in exercise 23. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.
  7. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words or phrases given in exercise 22. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.

Тимчасове зберігання, виведення продуктів метаболізму, накопичуватися в крові, сечовина, надлишок води, руйнування активних тканин, бактерії та грибки, витискувати сечу з сечового міхура, регулювати об’єм крові та тиск, повідомляти мозок, виділяти сечу, сеча застоюється у сечовому міхурі, вживання їжі та рідини, нормальне сечовиділення.

Exercise 9. Find the proper continuation of the phrase and translate it into your native language:

To excrete muscles
To alert infection
To regulate urine
Kidney food and fluid
To consume blood volume and pressure
normal breakdown waste substances
To accumulate the brain
Tighten and relax of active tissues


Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with words from the box:

nephrons urine bladder kidneys wastes urea ureters nerves


1. ________________ in the blood come from the normal breakdown of active tissues.

2. Normal ________________ contains fluids, salts and waste products.

3. _____________ usually holds 300-350 ml of urine.

4. __________________ carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

5. All the blood in our bodies passes through _______________ several times a day.

6. Urine is formed by ___________ together with water and other waste substances.

7. A person gets an alarm from the ____________ in the bladder when it is time to urinate.

8. In humans, a normal kidney contains 800,000 to 1.5 million ____________.

Exercise 11. Find the definitions to the terms mentioned in ex. 9:

1. It filters waste products and urea from the blood.

2. It is composed of waste products and urea and usually averages 1-2 L a day.

3. These are the materials performed as a result of a breakdown of active tissues.

4. It is an organic compound, which is colorless, odorless, solid and highly soluble in water.

5. It is an organ in the pelvis. When empty, it is about the size and shape of a pear.

6. It serves as a natural filter of the blood, and removes wastes, which are transferred to the urinary bladder.

7. They are tubes made of smooth muscle fibers that propel urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

8. It is a cable-like bundle of fibers (the long projections of neurons) in the peripheral nervous system.

Exercise 12. Translate word-combinations given in italics.

1. Продукти відходів життєдіяльності appear in the blood because of порушення of muscles work.

2. If urine застоюється, a kidney infection can develop.

3. Nerves in the bladder попереджають a person about the time of urination.

4. Kidneys regulate об’єм крові та тиск.

5. Wastes products which накопичуються in the blood may greatly damage the health.

6. The body вживає food for energy and самовідновлення.

7. The muscles in the bladder розширюються to store urine.

8. Normal urine is free of бактерії, віруси та грuбки.


Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps with the words and word-combinations from the box:

Urologic disease can involve _________________________ dysfunction of the urinary system. Glomerulonephritis is a type of kidney disease in which the kidneys' filters become inflamed and ____________, and slowly lose their ability ________________________ from the blood to make urine. Patients may experience the following ____________: fatigue, high blood pressure, __________________, blood and protein in the urine.

Unfortunately, even with today's medicine, kidney disease cannot be ______________. Treatments focus on slowing ____________ of the disease and preventing ________________. Treatment may include: drug therapy, diet modification, dialysis (a medical treatment to remove wastes from __________) and kidney transplantation.


congenital or acquired, complications, scarred, the blood, to remove wastes and excess fluid, symptoms, decreased urine output, cured, the progression


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 144 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: THE GERUND | The liver | Exercise 6. Find corresponding equivalents | Exercise 12. Put the words from the table into an appropriate gap. | Exercise 3. Find sentences with Gerund in the text and translate them into your native language. | ENDOCRINE GLANDS | HORMONES | Exercise 12. Put the words from the table into an appropriate gap. | Exercise 2. Translate the sentences paying attention to Verbal noun. | Exercise 10. Translate words given in italics. |
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Exercise 4. Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct form.| The anatomy of reproductive system.

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