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The pathoanatomist had dissected the corpse before we came.

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  2. Is required before the boiler ash is mixed. In addition, any chemical make-up

5. We were said that the pathoanatomist had dissected the corpse.

6. They reported that the autopsist had dissected the corpse two days before.


Exercise 15. Open the brackets using Past Perfect. Translate into native language:

1. Many famous scientists said that the works written by Vesalius (to compose) the first anatomy of the human body based on scientific research work.

2. Vesalius admitted that due to a lack of pregnant cadavers, he (to be) unable to come to a significant understanding of the reproductive organs.

3. However, he did find that the uterus falsely (to identify) as having two distinct sections.

4. In Galen's observation of the ape, he (to discover) that their sternum consisted of seven parts which he assumed held true for humans but Vesalius discovered that the human sternum only consisted of three parts.

5. The students were reported that Vesalius (to introduce) the notion of induction of the extraction of empyema through surgical means.

6. It was known that due to Vesalius’s impressive study of the human skull and the variations of its features he (to be) responsible for the launch of the study of physical anthropology.

7. Our lecturer said that Vesalius’s students (to encourage) to check their findings, and even his own findings, so that they could better understand the structure of the human body.

8. We were informed that Vesalius (to use) “'parallel dissections” in which an animal cadaver and a human cadaver were dissected simultaneously in order to demonstrate the anatomical differences and thus uncover Galenic errors.


Exercise 16. Put up questions to the underlined words:

1. Vesalius believed the skeletal system to be the framework of the human body.

2. It was Vesalius who accurately described the vestibule (преддверие) in the interior of the temporal bone of the skull.

3. Vesalius' work on the vascular and circulatory systems is his greatest contribution to the complex and modern medicine.

4. Vesalius believed that the cardiac systole was synchronous with the arterial pulse.

5. Vesalius believed that nerves did not originate from the heart.

6. Upon studying the optic nerve, Vesalius came to the conclusion that nerves were not hollow.

7. Vesalius also disproved Galen's belief that the liver consisted of five lobes.

8. In 1541 Vesalius uncovered the fact that all of Galen's research had been based upon animal anatomy rather than the human.

Exercise 17. Use verbs in brackets in correct forms and translate:

Galen, a Greek doctor who had lived in the 3rd century BC, had been the standard of knowledge about human anatomy for almost 2000 years. However, Vesalius began to detect errors in Galen’s understanding. He began to realize that Galen (to use) animal corpses for dissection and (to use) these investigations as a basis for his writings of human anatomy. Vesalius, in contrast, (to use) human corpses to study human anatomy. Thus, Vesalius (to be) much more accurate in his understandings and descriptions. He also (to pioneer) a new style in teaching anatomy, inviting his students to watch him in the process of dissecting cadavers as he lectured, rather than just listening to readings (лекції) in the subject, he said: “ The truth is under the skin, and is not necessarily hidden in dusty books”. When corpses (to be) not available for object lessons, Vesalius drew large illustrations and mounted them in a visible place in the lecture room so that students (can) see as they learned anatomy.


Exercise 18. Arrange the following sentences in a correct order to describe the following term “анатом”:

1. Vesalius was a Flemish-born anatomist whose dissections of the human body helped to correct misconceptions dating from ancient times.

2. Usually a specialist studies the structure of the inner organs of the human body on corpses, a dead body of a human being used in scientific or medical research.

3. Anatomists dissect the corpses in the dissecting-rooms, a room in a hospital or medical school where anatomical dissecting is performed for instruction, research, or analysis.

4. It was Andreas Vesalius who was the first to describe the structure of the human body on corpses.

5. An anatomist is an expert in the science of Anatomy, the branch of Medicine that studies the structure of the various parts of the human body.

Exercise 19. Translate into English using Active Vocabulary:

1. Андреас Везалій — творець сучасної анатомії як науки.

2. Андреас Везалій був родом з Брюсселя, вивчав медицину в Парижі, досконало володів грецькою, латинською і арабською мовами.

3. З перших років навчання на медичному факультеті Андреас Везалій зацікавився вивченням анатомії людини.

4. Досліджуючи людські трупи, Везалій виправив усю тогочасну анатомію, відзначив близько 200 істотних помилок Галена.

5. Він переконливо спростував твердження Галена, що правий шлуно­чок серця у дорослих сполучається з лівим.

6. Зібравши свої анатомічні дослідження і систе­матизувавши їх, Везалій опублікував у 1543 р. великий твір «De humani corporis fabrica, libri septem» («Будова людського тіла, в семи частинах»), який прекрасно ілюстрував художник Калькар – учень Леонардо да Вінчі та Тиціана.

7. Везалій перший дав опис тіла людини, побудований на докладному дослідженні людських трупів.

8. Він пер­ший розробив у деталях правильну методику секції, і його справедливо вважа­ють творцем анатомії як науки.


Exercise 20. Try to summarize the greatest Vesalius’ discoveries according to the systems:

Skeletal system  
Muscular system  
Vascular and circulatory systems  
Nervous system  
Digestive system  


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть словосполучення: вивчати анатомію людського тіла на трупах брати до уваги отвір в перегородці серця встановити нові і точні анатомічні терміни базуватися на науково-дослідних роботах ступінь доктора медицини зробити вклад в медицину викривати помилки дати точний опис в деталях прийти до висновку   II. Дайте відповіді на питання: Who is widely considered to be the founder of the modern science of anatomy? What books does Vesalius’s work "On the Structure of the Human Body" consist of? What did Andreas Vesalius study on corpses? What did the Great Russian scientist Pavlov and many other famous scientists say about the works written by Vesalius? What are the greatest Vesalius’ discoveries?   III. Розкрийте поняття: анатом



Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 99 | Нарушение авторских прав

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