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Human body

Читайте также:
  1. Human body
  2. The human touch
  3. To err is human
  4. Work of the Human Heart

The human body refers to the entire structure of a human being and comprises a head, neck, trunk (which includes the thorax and abdomen), and limbs (extremities). Every part of the body is composed of various types of cells.

The principal parts of the human body are the head, the trunk, and limbs (extremities).

The head consists of 2 parts: the skull contains the brain and the face including the forehead, the eyes, nose, the mouth, the cheeks, the ears and the chin.

Each eye has the eyelids and the eyelashes that grow along the edge of the eyelids. There are the eyebrows over our eyes. The eyes serve as the organ of sight.

The nose is the organ of smell through which we breathe.

The ear includes 3 principal parts: the external ear, the middle ear and the internal ear.

The mouth has 2 lips: the upper and the lower lip. The tongue which is the organ of taste, teeth and hard and soft palates are located in the mouth.

The head is connected with the trunk by the neck.

The upper part of the trunk is the chest. The principal organs in the chest are the lungs, the heart and the esophagus (gullet).

The lower part of the trunk called abdomen consists of the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the intestines, the kidneys, the gallbladder and the bladder.

The surface of the body from the neck to the buttocks is called the back.

The waist is the narrow middle part of the body above the hips.

When we speak of the upper extremity we mean the arm. The upper extremity connected with the chest by the shoulder consists of the upper arm, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist and the hand. We have 5 fingers on each hand. A short finger set apart from the other is called the thumb. The lower extremity called the leg consists of the hip (thigh), the knee, the calf, the ankle and the foot. The foot is composed of the toes, the heel, the sole and the arch. The nail is a hard part at the end of a toe and finger.

The framework of bones called the skeleton supports the soft parts and protects the organs from injury. The bones are covered with muscles.

The body is covered with the skin.

Exercise 5. Translate the following words and word combinations into English:

Орган зору, мозок, спина, брови, коліно та щиколотка, серце та легені, ступня, бути вкритим шкірою, шлунок та кишечник, зап’ясток та кисть, стегно, захищати органи від ушкоджень, нирки та селезінка, поверхня тіла, тверде та м’яке піднебіння, нижня кінцівка, сідниці, орган нюху, на краях повік.


Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1.What are the principal parts of the human body?

2.What does the face include?

3.What is the organ of taste?

4.Where do eyelashes grow?

5.What do we breathe through?

6.What are the principal organs in the chest?

7.What does the upper/lower extremity consist of?

8.What supports the soft parts and protects the organs from injury?


Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with the proper words:

1. The bones are covered with….

2. When we speak of the upper extremity we mean ….

3. The … is the narrow middle part of the body above the hips.

4. The upper part of the trunk is the ….

5. The head is connected with the … by the neck.

6. The … is the organ of taste.

7. The mouth has 2 …: the upper … and the lower ….

8. The nose is the organ of … through which we breathe.


Exercise 8. Complete the sentences:

1. The skull contains....

2. The face consists of....

3. The ear consists of....

4. The head is connected with the trunk by....

5. The chest contains....

6. The abdomen contains....

7. The part of the body from the shoulder to the wrist is called....

8. The framework of bones is called....

9. The upper extremity consists of....

10. The lower extremity consists of....


Exercise 9. Put the questions to the underlined parts of the sentences:

1. Some strange spots have covered both his palms and feet.

2. His tongue was dry and white.

3. The upper extremity is connected with the chest by the shoulder.

4. Eyelashes protect the eye from entering of foreign bodies.

5. All human beings have five fingers on each hand.

6. Each toe consists of three phalanx bones.

7. The skin covered by your nail is called a nail bed.

8. During the last winter, doctors have noted a great number of broken ankles.

Exercise 10. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correсt form and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The woman’s heart (to be) slightly enlarged.

2. Wrist pain with bruising and swelling can (to be) a sign of injury.

3. Breastfeeding (to lower) the baby's risk of having asthma or allergies.

4. Indigestion and heartburn (to be) the most common stomach problems.

5. Dislocation (to occur) when the bones of the knee are out of place, either completely or partially.

6. The Achilles tendon (to connect) the calf muscle with the heel bone.

7. In this female a severe heart disease (to follow) by dyspnea.

8. He (hurt) his back playing tennis.

Exercise 11. Fill the blanks with prepositions:

· There are eyebrows … our eyes.

· The nose is the organ … smell … which we breathe.

· The head is connected … the trunk … the neck.

· The teeth are located … the mouth.

· We have 5 fingers … each hand.

· The skeleton protects the organs … injury.

· The body is covered … the skin.

· A short finger set apart … the other is called the thumb.


Exercise 12. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to get some additional information about a human body:

1. Out of these 78 organs of a male or female body, skin is the largest organ.

2. Other major organs of the body have their names, location and functions.

3. The major organ in the body of human beings is the brain.

4. There are almost 78 organs in a human body which have various sizes, functions or actions.

5. The cells in the body organs are highly specialized.

6. An organ is a collection of millions of cells which group together to perform single functions in our body.


Exercise 13. Speak about a human body according to such points:

a) basic parts of the human body;

b) vital organs of the human body.

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

  I. Перекладіть словосполучення: oсновні органи організму людини cкладатися з голови, тулуба та кінцівок oргани нюху та зору бути вкритим шкірою розташовуватися в роті дихати через ніс захищати органи від ушкоджень тверде і м’яке піднебіння зап’ясток та кисть підтримувати м’які частини тіла нирки і жовчний міхур печінка та селезінка стравохід і шлунок   II. Дайте відповіді на запитання: What are the principal parts of the human body? What are the principal organs in the chest? What organs does the abdomen include? What does the upper extremity consist of? What supports soft parts and protects organs from injury?   III. Розкрийте поняття:Будова людського тіла; Голова
Systems of the Human Body

Exercise 1. Topic Vocabulary:

ability, n [ə'biliti] здатність    
accessory [ək'sesəri] допоміжний; додатковий    
activity, n [æk'tiviti] діяльність, активність    
chyme, n ['kaim] харчова кашка в кишечнику, химус    
communicate, v [kəm'mj:unikeit] передавати    
contribute, v [kən'tribju:t] сприяти    
indigestion, n [d(a)i'ʤestʃən] травлення  
elimination, n [ilimi'neiʃ(ə)n] усунення, знищення
equilibrium, n [i:kvi 'libriəm] рівновага    
excess, n [ik'ses] надлишок, надмір    
indigestion, n [indi 'ʤestʃən] розлад травлення    
ingestion, n [in'ʤestʃən] ковтання    
integumentary [ɪn ˎteɡjə'mentərɪ] покривний    
maintain, v ['mein'tein] підтримувати; зберігати    
means, n ['mi:nz] спосіб    
nourish, v ['nʌriʃ] живити; годувати    
permit, v [pər'mit] дозволяти    
pylorus, n pl pylori [pai 'lɔ:rəs] pl [pai 'lɔ:rai] воротар, пілорус    
process, v ['prəʊses] обробляти    
well-being, n ['wel-bi:ɪŋ] здоров'я    

Exercise 2. Read the following paying attention to the rules of reading:

c - [s] before e, i, y – place, cell, acid, circulatory, process, accessory, excess, maintenance

c - [k] except before e, i, y - ducts, carbon, activity, contribute, endocrine, pancreas, excrete


g[ʤ] before e, i, y – age, agent, oxygen, digestion, ingestion, digestive, cartilage, charged

g - [g] except before e, i, y - group, gland, gauze, organism, aggregation, ligament, regulatory


Exercise 3. Pronounce correctly and translate:

Associated [ə'səʊʃɪeɪtɪd]; skeleton ['skelɪt(ə)n]; circulatory ['sɜ:kjʊlətərɪ]; digestive [dai'ʤestɪv]; respiratory [rɪs'paɪərətərɪ]; electrolyte [ɪ'lektrə(ʊ)lait; urinary ['ju(ə)rɪn(ə)rɪ]; endocrine ['endəʊkr(a)ɪn]; musculoskeletal [mʌskjʊləʊ'skɛlɪtəl]; undigested [ʌndai'ʤgestɪd]; material [mə'tɪ(ə)rɪəl]; Helicobacter pylori [ ˎhelikə 'bæktə pai 'lɔ:rai]; isolation [ais(ə)'leiʃ(ə)n]; ion ['aiən]; adenoids ['ædɪ'noidz]; regulatory ['reɡjəleit(ə)ri]; homeostasis [həʊmiəʊ'steisis]

Exercise 4. Guess the meaning:

Amino acids, electrolytes, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, to stabilize, ions, aggregation, homeostasis, absorption, pH level, reproductive, nervous, urethra, molecules, to circulate, to transport, fluid, lymph, thymus, adenoids, regulatory, immune, tonsils, arterioles, Helicobacter pylori.


Exercise 5. Translate the following word combinations:

Cardiovascular system, cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular care unit

Digestive system, digestive juice, digestive tract, digestive disorders; digestive apparatus

Endocrine system, endocrine glands, endocrine cell, endocrine control, endocrine secretion

Lymphatic system, lymphatic nodes, lymphatic ducts, lymphatic vessels, lymphatic channel

Muscular system, muscular exercises, muscular tissue, muscular layer, muscular rigidity

Nervous system, nervous impulse, nervous tissue, nervous force, nervous breakdown

Reproductive system, reproductive organs, reproductive sex hormones, reproductive tract

Respiratory system, respiratory airway, respiratory flow rate, respiratory volume

Urinary system, urinary calculus, urinary obstruction, urinary nitrogen, urinary discomfort


Exercise 6. Translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian:

System of the body; a group of organs; to perform a certain task; the maintenance of homeostasis; functional collections of tissue; to work in isolation; at equilibrium; the well-being of the person; the integumentary system the interacting body systems; a complex information system; receiving, processing, and communicating information; to transport nutrients; to fight diseases; accessory organs; to be responsible for food ingestion and digestion; the elimination of undigested materials; the lymph fluid; to stabilize body temperature and pH; a variety of waste molecules; lymph nodes.

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 138 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Alexander Fleming| Systems of the Body

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