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Exercise 15. Agree or disagree with the statements given below. The following phrases may be helpful.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read the following voice mail messages and complete each message using one of the three verbs In the box.
  2. Advanced a hypothesis that, for a given degree of delignification, sulfite pulps
  3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective.
  4. Complete the text with items from the box. You will only need six of the eight sentences given.
  5. Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.
  6. Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.
  7. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words and phrases given in exercise 9. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.
Indeed, sure, certainly, I can’t agree, nothing of the kind, far from it, that goes without saying


WHO is a specialized agency concerned with international public health.

The Supreme body of WHO is in Paris, France.

Malaria is a noncommunicable disease.

WHO is not interested in nutrition, food security and healthy eating.

Smallpox is widely spread on the Earth.

The priorities of WHO policy are communicable diseases, in particular, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and others.

Besides epidemic information WHO provides other services, i.e. quarantine measures, standardization of medicines, statistics, etc.

The emphasis of WHO work is more on prevention than on cure.


Exercise 16. Open the brackets using correct tense and voice. Translate the sentences:

1. 1. The nurse (to come) to give injections three times a day this month.

2. 2. Vitamins (to assist) the biochemical process of the body.

3. 3. Standardization of medicines and vaccines as well as development of medical research (to provide) by WHO since its foundation.

4. 4. Odessa (to warn) about epidemic of cholera in 1973.

5. 5. Tomorrow we (to attend) the lecture in Biology.

6. 6. The World Health organization (to establish) in 1948.

7. 7. I never (to be) to the operation-room before.

8. 8. His sister (to care) for medicine.

9. 9. WHO (to inform) national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases.

10. 10. HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (to be) communicable diseases.

11. 11. I (to see) an interesting operation this week.

12. 12. The students (to show) the wards for patients with burns.


Exercise 17. Express the following sentences in the Passive voice:

Model: The doctorhas examined all the extremities.

All the extremities have been examined by the doctor.

1. The surgeons have operated on these patients.

2. These drugs have stopped bleeding.

3. The doctor has set a fractured bone.

4. The surgeon has prevented the fatal outcome of the disease.

5. The physician had discharged this patient

6. The nurse had introduced the solution of antibiotics into the wound.

7. The nurse had bandaged the patient's surgical wound.


Exercise 18. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. There are 194 member-states in WHO now.

2. WHO provides information about international quarantine measures.

3. The World Health Assembly typically meets in May.

4. The World Health Organization is concerned with international public health.

5. WHO was established in 1948.

6. WHO informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases.

7. WHO has achieved impressive success in the campaign against small pox and malaria.

8. WHO works to improve health during key stages of life.


Exercise 19. Fill in the missing prepositions. Some of prepositions may be used more than once. Translate the sentences:

with into on about against during

1. The severity of the disease depends…. the particular viral strain.

2. Toxin released … the blood circulation may produce fever.

3. A secondary infection can be treated … appropriate antibiotics.

4. Patients must be warned … the dangers of secondary infection.

5. WHO informs national health services … outbreaks of viral diseases.

6. In the past, many people died …. smallpox.

7. Children are routinely immunized … poliomyelitis, whooping cough and other diseases.

8. WHO also works to improve health…key stages of life, i.e. pregnancy, childbirth, childhood and adolescence.

9. Children should be vaccinated … influenza, if they have never had it.

10. The Constitution of WHO was signed … 194 states.

11. A disease can spread to a healthy person through his/her direct contact … the patient.

12. WHO is concerned … international public health.


Exercise 20. Translate into English:

1. Конституція ВООЗ була підписана 61 країною в 1946 році.

2. ВООЗ інформує національні служби охорони здоров’я про спалахи вірусних інфекцій.

3. Штаб-квартира ВООЗ розташована в Женеві.

4. Ціль (пріоритети) ВООЗ включають такізаразні хвороби, як ВІЛ/СНІД, малярія, туберкульоз.

5. В останні роки увага змістилася більш на профілактику, ніж на лікування.

6. ВООЗ досягла успіхів в кампанії проти натуральної віспи.

7. ВООЗ також забезпечує служби, необхідні всім країнам, такі як міжнародна стандартизація ліків і вакцин, медичні дослідження, тощо.

8. Асамблея Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я зазвичай збирається щорічно у травні.


Exercise 21. Arrange the following sentences in a correct order to describe the following term:


1. The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN).

2. In 2013, WHO has 194 member - states.

3. One of the main services carried out by WHO is the service of epidemic warnings.

4. WHO was established on 7 April 1948.

5. WHO is concerned with international public health.

6. The headquarters of WHO in Geneva, Switzerland.

7. Besides epidemic information WHO also provides services which are needed by all the countries, such as an international quarantine measures, world health statistics, international standardization of medicines and vaccines, etc.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть словосполучення: спалах інфекційних хвороб вагітність заразна хвороба хворобливість смертність умови навколишнього середовища усувати причини хвороби епідемічне попередження старіння безпека продуктів харчування   II. Дайте відповіді на питання: What disease has been completely eradicated from the earth? When was WHO founded? What are the current priorities of WHO? What is the legislative and supreme body of WHO? What is the main emphasis of WHO work?   III. Розкрийте поняття: ВООЗ


The Human Cell

Exercise 1. Topic Vocabulary:

bacterium, n pl. bacteria [bæk'tɪəriəm] [bæk'tɪəriə] бактерія
barrier, n ['bæriə(r)] бар’єр
cell, n [sel] клітина
environment, n [ɪn'vaɪrənmənt] навколишнє середовище
glandular, adj ['ɡlændjʊlə(r)] залозистий
inclusion, n [ɪn'kluːʒn] включення
leakage, n ['liːkɪdʒ] протікання, витік
lifespan [ˈlaɪfspæn] тривалість життя
maintain, v [meɪn'teɪn] підтримувати
multicellular, adj [ˌmʌltiˈsɛlyələr] багатоклітинний
nucleus, n pl. nuclei ['njuːkliəs] ['njuːkliaɪ] ядро, центр
reproduction, n [ˌriːprə'dʌkʃn] відтворення, розмноження
selective, adj [sɪ'lektɪv] вибірковий
store, v [stɔː(r)] запасати


Exercise 2. Study the prefixes. Read and translate the following words and give them explanations:

uni: one, single – unicellular, uninuclear, uniglandular, unilocular, unicapsular, unilateral, unilobular

multi: more than one, many – multicellular, multinuclear, multiglandular, multilocular, multicapsular, multilateral, multilobular

Exercise 3. Give the missing forms, translate them into Ukrainian, some forms may be the same (you may need a dictionary):


Exercise 4. Translate the word combinations into Ukrainian:

Living organism, biological unit, to vary in size, primary functions, to divide and reproduce, to move freely, genetic material, cell division, lifespan, spherical structure, red blood cells, keratinized cells, a pathologic process, staining characteristics, a double membrane, secretory and pigment granules, tiny holes, the cellular membrane, unwanted substances, tiny holes, lipid and protein molecules, mammalian cells, useful to histologists, pathologic process, unattached to, inclusions, hormone or an enzyme.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 157 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Higher Medical Education in Ukraine | Higher Medical Education in Great Britain | A) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of Present, Past or Future Simple. | Odesa National Medical University | Exercise 4. Read and translate the text. | Hippocrates | Health Care in Ukraine | Exercise 9. Is it true or false? | The USA | Exercise 13. Compare the health service in Great Britain and in the USA with that in Ukraine. |
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