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Odesa National Medical University

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Odesa National Medical University was founded in 1900, September 1st as the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky (now Odesa) University thanks to the efforts of the great surgeon N.I. Pirogov. Rector of Novorossiysky University was F.N. Shvedov, professor of physics at that time. The first dean of the Medical Faculty became the prominent scientist V.V. Podvysotsky who was the real creator of the Medical Faculty. At that time only 125 students studied at the Medical Faculty.

In 1920 the Medical Academy was organized in Odesa on the basis of the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky University and became an independent higher educational institution. D.K. Zabolotny, the great epidemiologist, became the first rector of it. In 1921 the Medical Academy was reformed into the Medical Institute. Status of the University was given to the Institute by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on August 29, 1994. In 2010 the university was given a status of a National University.

The university enrolls over 4500 students, including 1500 foreign students from 57 countries of the world. The training of students is given both in Russian and in English. The studies are carried out by 800 teachers, 18 academicians, 105 professors and doctors of Medical Sciences, 407 docents and candidates of medical sciences. During the course students master all modern medical technologies which are available today in the world.

There are five faculties (general medicine, pediatrics, dental, medical prophylaxis, postgraduate education), 55 departments (e.g. Polyclinic Department, Department of General Practice and Medical Rehabilitation, Laboratory Diagnostics Department, Physiotherapy Department, Surgical Department, Department of invasive diagnostic methods and treatment, Neurological Department, Forensic Pathology Department), 38 specializations and advance training in 20 specialties at the university.

Post-diploma specialization is carried out in internship and in magistracy.

The university has 18 blocks with general area of 20,000 sq. m., 20 well equipped hospitals and clinics, 5 dormitories, a library with total stock of 1 million books, publishing-printing complex, scientific medical computer center, sport complex, modern recreation centers on the coast of the Black Sea.

Central Scientific-Research Laboratory, Institute of Clinical Biophysics, Health Family Center, Vivarium, and Scientific-Research Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy, Institute of Health Resortology and Medical Rehabilitation, Institute of Stomatology, Institute of Virology are the clinical bases and bases of practical training.

Odesa National Medical University is one of the biggest higher educational medical institutions, a member of European and International Association of Universities, the leader of reformation of medical education in the country.


Exercise 6. Find corresponding equivalents:

Творець медичного факультету, видатний вчений, перший декан, незалежний вищий навчальний заклад, доктор медичних наук, оволодіти доступними медичними технологіями, кафедра неврології, сучасні центри відпочинку, дослідна лабораторія, захворювання ока, тканинна терапія, реформація медичної освіти.


Exercise 7. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky University founded?

2. Who was the first rector of the Medical Academy?

3. Who was the first dean of the Medical faculty?

4. How many students studied at the Medical Faculty at that time?

5. When was status of the University given to the Institute?

6. How many faculties are there at the Medical University now?

7. Where is post-diploma specialization carried out?

8. What languages is the training of students given in?

9. What are the clinical bases and bases of practical training?


Exercise 8. Find the words with the following meanings:

· the physics of biological processes and the application of methods used in physics to biology;

· a place where live animals are kept under natural conditions for study, research, etc.;

· the process of bringing a person to an agreed standard of proficiency by practice and instruction;

· the position of being an intern or the period during which a person is an intern;

· treatment of physical disabilities by massage, electrotherapy, or exercises.

Vivarium, internship, rehabilitation, magistracy, biophysics


Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with the words and word-combinations from the box:

After the independence of Ukraine, Odesa National Medical University has become one of the leading medical universities with ________________. ___________________ is a member of the International and European Universities Association. In the University the level of students’ learning and training is close to ________________. Today, it has six faculties and 58 departments, 6000 students and trainees, 1300 of them are the citizens of ___________________. The classes for foreign students are performed in Russian, Ukrainian and English. The _________________ includes 250 graduate students, interns, masters and clinical residents.


international standards; course of postgraduate education; Odessa National Medical University; IV level of accreditation; 52 different (foreign) countries


Exercise 10. Fill in prepositions from the box below where necessary:

The university has created all the conditions necessary ____ active students’ leisure (досуг). There are six sports halls ____ the university sport complex for sports games, table tennis, aerobics and rhythmic gymnastics, shaping-up, gym and track-and-field hall. There are several sport groups: athletics, basketball, handball, tennis, power-lifting, weight sports, swimming, fencing, indoor soccer, judo, sambo, chess. Hostels provide students ____ sports grounds and gyms. The students’ sports and fitness complex is situated on the territory of Lustdorf at the Black Sea coast. There also exists the center ____ students’ creative work which is called “VITA”. Thirty creative groups _____ different genres which unite ______ 250 students function actively in this center (the vocal studio “Harmony”, the band of modern and variety dancing “Exprompt”, the band of folk singing and dancing, etc.).

for; at; with; of; about


Exercise 11. Put the sentences into the correct order to explain the term “ONMedU”:

__In 2010 the university was given a status of a National University.

__Odessa National Medical University was founded in 1900, September 1st as the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky University thanks to the efforts of the great surgeon N.I. Pirogov.

__Post-diploma specialization is carried out in internship and in magistracy.

__In 1920 the Medical Academy was organized in Odesa on the basis of the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky University and became an independent higher educational institution.

__There are five faculties, 55 departments, 38 specializations and advance training in 20 specialties at the university.


Exercise 12. Put the sentences into the correct order to explain the term “department”:

__The main functions of the department head include planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling academic activity to accomplish the goal.

__A department is a university faculty devoted to a particular academic discipline.

__The main departments of a medical school are the departments of Anatomy, Pathology, Dermatology, Histology, and so on.

__Departments are generally chaired by a department head.

__All departments of higher school must be staffed with candidates of sciences, doctors of sciences, professors.


Exercise 13. Fill in the correct degree of adjectives in brackets (comparative or superlative):

1. This patient will be operated (early) …. than that one.

2. The longer the treatment lasted the (well) …. the patient felt.

3. This is the (interesting) ….. book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live (long) ….. than smokers.

5. Which is the (dangerous) ….. animal in the world?

6. A holiday by the sea is (good) ….. than a holiday in the mountains.

7. It is strange but often a can of coke is (expensive) ….. than a can of beer.

8. Who is the (rich) ….. woman on the earth?

9. The weather this summer is even (bad) ….. than it was last summer.

10. He was the (talented) ….. surgeon of all in the hospital.


Exercise 14. Make the sentences interrogative. Translate them:

1. The institution started in 1900 as the Medical Faculty of the Novorossiyskiy State University in Odesa.

2. Many famous medical scientists, including Nobel laureate and professor I. I. Mechnikov, worked here.

3. The University consists of 5 faculties and has a student population of over six thousand, including foreign students from very diverse countries.

4. There are 43 clinical departments in the university, located at 63 medical and prophylactic institutions in Odesa and Odesa region.

5. All the departments of the university have their own Internet sites which contain all essential methodological materials on all the disciplines in the Ukrainian, Russian and English.

6. A Center of Distance Education has been created for effective and uninterrupted professional development of doctors and pharmaceutics.

7. Today, the Odesa National Medical University remains one of the leading medical universities in Ukraine.

8. Since last 108 years Odesa National Medical University has trained over 74,000 doctors, 590 doctors and about 4 thousand candidates.


Exercise 15. Translate into English:

1. На початку 2005 року була створена університетська клініка як підрозділ Одеського національного медичного університету.

2. Висококваліфіковані фахівці: кандидати медичних наук, лікарі вищої категорії, професори очолюють різноманітні відділення.

3. В клініці є 15 відділень, а саме: поліклінічне відділення; відділення функціональної й променевої діагностики; відділення лабораторної діагностики; фізіотерапевтичне відділення; операційне відділення; відділення анестезіології; неврологічне та терапевтичне відділення; відділення репродуктивної медицини та інші.

4. Статус і порядок діяльності університетської клініки регулюються Положенням про клінічну базу Одеського національного медичного університету.

5. Лікувальна, навчальна і наукова діяльність клініки спрямована на всебічне співробітництво з органами практичної охорони здоров'я.

6. На базі університетської клініки працюють співробітники 10 клінічних кафедр університету, в тому числі 6 професорів, 27 доцентів, проходять навчання студенти старших курсів, інтерни, клінічні ординатори, підвищують кваліфікацію лікарі.

7. Щорічно фахівці клініки оглядають та лікують понад 180 тисяч осіб. Понад 5,7 тисяч пацієнтів проходять лікування в стаціонарному відділенні, в тому числі проводиться 2,5 тисячі оперувальних втручань.

8. Університетська клініка двічі пройшла державну акредитацію та підтвердила вищу кваліфікаційну категорію.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть словосполучення: завдяки зусиллям видатного вченого інтернатура та магістратура оборудувати лікарні та клініки науково-дослідна лабораторія оволодіти сучасними медичними технологіями бути створеним на основі медичного факультету відділення судово-медичної патології наказ Кабінету Міністрів України проводити підготовку студентів бути заснованим в Одесі   II. Дайте відповіді на питання: When was the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky University founded? How many faculties are there at the Medical University now? When was status of the University given to the Institute? What are the clinical bases and bases of practical training? Where is post-diploma specialization carried out?   III. Розкрийте поняття:ОНМедУ, кафедра


Mycola Ivanovich Pirogov


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

defend, v [dɪ'fend] захищати
ether, n ['iːθə] ефір
field surgery [fiːld 'sɜːʤ(ə)rɪ] польова хірургія
investigation, n [ɪnˌvestɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n дослідження
personality, n [ˌpɜːs(ə)'nælətɪ] особистість
persuade, n [pə'sweɪd] запевняти
plaster cast [ˌplɑːstə'kɑːst] гіпсова пов’язка
reside, v [rɪ'zaɪd] селитися
thesis, v ['θi:sis] дисертація

Exercise 2. Form the nouns from the given verbs by means of suffixes –ment, -tion, translate them into Ukrainian:

Example: appoint-appointment, complete-completion.

Observe, administer, amputate, register, educate, suggest, treat, operate, consider, establish, infect, investigate, develop, graduate, depart, recreate.


Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian:

The most famous figure, a family doctor, to observe the state of surgery, to take up an appointment as a professor of surgery, the academy of military medicine, the father of field surgery, to withdraw from the academy, to perform an operation, to argue for education, to establish a clinic, a show of respect, to conduct an important investigation of cholera, to originate a plaster casting, administration of ether.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 119 | Нарушение авторских прав

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