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Classification of crimes

Читайте также:
  2. Classification des styles
  3. Classification of Organization Cultures
  4. Classification.
  5. Task 5. Pipelines Classification
  6. TEXT 13. Crimes against Property

Criminal law adopts certain classifications of crimes. We may refer to three of them.

Crimes are classed as treasons, felonies and misdemeanors. This is a historical classification, which was at one time of great importance, but has now lost much of its weight.

High Treason is the most serious crime known to English law. Felonies were those crimes a conviction for which formerly involved the forfeiture of the convict's property and also his capital punishment, except in the rare cases when a statute expressly provided otherwise. All other crimes are misdemeanors.

The second classification of crimes is into indictable of­fences and offences punishable on summary conviction. This clas­sification has largely superseded the older classification into felonies and misdemeanors.

The third and last classification of crimes is based on the immediate objects of crime. Thus we have crimes against bo­dily security, crimes against property, crimes against religion and morality, crimes against the reputation and crimes against the State and Public Order.


Ex.3 Read the text once more and give the Ukrainian equivalents for the given below words and word-combinations.Read the sentences with them:

Indictable offences; capital punishment; to be of great importance; immediate object; high treason; rare cases; convict's property; crimes against State and Public Order; bodily security.

Ex.4 Look through the text again and find the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations. Read the sentences with them:

Кримінальне право; правопорушення (проступок); вирок без участі присяжних засідателів; державна зрада; конфіскація майна; кримінальний злочин.


Ex.5 Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most serious crime known to English law?

2. Criminal law adopts certain classification of crimes, doesn't it?

3. Did felonies or misdemeanours involve the forfeiture of the convict's property and his capital punishment?

4. Is the historical classification of crimes of great impor­tance now?

5. What classification has superseded the older classification into felonies and misdemeanours?

6. What is the last classification of crimes based on?


Ex.6 Transform the following sentences into Passive voice:

1. Jane must help her mother in the kitchen.

2. Somebody must send for the doctor.

3. You can buy this book at any book store.

4. She can’t do this work.

5. A man showed me the way to her house.

6. I will translate this text in the morning.

7. She has just received the letter.

8. She has put her keys into the pocket.


Ex.7 Transform the sentences below into Active voice:

1. He was exhausted by his hard work.

2. My pen was taken by somebody.

3. He said his wallet had been stolen by someone.

4. Look. Someone is being attacked.

5. This story was written by my mother.

6. Who has been invited to dinner by Tom?

7. Liz said the fish had been eaten by hr cat.

8. I am sure I will be asked by police about this accident.

9. The article has been altered by Nick.

10. The newspaper is being published at the moment.


Ex.8 Translate into English:

1. Вашу інформацію щодо винності депутата зараз перевіряють. 2. Підозрюваного зараз допитують. 3. Нам дозволили запросити друзів додому. 4. Добре виховані люди подобаються усім. 5. Будинок учора обшукували цілий день, але нічого не знайшли. 6. Зараз проводиться засідання Верховної Ради. Справу зараз слухають у суді. 7. Його картини завжди викликають жваве обговорення. 8. Ці чудові будинки побудували минулого року. 9.Ці записи було зроблено на цьому тижні. 10. Кого впізнали? 11. Мені порадили відвідати лікаря. 12. Все, що було сказано – правда. 13. У темряві нічого не було видно. 14. Зараз розробляють порядок денний засідання Кабінету Міністрів. 15. Щойно взяли інтерв’ю у Премєр-міністра України. 16. Чому їх арештували? Вони -невинні. 17. Кожному повнолітньому в нашій країні гарантується право голосувати. 18.Відомого злочинця нарешті арештували. 19. Речі підозрюваного вже доставлено, їх відправляють експертам. 20. Необхідні свідчення вже отримано: фоторобот складено і розіслано до всіх відділків поліції, відбитки з бокала знято, свідків допитано. 21. Жертву вже прооперували, вона прийшла до тями і готова дати свідчення. 22. Цього затриманого підозрюють у пограбуванні трьох магазинів. 23. Судові рішення ухвалюються судами і є обов’язковими до виконання.


Ex. 9 Look at the notes and write a news report using passive verb-forms:

Lives – lose – in a major sea tragedy in the Pacific Ocean. The disaster happened when the ship – hit – something unknown. Women and children – put – into lifeboats first while the men – tell – to stay on the ship. A nearby ship – bring – into action as a rescue vessel. The men who – leave – on the ship – rescue. Unfortunately some of the men – frighten – and jump into the water. It – believe – they are now dead. Survivors – take – to hospital – by helicopter and maximum effort now – make – to find the missing men.

Start with:

Many lives have been lost in a major sea tragedy in the Pacific Ocean…

Ex. 10 Choose the correct item:

1. The ministers of the Government … by the Crown on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

a) are being appointed b) have been appointed c) are appointed

2. The work of the Government … by the Lords and Commons.

a) are examined b) is examined c) was being examined

3. Members of the Cabinet … by the Prime Minister sincel long ago.

a) are chosen b) have been chosen c) have been choosing

4. The House of Commons decides what taxes … and how the money shall be spent.

a) to be collected b) must be collected c) must to be collected

5. The results from each constituency are announced as soon as the votes …

a) are counted b) have been counted c) are counting

6. The Conservative Party … in the mid of 19th century.

a) is formed b) has been formed c) was formed

7. The speech which the Queen is reading out, … by the Prime Minister.

a) has been drawn up b) was drawn up c) was being drawn up

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 399 | Нарушение авторских прав

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