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БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ. 1. AdlerR. Reporter at Large // Nw barker

Читайте также:

1. AdlerR. Reporter at Large // Nw barker. April 15. 1967. P. 55—58.

2. The New York Times // December 20. 1970.

3. Sohl J. The Lemon Eaters. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967.

4. Stoller F. Marathon Group Therapy // Innovations to Group Psychotherapy / Ed. G. M. Gazda. Springfeld, III: Charles C. Thomas, 1968.

5. MacGregor R. Multiple Impact Therapv with Families // Family Process. 1962. 1. P. 15-29.

6. Mintz E. Time-Extended Marathon Groups// Psychother. Res. and Practice. 1967. 4. P. 65-70.

7. ParloffM. Discussion ofF. Stoller's Paper// Int. J. Group Psychother. 1968.

18. P. 239-244.

8. Navidzadeh B. The Application of Marathon Group Psychotherapy in Outpatient Clinic Settings. Paper presented at American Group Psychotherapy Association Convention, Chicago, January 1968.

9. Lawrence S. B. Cited in Palo Alto Times. 1967. January 3.

10. Stoller F. Accelerated Interaction: A Time-Limited Approach Based on the Brief Intensive Group// Int. J. Group Psychother. 1968. 18. P. 220-235.

12. Bach G. Marathon Group Dynamics// Psych. Reports. 1967. 20. P. 1147— 1158.

13. Rachman A. W. Marathon Group Psychotherapy // i. of Group Psychoanalysis and Process. 1969. 2. P. 57-74.

15. Sklar A. D., Yalom I. D., Zimerberg S. M., Newell G. L. Time-Extended Group Therapy: A Controlled Study // Comparative Group Studies. In press.

16. Hill W. F. HIM: Hill Interaction Matrix. Los Angeles: Youth Study Center, University of Southern California, 1965.

17. Lorr M. Relation of Treatment Frequency and Duration to Psychotherapeutic Outcome// Conference on Research in Psychotherapy/ Eds. H. Stmpp, L. Luborsky-Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1962. P. 134—141.

18. Castore G.F. Number of Verbal Interrelationships as a Determinant of Group Size// J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol. 1962. 64. P. 456-457.

Создание группы: место, время, размер, подготовка

19. Asch S. E. Effects of Group Pressure upon the Modification and Distortion of Judgments // Group Dynamics: Research and Theory / Eds. D. Cartwright, A. Zander. Evanston, III: Row, Peterson, 1962.

20. Goldstein A., Heller K., Sechrest L. Psychotherapy and the Psychology of Behavior Change. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1966. P. 341.

21. Hare A. P. Handbook of Small Group Research. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1962. P. 224-245.

22. Hare A. P. A Study of Interaction and Consensus in Different Sized Groups // Am. Soc. Rev. 1952. 11. P. 261-267.

23. Carter L. F. et al. The Behavior of Leaders and Other Group Members// J. Abn. Soc. Psychol. 1958. 46. P. 256-260.

24. FoulkesS. H. Oral communication. April 1968.

25. Goldstein A. P. Therapist/Patient Expectancies in Psychotherapy. New York: Pergamon Press, 1962.

26. Lipkin S. Clients' Peelings and Attitudes in Relation to the Outcome of Client-Centered Therapy// Psychol. Monogr. 1954. 68. No. 374.

27. Lennard H. L., Bernstein A. The Anatomy of Psychotherapy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1960.

29. Mann J. Evaluation of Group Psychotherapy //The International Handbook of Group Psychotherapy / Ed. J. L. Moreno. New York: Philosophical Library,

: 1966. P. 129-148.

30. Bergin A. The Implications of Psychotherapy Research for Therapeutic Practice //J. Abnorm. Psychol. 1966. 70. P. 235-246.

31. Yalom I. D., Hours P. S., Newell G., Rand К. Н. Preparation of Patients for Group Therapy// Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 1967. 17. P. 416—427.

33. Orne M., Wender P. Anticipatory Socialization for Psychotherapy: Method and Rationale //Amer. J. of Psychiatry. 1968. 124. P. 88-98.

34. Hoehn-Saric R. et al. Systematic Preparation of Patients for Psychotherapy // J. Psychotherapy Res. 1964. 2. P. 267-281.

35. Gradolph I. The Task-Approach of Groups of Single-Type and Mixed-Type Valency Compositions // Emotional Dynamics and Group Culture / Eds. D. Stock, H. Thelen. New York: New York University Press, 1958.

36. StockD., Luft J. The T-E-TDesign. Unpublished manuscript.Washington, D.C.: National Training Laboratories, 1960.

37. Stock D., Hill W. F. Intersubgroup Dynamics as a Factor in Group Growth // Stock, Thelen. Op. cit. P. 207-221..

38. Janisl. L. Psychological Stress: Psychoanalytic and Behavioral Studies of Surgical Patients. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1958.

39. Basowitz H. et al. Anxiety and Stress. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955.

Глава 9

40. White R. W. Motivation Reconsidered: The Concept of Competence // Psychol Rev. 1959. 66. P. 297-333.

41. Rauer В. Н., Reitsema J. The Effects of Varied Clarity of Group Goal and Group Path Upon the Individual and His Relation to His Group // Human Relations. 1957. 10. P. 29-45.

42. Wolfe D. M., SnockJ. D., Rosenthal R. A. Report to Company Participants at 1960 University of Michigan Research Project. Ann Arbor, Midi.: Institute of Social Research, 1961.

43. Cohen A. R., Stotland E., Wolfe D. M. An Experimental Investigation of Need for Cognition // J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol. 1955. 51. P. 291-294.

44. Cohen A. R. Situational Structure, Self-Esteem and Threat-Oriented Reactions to Power// Studies in Social Power/ Ed. D. Cartwright. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Research Center for Group Dynamics, 1959. P. 35—52.

45. Goldstein, Heller, Sechrest. Op. cit. P. 405.

46. Martin H., Shewmaker K. Written Instructions in Group Therapy // Group Psychother. 1962. 15. P. 24.

47. Berzon В., Solomon L. Research Frontiers: The Self-Directed Group // J. Counsel. Psychol. 1966. 13. P. 491-497.

48. Bach G. Intensive Croup Therapy. New York; Ronald Press, 1954.

49. Malamud D. L, MachoverS. Toward Self-Understanding: Group Techniques in Self-Confrontation. Springfield, III: Charles C. Thomas, 1965.

50. Bettis M. D., Malamud D., Malamud R. F. Deepening a Group's Insight into Human Relations // J. Clin. Psychol. 1949. 5. P. 114—122.

51. Goldstein, Heller, Sechrest. Op. cit. P. 329.

52. Murray E. J. A Content Analysis for Study in Psychotherapy // Psychol. Monogr. 1956. 70. No. 13.

53. Horwitz L. Transference in Training Groups and Therapy Groups // Int. J. Group Psychother. 1964. 14. P. 202-213.

54. Wolf A. The Psychoanalysis of Groups //Group Psychotherapy and Group Function / Eds. M. Rosenbaum, M. Berger. New York: Basic Books, 1963. P. 273-328.

55. Schiedlinger S. The Concept of Repression in Group Psychotherapy. Paper presented at American Group Psychotherapy Association Conference, New York, January 1967.

56. Aronson E., Mills J. The Effect of Severity of Initiation on Liking for a Group// J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol. 1959. 59. P. 177-181.


Работа группового психотерапевта начинается еще до первой встречи группы. В действительности, как мы уже отмечали ранее, успех зависит в основном от эффективности выполнения терапевтом его предтерапев-тических обязанностей. В предыдущих главах я писал о чрезвычайной значимости правильного выбора участников группы, составления группы и предварительной подготовки пациентов. В этой главе мы поговорим о рождении и развитии группы. Сначала я опишу естественную историю терапевтической группы, а затем проблемы посещаемости и изменения состава группы — естественные вопросы в жизни и развитии группы.

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