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БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ. 1. Rogers С. Interpersonal Relationships: Year 2000 // J

Читайте также:

1. Rogers С. Interpersonal Relationships: Year 2000 // J. Appl. Behav. Sci. 1968. 4. P. 265-280.

2. Lieberman M. A., Gardner J. Institutional Alternatives to Psychotherapy: A Study of Growth Center Users // Archives General Psychiatry, in press.

3. Coftey H. Personal communication. 1967.

4. Bavelas A. Personal communication. 1967.

5. Marrow A. Events Leading to the Establishment of the National Training Laboratories // J. Appl. Behav. Sci. 1967. 3. P. 144-150.

6. Bradford L. P. Biography of an Institution // i. Appl. Behav. Sci. 1967. 3. P. 127-144.

7. Benne K. History of the T-Group in the Laboratory Setting ff Bradford, Gibb, Benne. Op. cit. P. 80-135.

8. Lewin K., Lippit R., White R.K. Patterns of Aggressive Behavior in Experimentally Created Social Climates // J. Soc. Psychol. 1939. 10. P. 271-299.

9. Lewin K. Forces Behind Food Habits and Methods of Change // Bull. Nat. Res. Council. 1943. 108. P. 35-65.

Групповая терапия и новые группы

10. Stock D. A Survey of Research on T-Groups 11 Bradford, Gibb, Benne. Op. e#. P. 395-441.

11. Blake R. R., Mouton J. S. Reactions to Intergroup Competition Under Win-Lose Conditions I'I Management Science. 1961. 7. P. 420—435.

12. Schein, Bennis. Op. cit.

13. Ibid. P. 43.

14. Camus A. Cited in ibid. P. 46.

15. Luft J. Group Processes: An Introduction to Group Dynamics. Palo Alto, Calif.: National Press, 1966.

16. Wechsler I. R., Messarik F., Tannenbaiim R. The Self in Process: A Sensitivity Training Emphasis // Issues in Training/ Eds. I. R. Wechsler, E. H. Schein. Washington, D.C.: National Education Association, National Training Laboratories, 1962. P. 33—46.

17. Rosenbaum M., Berger M. (eds.) Group Psychotherapy and Group Function. New York: Basic Books, 1963.

18. Kadis A. L., Krasner J. D., Winick C. A Practicum of Group Psychotherapy. New York: Harper and Row, 1963.

19. Mullan H., Rosenbaum M. Group Psychotherapy; Theory and Practice. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1962.

20. Rosenbaum, Berger. Op. cit. P. 5.

21. Lazell E. W. The Group Treatment of Dementia Praecox // Psychoanal. Rev. 1921. 8. P. 168-179.

22. Marsh L. C. Group Therapy and the Psychiatric Clinic 111. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1935. 32. P. 381-392.

23. Wender L. Current Trends in Group Psychotherapy // Am. J. Psychother. 1951. 3. P. 381-404.

24. Burrows T. The Group Method of Analysis // Psychoanul. Rev. 1927. 19. P. 268-280.

25. Schilder P. Results and Problems of Group Psychotherapy in Severe Neurosis II Ment. Hyg. 1939. 23. P. 87-98.

26. Slavson S. Group Therapy 11 Ment. Hyg. 1940. 24. P. 36-49.

27. Moreno J. L. Who Shall Survive? New York: Beacon House, 1953.

28. Bradford L. Human Relations Training News, Vol. I. No. 1. May 1967.

29. Sensitivity Training. Congressional Record-House, June 10. 1969. P. H4666— H4679.

30. Horwitz L. Training Groups for Psychiatric Residents // Int. J. Group Psychother. 1967. 17. P. 421-435.

31. Horwitz L. Transference in Training Groups and Therapy Groups // Int. J.


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Group Psychother. 1964. 14. P. 202-213.

32. Kaplan S. Therapy Groups and Training Groups: Similarities and Differences // Int. J. Group Psychother. 1967. 17. P. 473-504.

33. Morton R. The Patient Training Laboratory: An Adaptation of the Instrumented Training Laboratory // Schein, Bennis. Op. cit. P. 114—152.

34. Hendrick I. Instinct and the Ego During Infancy// Psychoanal. Quart. II. 1952. P. 33-58.

35. Berlyne D. E. The Present Status of Research on Exploratory and Related Behavior//}. Indiv. Psychol. 1958. 14. P. 121-126.

36. Horney K. Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Toward Self-Realization. New York: W. W. Norton, 1950.

37. White R. Motivation Reconsidered// Psychol. Rev. 1959. 66. P. 297-333.

38. Hartmann H. Notes on the Psychoanalytic Theory of the Ego // Psychoanal. Stud. Child. 1950. 5. P. 74-95.

39. Angyal A. Foundations for a Science of Personality. New York: Commonwealth Fund, 1941.

40. Goldstein K. Human Nature in Light of Psychopathology. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1940.

41. Bunker D. The Effect of Laboratory Education Upon Individual Behavior // Schein, Bennis. Op. cit. P. 257-267.

42. Stanton A., Schwartz M. S. The Mental Hospital. New York: Basic Books, 1954.

43. Rogers С. Personal communication. 1967.

44. Rockefeller J. D. In Praise of Young Revolutionaries // Saturday Review of Literature. 1968. 51. P. 18-20.

45. Wilber D. Palo Alto Times. 1968. October 24..

46. Kazantzakis N. The Odyssey: A Modem Sequel. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1958. Book One, I. 135-145. P. 6. © 1958 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.

47. Sarnoff I. Society with Tears. New York: Citadel Press, 1966. P. 17.

48. Mumford L. The Myth of the Machine: Techniques and Human Development. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1967.

49. Palo Alto Times. 1968. October 12.

50. Argyris C. Conditions for Competence Acquisition and Therapy // J. Appl. Behav. Sci. 1968. 4. P. 147-179.

51. Freud A., Burlingham D. War and Children. New York: Medical War Books, 1943. P. 99-104.

52. Frank J. Training and Therapy // T-Group Theory and Laboratory Method; Innovation in Education / Eds. L. P. Bradford, J. R. Gibb, K. D. Benne. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1964.

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