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БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ. 1. Frank J., Gleidman L. H., Imber S., Nash E., Stone A

Читайте также:

1. Frank J., Gleidman L. H., Imber S., Nash E., Stone A. Why Patients Leave Psychotherapy// Arch. Neural. Psychiat. 1957. 77. P. 283-299.

2. Nash E., Frank J., Gleidman L., Imber S., Stone A. Some Factors Related to Patients Remaining in Group Psychotherapy // Int. J. Group Psychother. 1957. 7. P. 264-275.

3. G. Bach. Intensive Group Therapy. New York: Ronald Press, 1954.

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4. Rabin H. How Does Co-Therapy Compare With Regular Group Therapy // Am. J. Psychother. 1967. 21. P. 244-255.

5. Spitz H., Kopp S. Multiple Psychotherapy // Psychiat. Quart. Supple. 1957.

31. P. 295-331.

6. Waugh E. Brideshead Revisited. Boston: Little, Brown, 1945.

7. Yalom 1. D., Tinklenberg J., Gilula M. Unpublished data. 1967.

8. Bales R. F. The Equilibrium Problem in Small Groups //Working Papers in the Theory of Action / Eds. T. Parsons, R. F. Bales, E. A. Shils. Glencoe, III. Free Press, 1953. P. 111—161.

9. Solomon J., Solomon G. Group Therapy with Father and Son as Co-therapists: Some Dynamic Considerations // Int. J. Group Psychother. 1963. 13. P. 133-140.

10. Wolf A. The Psychoanalysis ofGroups // Am. J. Psychother. 1949. 3. P. 529-557.

11. Slavson S. R. A Textbook in Analytic Group Psychotherapy. New York: International Universities Press, 1964. P. 398—399.

12. Johnson J. Group Therapy: A Practical Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963. P. 56-57.

13. Jones M. The Therapeutic Community. New York: Basic Books, 1953.

14. Daniels D. Milieu Therapy of Schizophrenia // Rosenbaum C. P. Perspectives on the Schizophrenias: Phenomenology, Sociology, Biology and Therapy. New York: Forthcoming Science House.

15. Lieberman M. A., Whitaker D. S., Lakin M. Groups and Dyads: Never the Twain Shall Meet. Unpublished mimeograph. University of Chicago, 1967.

16. Anonymous, from Calendar of Health. New York: League for Right Living, 1908. Cited in J. Appl. Behav. Sci. 1967. 3. P. 101.

17. MowrerO. H. The New Group Therapy. Princeton, New Jersey: D. Van No-strand Co., Inc., 1964.

18. Berzon B. Final Narrative Report: Self-Directed Small Group Programs. NIMH Project RD 1748, mimeographed material. Western Behavioral Science Institute, 1968.

19. Morton R.B. The Uses of the Laboratory Method in a Psychiatric Hospital-Section A: The Patient Training Laboratory; An Adaptation of the Instrumented Training Laboratory» // Personal and Organizational Change Through Group Methods: The Laboratory Approach / Eds. E. H. Schein, W. G. Bennis. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1965. P. 114-151.

20. Aiken E. G. Alternate Forms of a Semantic Differential for Measurement of Changes in Self-Description // Psychol. Rep. 1965. 16. P. 177-178.

21. Gevrin G. JOBS Project Report. Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 1967.

Техника терапевта: специализированные формы и процедуры 497

23. Zimmerman D. Some Characteristics of Dreams in Group-Analytic Psychotherapy I/ Jnt. J. Group Psychother. 1967. 17. P. 524-535.

24. Miller D. The Effects of Immediate and Delayed Audio and Videotaped Feedback on Group Counseling // Comparative Group Studies. 1970. 1. P. 19-47.

25. Robinson M. A Study of the Effects of Focused Videotaped Feedback in Group Counseling// Comparative Group Studies, 1970. 1. P. 47—77.

26. Berger M. The Use of Video Tape with Psychotherapy Groups in a Community Mental Health Program. Paper delivered at the American Group Psychotherapy Conference, Chicago, January 1968.

27. Berger M. Videotape Techniques in Psychiatric Training and Treatment. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1970.

28. Langee H., Newell G., Macintosh S. Effects of Video Tape Replay on Group Process and Group Members. In preparation.

29. Yalom I. D., Brown S., Bloch S. The Written Summary as a Group Psychotherapy Technique // Archives of General Psychiatry, in press.

30. Otto H. Group Methods to Actualize Human Potential. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Holistic Press, 1970.

31. Schutz W. JOY: Expanding Human Awareness. New York: Grove Press, 1967.

32. Argyris C. On the Future or Laboratory Education // J. Appl. Behav. Sci. 1967.

3. P. 153-183.

34. Perls F. Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1969.

35. Perls F. Ego, Hunger and Aggression. New York: Vintage Books, Random House, 1969.

36. Enright J. Awareness Training in the Mental Health Professions // Gestalt Therapy Now / Eds. J. Fagan, 1. L. Shepherd. Palo Alto, California: Science and Behavior, 1970.


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