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Контрольні завдання до уроків 4 -7

Читайте также:
  1. II. Основні завдання психологічної служби
  2. Виконайте тестові завдання
  3. Вказівки до виконання Завдання № 4
  7. Завдання 1


Завдання 1. Назвіть якомога більше сполучень зі словами:


steel, iron, metal, material, element, property, alloy, grade.


Завдання 2. Дайте назву якомога більшої кількості хімічних елементів, конструкційних матеріалів.


Завдання 3. Назвіть якомога більше слів, які визначають властивості матеріалів (іменників та прикметників).


Завдання 4. Назвіть дієслова, які мають відношення до:

а) обробки матеріалів;

б) їх створення та відбору.


Завдання 5. Назвіть якомога більше слів з такими


а) суфіксами:


-able, -ing, -ance (ence), -ness, -ment, -al, -ability,
-tion, -ity;


б) префіксами:


sub-, in-, dis-, de-.


Завдання 6. Перекладіть подані нижче речення:


1. The metals of lower melting point are generally the soft metals and those of higher melting point - the hard metals.

2. Heat conductivity is measured as the heat conducting ability of a unit length or thickness of a substance per unit of cross-sectional area.

3. Iron, cobalt and nickel are the only common metals possessing (having) considerable magnetism at room temperature and they become non-magnetic when heated to a certain temperature.

4. Strength of metals is the property of hard materials to withstand external forces without damaging and changing shape (to damage - пошкоджувати).

5. Hardness of materials is the property to resist deformation under applied load (навантаження).

6. Hardness is the most important mechanical property of metals.

7. Toughness is defined as the property of a metal to absorb considerable energy before fracture (тріщина, надлом).

8. Most metals have increased malleability and ductility at higher temperature.

9. Aluminum may replace much of the copper now used in electroengineering.

10. Working - either hot or cold - takes advantage of the most valuable characteristic of metals: their ability to be plastically deformed.

11. All polymer molecules cannot be manufactured to the exact same length.

12. Thus, to be successful in designing plastics parts which have the optimum cost/performance characteristics, you must learn as much as possible about many different plastics and their processing.

13. A new nickel-iron РM alloy has been developed recently for high-impact applications.

14. Silver is the least costly of the precious-metal group.

15. The use of nickel has grown more than that of the common metals during the past 30 years.

16. Good electrical conductivity is one of the most valuable properties of aluminium, it being 60%, that of copper and 3,5 times that of iron.

17. To overcome this trouble various treatments of the molten metal have been suggested and used for degasification.

18. With over 17 1/2 million tons of materials being converted into automobiles annually (a year), decisions to cut back or switch from one material to another can have serious consequences (наслідки) in the materials market.

19. The ultrahigh-strength steels in this group are modifications of alloy steels or stainless steels that have been formulated to provide an extremely high strength-to-weight ratio (відношення).

20. Several non-ferrous metals or alloys are not easily cast, and others -due to their high, melting point - are uneconomical to cast.


Завдання 7. Прочитайте та письмово перекладіть подані нижче тексти:


a) Farts can be made from most metals and alloys by PM compacting, although only a few are economically justified. Iron and iron-copper alloys are most commonly used. PM compacting is the best way to make parts from "brittle" metals such as be and the refractory metals.


б) Two things establish the cost of a material: abundance and the ease with which the raw material can be mined and converted into a useful form. Naturally, the precious metals are present in the earth's crust. But there are several interesting facts about metal processing. For example, aluminum and magnesium are surprisingly abundant, yet more costly than iron and steel, because aluminum and magnesium are difficult to con vert into useful metals and alloys. On the other hand, copper, nickel, and zinc are relatively scarce, but eastly mined and converted into a usable form. Of the precious metals, only gold and silver are easy to process.


Завдання 8. Прочитайте та передайте рідною новою зміст поданих нижче текстів:



Depth of hardening may be important.


Aswith all alloy steels, hardenability is often a deciding factor in choosing a tool steel. Because tool steels are often selected for a particular combination of wear resistance, strength, and toughness, hardenability must be carefully matched to design requirements. Tool steels may be classified as either deep-hardening, medium-hardening, or shallow-hardening. The best steel for parts requiring a combination of wear resistance and toughness might be selected from the shallow-hardening group, Heat-treated parts made from these steels have hard surfaces supported by. a softer and tougher core, on the other hand, steels for a combination of wear resistance and heavy loading might be selected from the deep-hardening group where the hard, wear resistant surface is adequately supported by a strong, hard core.



Thermoplastic... or thermoset?


When plastics first entered the scene of engineering materials, they came in only two general types -thermoplastics and thermosets. Selection, at least on a first-cut basis, was relatively simple because properties and performance of resins in each group had definable boundaries, and the line between the groups was distinct,

But things are different today, A number of resins are now available as either thermoplastic or thermoset, compounds, alloys of various resins are becoming common, and some materials that are chemically thermoplastics behave like termosets.

With this ever-broadening overlap between thermoplastics and thermosets, specification of materials becomes more and more complex. But if you understand how and why this all came about, you'll be better equipped to find your way through the maze.


Завдання 9. Прочитайте уголос та усно перекладіть такий текст:


Steels are most often specified by composition. Although no single element controls the characteristics of steel, the combined effect of several elements influences hardness, machinability, corrosion resistance, tensile strength and microstructure of the solidified metal. Carbon is the principal hardening and strengthening element in steel.

Strength, ductility, cheapness and machinability are the most important industrial and commercial properties of steel. Machinability is necessary for commercial shapes. Cheapness is the main reason why steel is used nearly 75 times as much as any other metal. Its combination of commercially valuable properties, including cheapness, makes it the chief metal of our civilization.

Of great importance in certain uses, depending on the type of steel are hardness, resistance to wear or abrasion, magnetic properties, electrical conductivity combined with low cost, lack of brittleness at low temperatures, resistance to rusting (stainless steels) and other properties in particular types of service. In certain cases these properties may be of prime importance, but it is usually desirable to have them in combination with some other properties.

Завдання 10. Підготуйте (письмово) доповідь на тему: "сучасні конструкційні матеріали та їх застосування" (обсяг 1,5 тис. знаків), Будьте готові зробити усне повідомлення на цю тему.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 157 | Нарушение авторских прав

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КОНТРОЛЬНІ ЗАВДАННЯ ДО УРОКІВ 1-3| Глава 2. Основные принципы охраны здоровья

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