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Слова-заместители. (to do, to have; one, that; will)

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  1. Слова-заместители

(to do, to have; one, that; will)

1. "When I came here," she explained to Mary, "nobody took any notice of me, so I thought." "Well, I'll jolly well make them notice me; I'll be mad." "So I was, and they did."

2. British expenditure on health lags behind that of other advanced countries, the Office of Health Economics estimates.

3. The only imaginable settlement in Vietnam is one that would lead to return to the 1954 Geneva agreements.

4. Immediately there was a burst of applause from all parts of the audience. Never in my lifetime has applause done me the good that did.

5. The real fool is he who does not know himself. I was such a one too long. You have been such a one too long. Be no more. (O. Wilde)

6. We (Democrats) must always be the party committed to caring, fairness and helping hand for the disadvantaged. But our compassion must be tempered with an awareness of the limitations of the government to solve every problem. Limitations exist, people know it, and they will not believe political leaders who don't. ("Nsw.")

7. He believed the war made a stronger man as well — deepened his commitment to God and Christianity and helped him through prayer to master the fears he sensed in himself and saw in other men. "I asked Him not to let me be a coward," Roger says, and God did not.


8. As the economy shows signs of improvement, so too will the Government's standing in the opinion polls. (" FT "')

9. I am here for having tried to put your father into prison. My attempt failed. Your father completely turned the tables on me, and had me in prison, has me there still. (0. Wilde)

10. St. Louis was never what it thinks it was. But old cities, like old families, sustain themselves on dreams of vanished grandeur. (" HM ")

11. As the assistant secretary of state for international narcotic matters, Melvin Levitsky, told a House task force in July, "Let me be clear: It is not our policy to fight someone else's drug war. We never have, nor will we ever, force military assistance on any of the drug-producing countries." (" IHT")

12. While a return to totalitarianism in Moscow now seemed out of the question, several European ministers remarked, civil strife and repression of ethnic minorities by new national states was not, as some constituent republics in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia wrested sovereignty from the wreckage of communism. ("IHT ")

13. Two elegant rowing skiffs, the Liberté and the Egalité, kept up with us for longer than they could have done we had a favourable wind. ("G.")

14. The Catholic schools of New York educate as many pupils as the schools board of Washington, DC, but do so with almost exactly 1 per cent of DC's administration. ("G.")

15. Bertrand Russel said that whenever he talked to another savant, he became convinced that happiness was not possible for humans: when he talked to his gardener, he was sure that it was. ("T.")

16. When it has seemed that drinking is becoming too much of a habit I have given it up for a few months — if only to check that one can. One can. ("T.")

17. Today's conference speech by Neil Kinnock is the last set-piece occasion before the election campaign begins for Labour to state its own agenda and communicate its distinctive vision of society — for Labour to prove that it deserves to be elected not simply because the Tories don't, not just because we could manage things better than they have. ("G.")

18. There is something about the world of business which can (and often does) defeat television producers. Normal routines of business involving documents, highly technical negotiations and accounts are hardly the stuff that attracts a mainstream audience, (" Ind. ")

Дата добавления: 2015-10-13; просмотров: 116 | Нарушение авторских прав

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