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  3. V2: Закон спроса и предложения.
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  5. V2: Изменение равновесия спроса и предложения под воздействием государственного вмешательства.
  6. V2: Особенности спроса и предложения факторов производства.
  7. V2: Равновесие спроса и предложения.

1. Не was wearing gray flannel slacks, a white shirt, a blue cardigan, and a look of surprise.

2. There were no women in the firm. That mistake had been made in midseventies, when they recruited the number one grad from Harvard, who happened to be a she and a wizard at taxation.

3. One evening, our friends took us to the Pizzeria Sfera, where I ate one of the best pizza 1 have ever tasted. The pizzeria is a ten-minute walk from the centre, but worth the effort and the wait while Signor Sfera cooks.

4. The windows were high, and many, letting in the light as into a schoolroom. (D.H. Lawrence)

5. Like them, you were born poor and on a farm. (N. West)

6. It reminds me of how when I was a little boy and sleepy my father carried me from the car into the house at the end of a long trip. (J.Cheever)

7. Football and trying to be white to my fellow-men were about the extent of my college curriculum. (0. Henry)

8. Kim Brandstrup is 31 years old and a choreographer. ("G.")

9. Like many things created in Japan, this book is sturdy, well-designed and a good buy. ("NYTBR")

10. While scathing and dismissive in debate, he had the knack — unusual in a politician — of winning both the argument and friends. ("G.")

11. A second Jane Sommers novel "If the God Could..." appeared last June, again to respectful reviews but meager sales. ("Nsw.")

12. At present "Scientific technology" occupies a bastard position in the universities, in funding and in the public mind. (P. Goodman)

13. Aunt Rosa fetched cold compresses, aspirins and the family doctor,

who after examining the wound prescribed aspirins and cold compresses. (J. Barth)

14. Spotting a black cab near his home with the keys in the ignition, and needing to pay off a few household debts, Mr.Wilks jumped in and drove off. He worked the cab ranks of Victoria on the night shift. But four days later and £300 the richer, the game was up. ("G.")

15. The senior airline steward was tired. I had been a hard day looking after passengers on the British Midland service between Teeside and London and now all he wanted was a cup of tea and bed. ("T.")

16. At Corpus Christy College I was welcomed by sally Braithwaite, the tutorial secretary. She became a good friend — she is expert on the whereabouts of the tutors and a good provider of tea and conversation.

17. Among other rooms on the second floor is the Petit Bureau, with a glistening chandelier and a view into the courtyard. ("IHT")

18. President Virgilio Barco's war on the cocaine barons won praise abroad and some success at home. ("FT")

19. The most impressive of all seaside ruins is Dunstanbur Cattle. Its tall and craggy towers might have been dreamed by Sir Walter Scott. A clamber to the top of them for the view and a deep lungful of sharp sea air is more pleasure than effort. ("FT")

20. Bengt Westerberg, the Liberal Party leader, is the nice guy of Swedish politics with home-knitted woolly jumpers and progressive views on

human rights that sometimes put him to the left of the Social Democrats. ("G.")

21. After six months and ten deaths, the IRA hunger strike at the Maze prison outside Belfast seemed to be crumbling last week. ("Nsw.")

22. Malcolm Kennedy said after being arrested for drunkenness on the night of December 23 he was taken to a cell in Hammersmith police station, where he dozed off. He was later aware of another man, Patric Quin, aged 55, in cell, and of a fight between him and a policeman. ("G.")

23. Other projects include the renovation of Barcelona's shabby sea-front to make a promenade dotted with fanciful lamps and over-style- conscious cafes — an exclusively playful, toytown conception whose benches gather dust, not strollers. ("G.")

24. "I'm sorry, Patric," she had said, standing at the door of her flat, her baggage packed and visible in the hall behind her, keeping him out. (M. Spark)

25. On hearing that Mr.Profumo was away with Mr.Keeler, Mr.Ivanov visited Valerie Hobson, Mr.Profumo's actress wife, armed with two bottles of vodka and a determination to discover details of the British military machine. ("G.")

26. What present-day reformers really want is a written constitution with the citizen's rights and obligations clearly stated, and to have it available like the Highway Code, for not more than £1. ("T.")

27. The operatic works of G.Mahler are few and unimportant. ("T.")

28. President Bill Clinton arrived in California on Friday for a brief vacation and some advice from former President Ronald Reagan on how to get things accomplished during his first year in office. ("IHT")

29. Although not conventionally handsome, Cornway Twitty had chubby good looks and a busy publicity team which turned him into one of the teenage idols of his day. ("T.")

Дата добавления: 2015-10-13; просмотров: 123 | Нарушение авторских прав

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